Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1301: Friends have to exchange

"Jason~ you know, my mother is not easy to persuade."

Bi Xiafu took a sip of wine, set against the dim light, and her answer made Yang Cheng feel gloomy.

"My mother is a very assertive person. If she doesn't want to do it, no one's persuasion is useful, including me."

Bishafer's words are equivalent to sprinkling salt on the wound, for fear that you won't die.

Yang Cheng didn't understand. In his opinion, it was a small matter, and it was harmless to Anna Wintour, and could not think of a reason for rejection.

At least he can't think of it!

Bishafer's words took turns, "Of course, I will be there for the meeting tomorrow."

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, bee, you know how grateful I am."

"Ha~ When we get married, you don't forget to be there." Bi Xiafu didn't plan to report the favor.

But Yang Cheng is very good at being a human being, "Even if there is a world war, I will rush over. By the way, if you need help with your wedding, please contact me. Anything is fine."

Regardless of Anna Wintour's relationship, Bishafer is very popular in the New York second-generation circle, and can be friends with anyone, as is Yang Cheng.

"Well, I won't be polite if needed."

Afterwards, the chat was much easier. I learned from Bishafu that her fiance turned out to be the son of the former editor-in-chief of "Vogue" in Italy. relationship.

This love history is enough to be adapted into a movie script.

"Where have you worked recently?" Yang Cheng asked casually.

Bishafu glanced at her boyfriend and smiled, "I am now a producer on a talk show."

Yang Cheng was surprised. He knew that Bishafu rarely participated in the fashion industry, but becoming a talk show producer did not expect him. After all, her mother is a famous'devil' in the fashion circle. .

"Talk show? Chicken feather show?"

"Yes, does Seth Meyers know about the NBC show? It succeeded Jimmy Fat Lun's late night show, now called "LateNightwithSethMeyers""

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "I seem to have watched it on TV. In one issue, the guest was Jessica Alba?"

"Yes, those are the first few issues after I took over, how about? Not bad, right?" Bi Xiafu looked like a little girl seeking praise.

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Of course, don't look at who produced the show."

After a short pause, "I have a suggestion that you can think about it. You should be one of the co-producers right now?"

Bishafu said truthfully, "Yes, although I really want to lead a show alone, there are strict promotion rules in NBC, and I must abide by it."

What is waiting is this sentence, "Then have you thought about changing to a new environment?"

Bisha Fu was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"CW TV station, you forgot. This is my TV station. It has undergone several revisions in the past year, including dramas and news columns. It has made great progress, and the ratings have risen steadily. It is only a matter of time before it can catch up with Fox."

Bishafu concealed his heartbeat with her slapped hair, "I remember that CW TV also has its own talk show, right?"

Yang Cheng spread his hands and relentlessly murmured at his show, "You have also seen something like shit. If it weren't for a substitute, I would have ordered it to be replaced, a waste of money and time!"

Now Bishafer is useless to cover up, "Jason, I admit, this is a very exciting proposal."

Yang Cheng smiled faintly, "Of course, I won't deceive my friends, don't rush to give me a conclusion, think about it slowly, I am willing to wait for you."

After a sip of the wine, the refreshing taste of mint made his mind sober, "You have a wealth of production experience, as well as a successful experience, and your contacts should not be underestimated. What you need now is just a platform to prove yourself. NBC, no matter how hard you work, your success needs to be shared with others.

Of course, I am not advising you to be selfish, but I hope you can consider your career. How many more years are there for you to waste? "

Bishafer smiled and sighed, "Jason, it's been a long time since I saw you, your eloquence is getting better and better, if you say you are now the boss of a headhunting company, I will definitely believe it."

Yang Cheng nodded unexpectedly, "I have the potential in this area and can consider acquiring a headhunting company."

Bi Xiafu clutched his forehead, "Damn, you big tyrant, you are so different to show off your wealth."

Yang Cheng was shameless, "Thank you for the praise of this beautiful lady. It is my honor."

The two of them looked at each other and laughed. At this moment, Bishafer's boyfriend was very depressed and took a sip of wine. He found that he was completely unable to intervene, like a supporting actor who had been excluded, licking a dog for a lifetime.

It’s not to blame for him. Bishafer is also an alcoholic, and a friend who hasn’t seen him for a long time. I have a good chat, but I can still take care of so much. Like other celebrities, when she was single, she was not at home when she was single. A woman’s character, her figure is indispensable for parties and things, and fools know what will happen afterwards.

