Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1387: Pearson

Ritz said that the resistance that lies between the semiconductor business in the east and the enterprises in the country Z is RBguan. After all, the semiconductor business involves the development of core technologies such as server security, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence in the future, and it can even rise to national strategic security. the height of.

   But Yang Cheng feels that the resistance is far more than this. Whether it is military or economic, RB people are forcibly bound by the United States. When such an important resource is about to change hands, can Americans stand loneliness and not come forward to stop them?

Yang Cheng quickly found a set of data. In the NAND flash memory market last quarter, Sanxing ranked first with 2.744 billion US dollars in revenue, accounting for 36.6%; Dongzhi ranked second with 2.027 billion US dollars in market share. At 19.8%, the market position cannot be underestimated.

   In addition, a quarter of the total revenue of Dongzhi Group last year came from the semiconductor business unit, which is enough to prove that its semiconductor business still has a huge influence on a global scale and does not lag behind the neighboring countries in terms of technology.

   Such an important asset, the United States, which considers itself the JC of the world, can not intervene?

   With Yang Cheng's understanding of Americans, the answer is obvious.

   Don’t forget that there are Koreans who are in trouble. At that time, the United States, Japan and South Korea will form an alliance. First, all outsiders will be killed, and then internal consultations. Finally, it will be a closed-door home game. Outsiders are not even qualified to intervene.

   Now that there is a pre-judgment, Yang Cheng simply rejected Ritz’s suggestion, “Focus on the negotiations with Westinghouse Electric. We have no ability or energy to intervene in the semiconductor business.”

  Ritz supports any decision made by Yang Cheng. His only meaning is to give advice, "Understand~"

   Watching Ritz leave the office, Yang Cheng thought for a while, picked up the phone and called Koji Ito.

   "Brother Yang?" The call was quickly connected.

   Yang Cheng smiled, "Brother Ito, where are you happy?"

   Ito Koji smiled embarrassedly, “I’m not in a happy mood. I’ve been exhausted recently at the company and haven’t been to a nightclub for half a month.”

   Yang Cheng smiled, "In this case, I might have to trouble Ito brother a little bit."

Koji Ito said directly, "Brother Yang is referring to Westinghouse Electric? To be honest, I didn't expect them to be so fierce. I had already discussed with the Mitsui family, and the other party was also willing to lower the offer, and quickly get rid of this hot hand. Yam.

  Who would have thought that those old men with rigid brains in our country would have jumped out, and they are still behind the staff making trouble, which is really embarrassing to our country. "

   Yang Cheng also knows the fact that RB people have good face, which is not surprising.

   But the key to the problem is to solve it. You RB people don't lose face, do you have half a dime relationship with Xiaoye?

Ito may have spoken in a quiet place, and deliberately lowered his voice, as if to say something secret, "Brother Yang, I will give you some uncertain news. There are rumors that the conservative-controlled RB Innovation Network Company and RBzheng is planning an investment bank to jointly take down Westinghouse Electric."

   Yang Cheng frowned, "What? Hasn't RB made a decision to restrict the development of nuclear power? Why is there anyone willing to take over?"

   "They think Westinghouse Electric is a bridge between RB and the US military, even if they lose money, they will recognize it." Koji Ito said in a disdainful tone.

   Yang Cheng cursed in a low voice, "Are their brains made of shit?"

   This is a complete change of Heng Seng. He hadn't made any preparations before. He always thought that his competitors were American counterparts.

   At present, Dongzhi is in contact with them. In addition to their family, there is also an investment company from the United States.

   Ito Koji can only comforted, "At present, the Guan Fang is also moving. After all, the opinions of the Mitsui family are very important. If they are determined to sell Westinghouse Electric, the conservatives will also use them."

   Yang Cheng said coldly, "But the crux of the problem is that the Mitsui family is unwilling to tear their faces with the conservatives because of this kind of thing, right? From a certain angle, the Mitsui family and the conservatives are colleagues in the same camp."

   Ito Koji snorted softly, the answer is self-evident!

   Yang Cheng knows that the little RB is not reliable, and the elder brother Tiantian is short, and he can't use it at critical moments. There is a fart.

   Ito couldn't count on it, Yang Cheng thought for a long time, and simply called Matthew Mellon.

   "I'm Matthew~" A weak voice sounded, and Yang Cheng hesitated, "Uh~ Matthew, it's me, Jason Yang."

   "Oh, it's you, how is it? Has Westinghouse got it?" Matthew raised his mind a little and raised the volume.

   Yang Cheng touched his nose, "Although I really want to tell you good news, the reality is cruel. We have not only been blocked by RB conservatives, but also by competition from the United States."

   Matthew was silent for a moment, "So you call me, what do you need me to do?"

   Yang Cheng was originally calling for help, so naturally he would not be hypocritical, "find a way to pressure the RB conservative guan members to let them release the acquisition."

