Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1308: Specialties in Washington

The next day, Yang Cheng woke up early, because he had to meet before Kari went to work and have breakfast together.

Yesterday, I had toss with Yang Cheng for most of the night. In addition, when she was middle-aged, she was extremely lethargic. When Yang Cheng got up, Zhao Anqi didn't react at all and fell asleep.

Walking out of the hotel door, the sun came out early, and the sky was blue, with only a few thin clouds dotted in the sky. Taking a deep breath of slightly humid air, it seemed that I could feel the fresh sea breeze from the Atlantic Ocean.

After not walking a few steps, Yang Cheng found that many food trucks had been opened on the street, and they were selling breakfast for people who got up early to work. The types were nothing more than those. Hot dogs or burgers with a piece of fries and coffee, hot dogs accounted for the majority. Snacks are simple and delicious. The important thing is to ensure the calories needed for work in the morning, which is why hot dogs can become a national delicacy.

The owner of Bai Gong and the addicts in the slums can hardly resist the charm of hot dogs.

Moreover, if you are a tourist, randomly stop the local residents and ask which is the most famous restaurant in Washington?

So, at least 60% of the answers you can get are not high-end restaurants, but Ben\'sChiliBowl (Ben's hot dogs), a small shop located in the northwest of Washington.

They don't have many dishes, they mainly sell burgers, hot dogs and chili.

Chili here does not refer to chili, but a meat sauce unique to the shop. More vividly, the minced pork sauce, which is similar to the Taiwanese style, is a kind of pickle stewed with two kinds of ground meat. Of course , The taste is not the same as Taiwanese minced pork.

However, the way of eating is similar. You can eat with bread dipped, wiped, or eaten bite by bite. You can also pour it on rice. But here, adding it to burgers and hot dogs is the most popular. Welcome way.

Countless celebrities in the celebrities in the celebrities are all super fans of this store. They are public and private. After coming here, Kari also fell in love with Ben's hot dogs. He specially arranged breakfast here in order to let Yang Cheng experience it. The characteristics of Washington.

The two met at the door of the store. Yang Cheng, who thought he was coming early, came to the store slowly, and found that Kari had been waiting for a long time, standing beside a cute bear statue outside the store, wearing a sportswear. With a towel wrapped around his neck and steaming on top of his head, it seemed that he was running all the way.

"Get up for a morning run in such a good spirit?" Yang Cheng and Kari punched each other good morning, and then joked.

The card was very respectful to Yang Cheng, he did not forget who sent himself to Washington.

"I have always had the habit of running in the morning, and I was a bit slack in LA before, and picked it up again after I came to Washington. It's not a mistake." Cary said quite contentedly.

Yang Cheng didn't think too much, personal hobbies, not to mention that morning running is not a bad thing.

It’s just that Kari’s words are more than just an answer. After so many years of slack in the morning run, he just picked it up and picked it up?

What he didn’t say was that after coming to Washington, he took the opportunity to get to know a lot of big names in the zheng industry, although they were worse than Richard Debin, but as more and more people came into contact, Kari’s vision After a lot of development, you have the ambition to climb up, how can you just hang on the tree Yang Cheng and Richard Debin?

It's just that he can't tell Yang Cheng these words, the pupils all know the fate of the traitor.

Kari said that the store was very popular, and if it was too late, there would be no place, so the two of them stopped chatting and went straight into the store.

Before entering the door, Yang Cheng also found that there was a restaurant called "Ben\'sNextdoor" next door. The decoration should belong to a more formal and high-end restaurant, and the owner might be the same person.

Entering the store, Kari said that there are two dining areas inside and outside. The one outside is already full of people, and there are people waiting in line. Many of them are tourists who come to the pilgrimage from other places, even if they have not eaten delicious hot dogs. , Just standing here is already filled with a happy smile.

The menu is hung on the wall and you can see it when you look up, but it's mostly a combination of ingredients. Yang Cheng didn't take a closer look. He left the task of ordering to Kari, and went to occupy a seat in it. Otherwise, look at this posture, etc. They can only squat outside to eat if they order a good meal.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Cary walked over with the dinner plate, sat down and breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't say F~B~I when ordering here, even if Comrade Guanhai is here, it's not easy, just like fighting.

Try it, it's all I often eat, and I want a coke for my drink. "

Yangcheng swept it in a circle. It is very simple. A vegetable salad is a salad made of raw cabbage, carrots, onions and other vegetables shredded with mayonnaise and a special milkshake. It is sweet and refreshing, which relieves greasiness and appetite. The effect is good.

Then there are the freshly baked coarse fries and potato chips.

The main character is naturally the restaurant’s signature "half-smoke" hot dog. The sliced ​​bread is sandwiched with homemade sausages made of pork and beef. They are grilled until they are slightly charred and covered with a thick chili sauce. , Seeing that it is not as eye-catching as yellow mustard, this chili sauce looks like shit, which makes people dislike it.

Cary smiled, "Don't look at the appearance, close your eyes and taste the taste, you will never be disappointed."

Even so many people lingered, Yang Cheng also understood that the taste could not be wrong, opened his mouth and took a fierce bite. The rich meat sauce instantly filled his mouth. The homemade sausages met all people's expectations for meat, slightly grilled. The skin is crispy and burnt, and it complements the aroma of the bread. If you have to describe that feeling, it is probably satisfaction!

Yang Cheng's food was fairly elegant, and Kari solved a common hot The grilled meat sausage was not so burnt, so I don't know the difference with "half cigarette".

While eating French fries, he introduced to Yang Cheng, "Because of some special history of this store, many black stars have become loyal fans."

When talking about black people, his voice was very low, for fear of being mistaken for racial discrimination. In Washington, this situation should be paid special attention.

When Yang Cheng ate the hot dogs, Yu Guang noticed the new guests, the ones that brought their own BGM. At first glance, they were the zheng guests walking around on Capitol Hill. He looked straight and looked like he was different from other hot dogs. , His diamond, others eat shit.

The woman who followed, even in the crowded star snack bar, had to maintain a superior posture. The 12 cm high heels under her feet creaked on the ground and walked cautiously step by step. Ordinary tile floors are very unfriendly to high-heeled shoes, especially those with heels that look like a pin. I really don’t know if I came to eat or practice walking.

In this way, the woman didn't forget to cover her mouth and nose with her handkerchief, and she didn't know what the smell was so unbearable.

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