Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1295: Sense of belonging

It's too late. Tomorrow, John Rupert. No, he will fly to Switzerland this morning. He will set the charter in a few words and leave the rest to his employees to discuss.

Watching John Rupert get in the car, Yang Cheng and the others also went out of the restaurant, looked at the empty street, yawned several times, and said, "Go back? Too sleepy~"

Yuling was still energetic, and she still took out her makeup box to touch up her makeup, "I went to the bar and couldn't sleep at home so early."

Yang Orange stared at the time blankly, then looked up at the dark sky, and laughed dryly, "Haha, yeah, it's too early, it's almost bright."

Or Zhao Anqi felt sorry for him, "Okay, okay, you go back to sleep first, I will accompany Yuling around, it just happens that we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we have a good chat."

Yang Cheng yawned again, "Okay, your girlfriends talk slowly, I'll withdraw first, I'm really too sleepy."

After speaking, he beckoned tens of meters away. Andrew drove the Maybach and leaned over. Before getting into the car, Zhao Anqi leaned over in Yuling's jokes and whispered to Yang Cheng, "I will go to the company to find you in the afternoon? About Collins."

Yang Cheng glanced at her thoughtfully and nodded, "Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the company."

After that, nothing prevented him from going to sleep anymore. When he got home, he slept until about noon before he woke up leisurely. He washed, ate, and changed clothes unhurriedly. He returned to the office at 1 p.m., but his **** was not stable yet. , Martinez came up.


Yang Cheng's movements were a bit sluggish, and the whole person was still in a state of not waking up much, "What happened?"

"It's okay, it's about the choice of the fashion company. I want to make a final decision with you."

Yang Chengqiang cheered up, "Huh? Wouldn't you still want to choose Elsa?"

After being persuaded by his mother, Yang Cheng was no longer ready to take risks. After all, Elsa’s existence was a time bomb, and she had to agree to various requests if she wanted her to come. Yang Cheng was too lazy to bother, so she was not in a hurry anyway. Talents are everywhere, and there is always a suitable one.

Martin's expression was a little strange, "No, but it's related to Elsa."

Yang Cheng leaned back, "Stop selling it, just say it."

"That's it. I met Elsa in the morning. I didn't expect her to let go. I just wanted to hold her as an alternative first~"

Yang Cheng nodded as he listened. This was the decision they made last time, and Martinez executed it well.

"As a result, she actually accepted all the harsh conditions I put forward."

Undoubtedly, such a result surprised Martin, let alone him, Yang Cheng was also wondering, how could a woman with weird temperament suddenly become so talkative?

"So? She is willing to be our CEO?" Yang Cheng asked

Martinez smiled bitterly and nodded, "Yes, but to be honest, I don't know her true purpose, so I didn't dare to give a promise. I just came back first because I needed to discuss with the boss."

Yang Cheng was very satisfied with Martinez's decision not to make the decision without authorization. At the same time, he was also very surprised. What happened to make a person's temperament change drastically in just a few days?

"What conditions did you mention?" Yang Cheng asked, he wanted more clues to analyze.

Martinez immediately showed the face of a profiteer, "My intention was to delay time, so the conditions were very low. Only a fixed annual salary of 1.5 million was proposed, and the bonus clause was not mentioned.

In addition, both of us did not mention a word about her original proposal to help her build a brand. "

This makes Yang Cheng even more puzzled. According to her mother, Elsa is obsessed with creating her own brand.

But let's not mention whether the other party has other plans for the time being. Based on the current conditions, it is very cost-effective to be able to sign this talented designer and have a certain management ability.

"Then sign it first and give her two years. If the company is operating well, the contract can be renewed with higher terms."

Yang Cheng's words are like a certainty. Martinez himself tends to sign Elsa. The conditions are too good. It doesn't make sense. Even if it is a trap, they have enough ability to jump out and suffer a little skin trauma at most.

"Understand, the other bosses, the batch of interns who stayed last year have been converted. The Personnel Department plans to hold a formal induction party for them. Just tonight, I hope the boss can attend."

Yang Cheng pressed the intercom on the desk and called Susu in and asked, "Do I have a schedule tonight?"

"No, there was an appointment scheduled by the company's management today. There is no itinerary outside the company."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Well, arrange to attend the new employee induction party tonight. You get off work early to do the styling and accompany me to attend the evening."

"Good boss~"

"You go out first. By the way, if a lady with the surname Zhao comes to see me later, remember to ask the front desk to bring people up."

"I'll notify the front desk."

About an hour later, Zhao Anqi appeared alone in the lobby on the first floor of the New Era Building, wearing black super sunglasses, wearing a professional suit, and stepping on black high heels. The Hermes platinum bag in her hand is particularly eye-catching. It got the attention of the front desk and security.