   Matthew sighed, "You should know that one of these favors is one less. Are you sure you want to waste one of them on such small things?"

   Yang Cheng was taken aback, then her face blackened, "Damn, you can't do anything except those favors?"

   Matthew is not embarrassed at all, "No~"

   Yang Chengqiang resisted not swearing the word waste!

   "Forget it, when I didn't call~"

  As Matthew said, those favors are worth a lot of money and must not be wasted on such small things.

   Hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng decided to seek help from an old acquaintance, took out the old Nokia from the desk drawer, replaced the sim card, and called Richard Debin.

   But no one answered. It is estimated that during the meeting, Yang Cheng had to hang up and call again later.

During the    period, Susu took a few documents and gave them to Yang Cheng to sign.

   At this time, Eddie knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, good day~"

   Yang Cheng glanced up, and pointed out, "Sit down first, I'll finish reading the report~"

   Susu politely nodded and smiled with Eddie, and asked what he wanted to drink.

   Yang Cheng said directly, "Come on with two cups of coffee, I also need caffeine to refresh myself."

   Eddie took the opportunity to say, "After the boss and fever took control of the comments, they denounced more and more netizens of Morey, but he still didn't mean to apologize."

   Yang Cheng smiled disdainfully, "This guy has made brain-dead comments one after another, which is really disgusting. He has the ability to quit his multi-million-dollar job before talking."

   Eddie smiled politely, "Impossible, he knew that once he resigned, no one would hire him again.

   I heard that Country Z has also had a great response to this incident. "

   "It's normal. I can't make other people's money and discriminate against people's skin color. No, we should be used. I also have yellow skin." Yang Cheng said with a sneer.

"Yeah, this guy doesn't know what to think. How much money has the NBA made in Country Z these years? There are always billions of dollars? In the end, he doesn't want to cheat and discriminate. If there is a chance, I I really want to ask him what he thinks in person."

With regard to Morey’s matter, Eddie was very clearly on Yang Cheng’s side, even if Yang Cheng was not his boss. He hated racial discrimination in the first place, not to mention Morey’s behavior of eating inside and out was typical. His morals are degraded, and he cannot be overstated how to deal with it.

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Follow him, as long as he doesn't apologize for a day, don't stop fever."

   Ediron said, "I understand~"

   Yang Cheng was still puzzled, "I have to talk to the Nets when I look back, and when I see the Rockets in the future, I will be beaten to death!"

   After letting go of harsh words, Yang Cheng remembered the business, "What are you doing here? Just to talk about it?"

   Eddie laughed and shook his head. He just followed Yang Cheng's indignation and almost forgot the big event.

   "A few days ago, I had a video conference with Weatherrow in the UK. He said that boss, you have instructions, are you going to continue to acquire British traditional media?"

   Yang Cheng suddenly, it turned out to be the matter, "You misunderstood, I did not say that it must be, but that if there is a good acquisition target, we should not miss it."

   Eddie nodded, "I'm here for this. I just received news from my friends that the acquisition negotiations for the Financial Times broke down between the British Pearson Group and RB's largest news media, Nikkei.

   I think we can get in. "

   Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, "Oh? Really? I remember the scandals of the acquisition of these two groups have been rumored for several years."

   Eddie affirmed, "I can be 100% sure. The news comes from my old friend Marjorie Catineau, who is the former president of Pearson Group.

   In fact, the breakdown of the negotiations is also due to her, because the "Financial Times" is an old asset of Pearson Group, with a history of nearly 60 years. Marjorie even said: Want to sell the Financial Times? Step over my corpse first! "

   Yang Cheng is not surprised by this fierce language But since the other party is unwilling to sell the Financial Times, is it necessary for New Times Media to intervene?

   Or Eddie has his own thinking?

   "Are you sure Marjorie will not use the same method on us, causing us to follow the footsteps of the Nikkei News Corporation and repeat the same mistakes?"

Eddie chuckled, "I have the confidence to convince her that when Marjorie took over the Pearson Group, the Pearson Group at the time was sitting on the three major assets of Longman Group, Financial Times Group and Penguin Group. Not only that. At that time, many non-publishing businesses were also operating, such as the famous London Wax Museum.

   However, after Marjorie took office, she drastically carried out a strategic reorganization of the group's business, clarifying the group's core business-based on education, information and mass publishing.

According to the strategy she formulated at the time, the Pearson Group sold assets unrelated to its core business, such as the London Wax Museum, and at the same time acquired related businesses and carried out structural adjustments, thus forming the world’s largest education centered on lifelong education. Publishing Group, Financial Times Group, which mainly provides world-class business information services, and Penguin Group, which mainly provides first-class public books and reference books.

   It can be said that she is the pioneer of the Pearson Group in terms of large-scale weight loss. She should have a very tolerant heart for the transformation of the group! "

   is not over. . .


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