Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1299: See Mr. Tong doesn’t have so many rules

"Obviously the Newhouse family does not possess such qualities.

In addition, compared with newspapers that can be bought by giants and used as public welfare undertakings, fashion media's own consumption physique obviously does not receive any sympathy.

Especially in today's fashion communication field, the right to speak has been increasingly seized by Internet celebrities and fashion bloggers. In addition, social media without intermediaries to make a difference allows brands to directly interact with users, making fashion media even more redundant.

In the past, the newcomers beat the old, but now the outsiders are better than the insiders. Condé Nast is obviously useless to say not to sell.

Moreover, regardless of our judgment, Condé Nast's current strategy of change is based on its own brand appeal to create more possibilities for generating advertising revenue. In the final analysis, it is the traditional advertising sales model, which just moves the sales behavior from offline. When you arrive online, do you think this is a long-term solution?

I think this is a dying struggle, so the key factor in deciding whether to sell Condé Nast or not is time, because advertisers can't wait, and readers don't want to wait.

If there is no genius and creativity to reform, or the emergence of new technologies to change the fate of traditional media, for "vogue" and even the entire Condé Nast group, the best destination is to become the content production department of a certain technology giant one day in the future. . "

Eddie sighed deeply, Yang Cheng's point of view convinced him, "Then what should we do?"

Yang Cheng smiled and patted Eddie on the shoulder, making it as if the ages of the two had turned over, "If you really want to acquire, I'll give you a suggestion. Don't waste time with Condé Nast's management. Contact directly. Their shareholders, give them enough benefits, even their Lao Tzu's urn can be sold. It's just a company, and the green knife is the bright future!"

Eddie solemnly said, "I see, I will contact the Newhouse family now."

Yang Cheng stopped, "Don't worry, although the management does not care about it, it would be really troublesome to strike out for me.

By the way, who is the current CEO of Condé Nast? "

Eddie hesitated for a moment, "As far as I know, the CEO's position is in the handover period. The original CEO Chuck is about to retire, and the new CEO will have President Bob Salberg as no surprise."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "In other words, Condé Nast has a short power vacuum?"

Eddie nodded, "Yes~"

Yang Cheng pressed his fist heavily, "Then it will be easy. You can take the shares held by the Newhouse family as quickly as possible, and then ask to reorganize the management of the head office, and talk about the shares of other small shareholders slowly."

Eddie was very motivated. "Well, I believe the Newhouse family will not be an obstacle to us."

Yang Cheng sneered, "It's best to do so. I suggest you prepare with both hands, hold the other person's handle, and don't give them a chance to speak loudly."

Eddie is no longer the former Eddie. Not to mention that his personality has changed drastically, but he will never be soft-hearted in the face of interest issues. "Boss, rest assured, I don’t believe that their family has no bank loans. Banks urged the loans in advance and put pressure on them."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, this level is enough to deal with a small family with no strength, "Yes, go and do it, call me if you have something, I will solve it."

Eddie hurriedly left, Yang Orange thought for a while, and was not prepared to stay here any longer. Condé Nast had a volume of more than 10 billion, no matter how weak it was, he should not be taken lightly, he must be fully prepared.

First sent Susu home, and then contacted his mother. Hearing that she was still busy at the company, she killed her.

Liu Yun's office, knowing that her son is coming, didn't look up, "Say something, I'm going through it quickly~"

Yang Cheng asked for something, but the dog-legs couldn't do it. After pouring the tea and busy, she annoyed Liu Yun, and threw the signature pen with a clatter, "Do you want to say?"

Seeing Liu Yun's sullen face, Yang Cheng didn't dare to talk back. He disturbed Liu Yun at work. He was already worried, "Well, mom, do you have time tomorrow morning? Would you like breakfast?"

Liu Yun sneered, "Weasel give New Year to the chicken~"

Yang Cheng is speechless, who is the weasel? Who is a chicken?

Well, I didn't dare to say that if I borrowed him 100 dogs, and said flatteringly, "Yes, let me just say it straight, I want to see Anna Wintour, can you help me introduce it?"

Liu Yun's expression finally eased, "What did you see her doing suddenly?"

Yang Cheng sat down and said, "I am going to acquire Condé Nast, the parent company of "vogue". I am worried about management problems. I told Anna Wintour in advance and invited her to be the new CEO."

Liu Yun was very surprised, "You want to buy "vogue"?"

"It's Condé Nast! Of course, "vogue" is among them."

Liu Yun really did not expect that her son would actually buy "vogue" one day. He is not a person in the fashion circle and will never understand the position of "vogue" in the circle, even if he uses more language to describe it.