Came to the front desk, took off her sunglasses, Zhao Anqi was still very polite to the employees of Yangcheng Company, and smiled, "I have an appointment with your boss."

The little girl at the front desk responded with a polite smile, "Good afternoon madam, may I know your last name?"

"Of course, my last name is Zhao."

The front desk received the notice from the boss's office a long time ago, and quickly found the surname Zhao on the appointment record, and immediately welcomed him with a more enthusiastic smile, "No problem, Ms. Zhao, please wait a moment. I will swipe the card for you."

After speaking to another colleague’s ward, he took Zhao Anqi to the president’s elevator. While waiting, Zhao Anqi curiously asked, "How long have you been in the job?"

This does not involve company privacy. The little girl at the front desk honestly said, "It has been more than a year, and I joined the company as soon as the company moved here. At that time, this building was still called 7 Bryantpark Building, and now it has been renamed New Times Building."

"How is the company's treatment?"

Speaking of her salary, the little beauty smiled unconsciously, “It’s great, there is nothing better than our company’s benefits. Don’t think I’m just an ordinary front desk staff, but the job is very fulfilling, and the weekly salary is enough. I live in Manhattan."

Zhao Anqi was surprised, "You live in Manhattan?"

Most young people who work in Manhattan live either in Brooklyn or in Queens. After all, rent in Manhattan is too expensive for young people who have just graduated from college.

The little beauty smiled sweetly, "Yes, I rented an apartment with my colleague, one person and one room, not far from the company, only a few subway stations away, very convenient."

Anqi Zhao smiled with satisfaction. From the attitude of the employees at the bottom, we can see how a company is developing. If the employees at the bottom have complaints, the future of the company is worth worrying about. Fortunately, the management of her little lover is good. It is not easy to let the bottom employees have a sense of belonging to the company.

At this time, with a pleasant ding-dong sound, the elevator reached the first floor. The little beauty at the front desk leaned in and swiped her employee ID against the scanning area. At the same time, she pressed the button on the top floor, and then she withdrew from the elevator, "Ms. Zhao, There will be no stop in the middle of the elevator, I wish you a pleasant afternoon."

Zhao Anqi thanked him, and the elevator door closed and started quietly.

Less than 30 floors high, it’s nothing to be true in front of the latest elevator technology. I reached the top floor in the melodious piano music. As soon as I left the house, I saw Su Su respectfully standing in front of the elevator, bending slightly to salute, "Ms. Zhao , The boss is already waiting for you, please follow me."

After entering the office, Susu closed the door for the first time and went out. Yang Cheng smiled and walked over, and his big hand clung to the waist unceremoniously.

Zhao Anqi pushed him away angrily, "Don't mess around, I'll see important people later, so I can't mess up the image."

Yang Cheng was obedient and didn't move, but didn't take it away. She just hugged and teased, "Who is more important than me?"

Zhao Anqi is also happy to enjoy this kind of crooked time. In the first 40 years of her life, it seems that no one has given her such a charming feeling. Her eyes are full of petting, and she said, "No one is more important than you, right? I am also an old friend. Please ask someone to inquire about Collins."

Yang Cheng said, glanced at the time on the watch, "What time was the appointment? Where?"

Zhao Anqi didn't think much, and replied casually, "At 3 o'clock, have afternoon tea at Hilton~"

It was just after 2 o'clock, Yang Cheng picked her up, and said with a smirk, "It's too late~"

. . . . . .

About half an hour later, Yang Cheng was still dressed up, but Zhao Anqi's hair was unraveled, her face was flushed, and she was a little helpless while happy, tied her hair in the mirror, complaining constantly in her mouth, " I'm all to blame for you, so much time..."

Yang Chengman doesn't The raw rice is already ripe anyway, "I always count on every second~"

Zhao Anqi is also very satisfied. How could she really blame Yang Cheng for being ignorant, "I can't tell you, I almost forgot about the business, about Collins, you have to do me a favor."

Yang Cheng didn't want to be a scumbag who raised his pants and didn't recognize people, but the reality was that he really didn't want to intervene in this matter of Collins, but he didn't know how to refuse, and his face was tangled.

Zhao Anqi’s hair is not tidy no matter how she gets it, and she just doesn’t tie it up. She spreads it out, and then adds some lip gloss and foundation. She smiles at Yang Cheng who is embarrassed in the mirror, "You don’t listen to me. What are you doing? As for putting on this stinky face?"

With a hint of coquettish tone in her tone, Yang Cheng didn't feel embarrassed either. She wrapped her waist from behind and rested her chin on the soft shoulders, showing the intimate reflection of the two in the mirror.

"Then you say, as long as I can do it, by the way, first emphasize that I only agree with you because of your face."

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