Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1366: plead? impossible

   Yang Cheng holds the unfolded newspaper in one hand, and a small piece of fish floss in the other, with a smile on his face, and his mood is as bright as the sun.

   This is the end of betrayal. A sense of accomplishment is more than making a hundred million.

   But he was a little curious, so he asked, "Carson, where did you find this furious material?"

  Carson was sitting on the other side, with a cup of tea in front of him, but he didn't move much. Hearing Yang Cheng's question, he recalled for a long time before saying, "I remember I learned from a milk delivery boy.

Recosta took advantage of the family’s trip and brought his lover home. The covert manner caught the attention of the breast-delivery student. Then we paid £20 to get this clue and followed Check it down. "

   Yang Cheng sighed, sure enough, people can't do bad things, otherwise they will show up sooner or later.

   "However, Weatherrow was cruel enough to hand over such informative news to his opponent."

   "But the "Sun" has a wider audience, and this kind of gossip is easier to spread." Carson helped explain.

   Yang Cheng nodded without speaking, and continued to read the news, "It is reported that the betrayal of the betrayal of the billionaire's wife has been kept in the dark.

   Until the beginning of this year, when the rich man and his wife attended a large charity event in Liverpool, the rich man’s wife flirted with Recosta all night and made him suspicious.

   When the rich man was convinced that his wife had betrayed him, he was very angry. He even said: I want to crucify the **** Recosta alive!

   In fact, what makes the rich man sad the most is that she loves his wife so much and satisfies all her luxury consumption as much as possible, but she still treats herself like this.

   Let us mourn for the rich man for half a minute.

   However, this is not the end. The humiliated rich man warned his wife many times, but the latter not only failed to constrain, but was bolder.

   A month ago, in order to please Recosta, she actually swiped the credit card given by the rich man and paid 6,000 pounds for a long-term surgery.

   The helpless rich man has moved out of the mansion and has filed for divorce from his wife, but his wife begs for the ugly family.

Two days before the    report was published, the rich man accidentally received a report letter from an anonymous person. The letter listed all the details of the rich man’s wife and Recosta’s affair.

   The unbearable rich man finally made a formal request for divorce to the court.

   According to the reporter, the court is currently hearing the case.

   What can make the rich man even more chilling is that his wife has used a lawyer to forbid him from entering the house before he is married. "

   Seeing this, Yang Cheng suddenly raised her head and asked, "You sent that anonymous letter, right?"

   Carson firmly denied, "No, I don't have time to participate in other people's housework."

   Yang Cheng guessed, "That's Weatherrow?"

   "Forget it, whoever sent it, did a good job, I believe Recosta will never dare to face this rich man in the future, or he will be killed."

   put down the newspaper, took a refreshing sip of tea, and then played with the taste, "I don't know what Recosta is going to do now?"

   Carson smiled brilliantly, "Maybe he is thinking about how to call for mercy?"

Yes, although this is a joke, he was right, but he was right. At this moment, in the London house he just bought, Recosta held his phone bitterly and tried to dial several times. Tong Yang Cheng's cell phone, but put it down dejectedly.

   He knew very well in his heart that there must be Yang Cheng behind this incident.

   When he chose to find a new backer, he had the consciousness of being revenge, but he didn't expect the revenge to come so quickly. Before the two sides broke completely, he had already killed the killer.

   Will the Bute family go to war with Yang Cheng for a double-hearted chess piece that has not yet fully reconciled? Recosta expressed doubts.

   Just now, Recosta called his friends in the media circle to try to communicate with the "Sun" and ask the other party to stop tracking the news, but they all ended in failure.

   He forgot that "The Sun" originally focused on gossip news, not to mention that he was a member of Parliament, it was royal news. For the sake of sales and influence, he would never be soft when reporting.

What's more, Weatherrow personally greeted this. For the face of the new era media, the Sun will not easily accept Recosta’s request unless Recosta dares to commit crimes. Profit is worth considering.

   Anxiously, Recosta put the phone on Ian El’s cell phone, and wanted to seek relaxation through Ian El.

   "Ian, it's me~" Recosta said in a frustrated tone.

The phone has caller ID. How can Ian El not know who the other party is, but he still pretends that he doesn’t know anything, "Oh? Uncle Costa, is there something? I’m in a meeting here, so it’s not convenient to listen. phone."

   Recosta thought Ian El was deliberately shitting, and hurriedly said, "Ian, don't hang up, it's because I helped you in the past."

   Ian El hesitated, after all, he didn't hang up, just listened indifferently.

   "I know what happened this time is wrong with me, but I also have difficulties. I want to talk to Mr. Yang in person and hope he can listen to me explain."

Hearing that Recosta tried his best to maintain his demeanor, but the tone of the world was almost pleading. Ian El was full of disappointment. He did not know the boss very well, but he also knew that when facing a What kind of decisive attitude.

   What makes Ian Al even more chilling is that he was personally responsible for the introduction and said a lot of good things in front of Yang Cheng, but what did Recosta do? Have you considered Ian El’s situation before choosing to betray?

   Obviously no, there was not even a hint, so he put him on the cusp of the storm, annoyingly, seeing the matter exposed, he even wanted him to save his life.

   Ian El was extremely disappointed, "The boss can't see you. Fortunately, you didn't do anything to harm the boss's interests, so he won't kill him."

   Recosta shouted anxiously, "I'm still useful to Mr. Yang, believe me, as long as I meet him, he will listen to me explain."

   Ian El was in the office, looking up at the ceiling, and said disappointedly, "No, I won't help you. In front of the boss, I will pretend that nothing happened, even you are not there.

   If you really want to get it back, go find the boss by yourself and see if he wants to see you. "

   Ray Costa yelled hysterically, "No, you can't do this to me, you forget who made you where you are today? Who gave you a bite of food? Who supported your domineering work in Liverpool?

it's me! You damn, ungrateful bastard! "


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