Of course, character and partying are two different things, and those who are keen on parties are not necessarily bad guys.

Bishafer's character is worthy of certification.

"Well, I will seriously consider your suggestion when I go back. Please give me some time."

"I said, you have plenty of time. If you think about it, call me at any time, or come directly to the company to find me. You do not need to make an appointment."

One sentence once again brought the two closer together, telling each other brightly that you have privileges with me, and similar words can always give people a good impression.

However, what the two knew was that this was only an exchange of benefits. Bi Xiafu helped Yang Cheng persuade her mother, and Yang Cheng provided a stage to prove himself. Everyone got what they needed, and it was impossible to say who owed them. Who, aren’t friends just for mutual use?

"The development of CW TV station is really good recently. I heard from my colleagues that you seem to be creating a live sports ecology?" Now that I talked about TV stations, Bishafu naturally has to ask more. After all, CW TV station is likely to be her future work and life. You must know more about the place.

Yang Cheng didn’t sell the game, and said bluntly, “Yes, after I took over the CW TV station, I found that the status of the TV station was not very good. Apart from a few influential American dramas, I couldn’t find any bright spots, let alone other The four major TV stations are competing for ratings, and changes are imperative.

After researching, I found that live sports is a breakthrough.

You also know that Americans love sports. Live events led by the four major sports leagues and related derivative programs can drive tens of billions of dollars each year. This is by no means a small amount, but compared to American TV shows with longer cycles. It’s easier to intervene in production and live events. To put it bluntly, as long as you are willing to spend money, the live broadcast copyright is yours, and you don’t need to consider issues such as scripts and stars.

So, as you have seen, we are doing pretty well. NBA, NFL and Premier League events have been set up on CW TV station, and there are also exclusive live broadcasts of regional clubs in other sports leagues. Now the live broadcast system constructed by CW TV station has been thoroughly completed. Stand on your heels.

The number of subscribers is on the rise, and the growth rate will hit a new high every month. "

After hearing this, Bishafu sighed, "Awesome, this move not only broke the blockade of other TV stations, but also revived the reputation of CW TV station.

Most of the viewers watching sports events are young people. Once the viewing habits of this group are cultivated, it is easy to cultivate a group of loyal users, which is the biggest asset of a TV station. "

Yang Cheng couldn't help being surprised, "I didn't expect you to have management skills?"

Bi Xiafu gave him a blank look, "So, in your eyes, am I just a little girl who played with you?"

Yang Cheng laughed dumbly. He didn't dare to answer this. Fortunately, Bi Xiafu was also a joke, and said, "Anyway, CW TV station has a stable audience. It is only good for a new talk show. There is no harm."

"This is inevitable. The two sides have a linkage relationship, and can you consider moving our talk show closer to the sports theme? There is no need to completely imitate the Tonight Show or the Late Night Show. If you want to make a big hit, it must have some characteristics. Things to attract the audience."

He explicitly and secretly pulled Bishaful to his side, and the other party did not dislike the term ‘us’.

"Yes, this is a great idea, maybe I should make a plan overnight."

Seeing Bi Xiafu's serious and serious face, Yang Cheng half-joked, "You just said that you want to consider it? Then, can I assume that you have agreed to my invitation now?"

Bishafu's tone was stagnant, and she was not a hypocritical person, and she answered almost without thinking, "You have said so, and if I consider it aside, I am afraid it will hurt your heart? Well, I promised, but you I need to give me time to hand over the job, and I have to join the job in 1 month at the earliest.

Of course, during this period, I will come up with a complete production plan report to you. I believe that CW TV will also need to review it internally, right? "

Yang Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand and shook Bi Xiafu lightly, "A wise decision, rest assured, with me behind to support you, your actions on the TV station will be a green light.

As for the review process is necessary, even if I can tell, I have to explain it to my colleagues and management at the TV station. I hope you can understand. "

Bixiafu smiled sweetly, "This is necessary, I won't indulge in your support, I can't let you down, right?"

Yang Cheng raised his glass, "Cheers to our next cooperation, and wish you a better career?"

"I also wish our TV station overtake its rivals and become the king of the TV media field."

"Ha, I borrowed your words from you, but I believe that with your participation, this goal will not be far away."

"So that's it for today? There are countless ideas that have popped up in my mind, and I need to record them."

"Well, that's it, but don't forget tomorrow's appointment, noon or afternoon, anyway, wait for me to call~"

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