And Anna Wintour is Liu Yun's idol. Is the idol going to work for her own family? Oh my god, isn't today April Fool's Day?

Well, Rao has seen Liu Yun who has seen countless winds and waves. At this moment, she is also a little bit overwhelmed by Yang Cheng's news, and her thinking ability has dropped rapidly.

The stunned expression remained for 2 minutes before digesting the news that was enough to shock the entire fashion circle. He exhaled heavily, "No problem, I will make an appointment for you, but I cannot make an appointment for breakfast."

Yang Cheng didn't know Anna Wintour, but she had met several times before, and asked, "What's wrong? Inconvenient?"

Liu Yun shook her head, "You don't know, the reason why Anna is called the devil is that apart from her rigorous work and domineering behavior, her robotic life is also an important reason. Otherwise, how could she become the devil who commands everyone? Where's the head?"

Yang Cheng still didn't understand, "So the devil doesn't eat breakfast?"

Liu Yun glared at him, "Of course not. It's just that she can't see outsiders at breakfast. Anna gets up at 5 o'clock every day, goes to play tennis first, and then goes to the 12th floor of a building in Times Square in the center of New York with meticulous make-up." Vogue" magazine office, began her day at work.

From 8 to 9 in the morning, she will show up at the Starbucks downstairs on time, drinking coffee while working.

Before 11 o'clock in the evening, she must go home to be with her family.

And she is very punctual, whether it is meetings or shows, Anna is on time, never late. During the fashion week, she can often be seen sitting in the front row alone, waiting for the fashion show to arrive early. "

Yang Cheng was speechless. Speaking of her idol, Liu Yun immediately turned into a little fan and talked endlessly.

"So? At what time can she see people? I'm in a hurry. I'd better see her tomorrow."

Liu Yun was very dissatisfied that her words were interrupted, but her son's business was not a trivial matter. She tilted her head and thought, "I'll help you make an appointment with her for lunch tomorrow. I don't know if she has an appointment. If it doesn't work, just have lunch? "

"I can do it, look at the arrangement~"

Liu Yun nodded, "Okay, wait for my notice. By the way, I remind you, don't talk nonsense. Anna's personality is indeed a bit weird. She sees people purely based on her own preferences. If you don't like you, you will even owe a smile."

Yang Cheng was speechless, MMP, she deserved to be a devil, and there weren't so many rules for Mr. Tong.

However, the more such a person is, the stronger his abilities, and Yang Cheng is not a child, so naturally he will not get angry.

And he has also heard the legend of the Devil's Devil, about those who have offended her, have been dealt with miserably, his own personality is strange and changeable, and outsiders are elusive.

The "Queen Wearing Prada" even spread the image of Anna Devil to the whole world, because the original work of this film was written by Anna's former assistant Lauren Weissberg based on his hardship experience.

In his book, Lauren portrays Miranda (the prototype is Anna Wintour) as a "devil" who pursues perfection, is as delicate as a needle, is bitter, cold and powerful.

As a woman on the spire of the fashion circle, Anna was very unhappy with such innuendo at first. When this film was about to be made into a movie, she also called the lead actor Aunt Mei: "We two are forged!", not only In this way, she also warned all people in the fashion industry not to participate in the filming of this film.

But, who can understand her evil taste? Finally, at the premiere of the movie, Anna wore a Prada, and she was not surprised by the unexpected eyes, and her contemptuous eyes seemed to say: I like to see you scumbags who can’t understand me and show me helplessness. !

Although it is said that because of this movie Anna's "devil's head" hat can not be removed, but also because of this movie, Anna began to walk from behind the scenes to the front, and more and more spotlights began Focusing on this fashion female demon, she began to write autobiography and make documentaries, and more and more people are fascinated by her personality.

Regardless of whether the indomitable and domineering fashion tyrant played by Aunt Mei in the movie is true or not, Anna in reality is indeed a queen who does her own way. If in the fashion circle, "Vogue" is a bible, then Anna is a unique pope. People who dared to have trouble with her or even challenge her, hehehe in the end~

For example, the famous princess patient, Spielberg’s goddaughter Gwyneth Paltrow, and Anna’s annual fashion Oscar party MetBall is an annual event in the fashion circle. It is too late for all stars to kneel and lick, but Gwen After participating in the MetBall for a certain year, Niss said in an interview:

"Do you want me to tell the truth? It's bad. It looks like the best thing in the world. You think, "Oh my God, the dinner must be very gorgeous and awesome, and you can see all kinds of celebrities." But when When you got there, you found it was hot and crowded, as if everyone was squeezing you, (rolling your eyes here) and I really feel that our age is not suitable for punk."

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