Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1310: Mellon of Baltimore

Baltimore, a city where you don’t have to go wandering around, because if you don’t pay attention, you will become the protagonist of the Jing scheme.

Of course, the whole city of Baltimore is not chaotic. At least in the university area, such as the famous University of Maryland, public security is still relatively acceptable. Note that it is relative. Compared with the chaotic areas of Baltimore West and Baltimore East, it is not bad. OK.

A line of 3 black Escalades drove past the bumpy Baltimore West. How bad the road was, Yang Cheng felt his stomach upset and almost vomited out for breakfast.

"Is this the only way to enter downtown Baltimore?" Yang Cheng asked, enduring disgust.

Zhao Anqi also looked unhappy, not because of the issue of bodyguards' routing, but regretting that she had brought it to Baltimore.

However, there was no danger at all, and the road was a bit rotten, so that in broad daylight, criminals would sleep in at home and have no time to make chaos in the street.

Passing the border of Baltimore West, the road conditions improved all of a sudden, showing how ‘discriminatory’ the Baltimore City ZF is against that piece of garbage.

For the first time I feel so comfortable walking on a flat road~

"Sister Anqi, who are we going to meet?"

At this time, Zhao Anqi is no longer selling her off. "I went to meet an old friend. She was in a bad mood recently. It happened that I was in Washington and I came to see her."

she was? female?

Yang Cheng didn’t ask any further questions. The car turned the main road and drove south for a short time. Looking at the sign, he entered Charles Street. Not far away is one of the two most famous universities in Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, as an academic researcher. The university is as famous as Harvard in the United States, and is also the top private university in the United States.

Another well-known university is naturally the University of Maryland, but the University of Maryland is public, and it is better known for their NCAA team.

The team eventually stopped outside an innovative building near Johns Hopkins University, opposite the Wye Yan School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, where Michael Bloomberg of Bloomberg News graduated.

After getting out of the car, Zhao Anqi dialed the phone and hung up without getting connected. Just when Yang Cheng wanted to ask what was going on, a woman in a white coat walked out of the automatic gate and walked towards Zhao Anqi. The two embraced gently, "An Qi, you said you wanted to see me, I thought it was a joke."

"How is it possible? When did I make this kind of joke? By the way, let me introduce you. This is Jason Yang from New Times Media."

He turned his head and introduced to Yang Cheng, "Mindy, PhD in biotechnology."

It seemed that the two were about 10 years old and didn't know how they met. Yang Cheng pressed the question in his heart, and the other party shook hands politely.

Mindy's body was thin, almost skinny, but his mental state was not bad, not like a body deformed due to external forces.

The two are not familiar, so there is no more nonsense, Mindy said sideways, "Let's go, sit in my office, I'm sorry I have an important experiment, I can't leave the laboratory."

Zhao Anqi quickly said, "It's okay, I just came here to see you, how is your father?"

As he walked in, Zhao Anqi cared.

Mindy sighed, "It's still the same. Recently I was persuading him to go to the hospital for treatment, but you know his temper, no one can persuade him."

Zhao Anqi hesitated, "Did your two brothers have a fight again?"

"Yes, no surprises, so I would rather live in the laboratory than go home."

Yang Cheng followed behind, listening quietly, looking left and right. From the appearance of the building, it looked more like a museum or a concert hall, but it was discovered that it was a biotechnology laboratory with a sci-fi interior decoration. , The whole body is spotlessly white, with the feel of a Hollywood science fiction film.

But when I walked from the door to the elevator, I didn’t even meet anyone. It is surprising that a laboratory of this level should be of the level of doctors walking everywhere, not to mention doctors, even the security guards did not see one. Are you afraid of leaking important experimental data?

After entering the elevator, I finally saw a color other than white. Mindy placed her palm in the scanning area. The LCD screen displayed the words of successful authentication. The elevator door closed and started silently.

It took a few seconds to reopen, but I don't know which floor I am on at this time.

Stepping out of the elevator, Mindy suddenly said to Yang Cheng, "You also invest in biological genes?"

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment. Just about to answer, Zhao Anqi winked and said ambiguously, "Have invested in biopharmaceutical companies, and dabble in genetics."

Mindy nodded happily, "No wonder Angie brought you here."

He was at a loss and didn't know what was going on. He could only laugh twice, hoping that Zhao Anqi could give him a reasonable explanation.

Turning the corridor, one laboratory is separated by glass. The scientists in the experiment are fully equipped with white biochemical suits, goggles, and masks.

Right, this is what a high-tech laboratory looks like, Yang Cheng said.

Walking through the white corridor, there are laboratories in different departments on the left and right sides. Yang Cheng couldn't see why after watching it for a long time. He couldn't help but hate that he did not dabble in biology-related knowledge.

"The experiment has reached a critical stage, so I won't take you in for a tour. Let's take a look outside? Actually, there is nothing to see."

This is true, but the point is that you, as the host, speak so directly, it is too shameful for the guests, right?

Forget it, Zhao Anqi's friends can't afford it.

Yang Cheng stood outside the glass window with his hands on his back and looked at the dander tissue on a mouse that seemed to be glass by the scientist inside. He shuddered. Countless movies proved that the world was destroyed by this group of lunatics.

Mindy, who is separated by Zhao Anqi, seems to feel Yang Cheng's and smiled lightly, "Don't be afraid, we are not BT, we are all formal scientific experiments."

Yang Cheng looked at Mindy again, full of the ‘naive’ of Little Red Riding Hood when he watched Big Bad Wolf, so listen seriously!

Zhao Anqi didn't understand either, but she could connect, "Once your research is successful, the Mellon family will reappear in the eyes of the world."

Yang Cheng was shocked, what? Mellon? Mindy's last name is Mellon?

Looking at Mindy is a little unbelievable. Of course, the shock is because of Mellon's past achievements, not the fear of the Mellon family. After all, the current Mellon consortium has no relationship with the Mellon family.

In addition to the annual fixed infrared, the surnamed Mellon has completely separated from the family business. It is sad that the direct heirs of the super trusts that used to be as famous as Rockefeller and Morgan have fallen to the point of living on the new du product. No wonder just now Anqi Zhao cared about Mindy's father, who turned out to be the offspring of that famous prodigal son.

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