Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1293: Tears of the Phoenix

Vacheron Constantin’s loft artisan series turns private custom watches into reality. The custom version of the ordinary version costs about 1 million US dollars. The dial of the old man in pajamas is also inlaid with diamonds and gems, and the dial It was a bald eagle, and its sharp eyes were very vivid, and he looked over inadvertently as if he had seen a living thing.

According to Yang Cheng’s estimates, this watch will cost at least US$3 million after including the customization cost, which is equivalent to wearing a high-end Manhattan apartment in his hand. Such a big figure appears alone in a late-night restaurant. Feel awkward?

The old man seemed to feel Yang Cheng's scorching gaze, and subconsciously looked at Yang Cheng and stared at him. After a moment, he smiled and nodded.

Yang Cheng also responded with a smile, and then she got up and walked over without knowing what was causing the trouble.

"Can I sit down?"

The old man put down the burger and wiped his hands with the greased paper for the burger, "Of course, please sit down, I recognize you, the founder of Toutiao app."

Yang Cheng was not surprised to be recognized, but unfortunately, he did not know the old man. "It is my honor. I just accidentally saw your watch. It is a perfect artwork."

Just now, perhaps due to the light, Yang Cheng hadn't seen the other person's front face clearly, until he sat down, he realized that the "old man" might not be as old as he thought.

The hair is not completely white, and there is a layer of withered yellow. "Old sir, I seem to have seen you~" Yang Cheng said in a guessing tone.

The other party picked up the burger again, bit it, and said vaguely, "I am indeed old in front of you, but I don't think I am old, at least I can swing a golf club."

Yang Cheng smiled, and when he was about to answer the call, he heard a soft cry from behind, it should be from Yuling, after all, Zhao Anqi's voice is familiar to him.

"Mr. Rupert? Good evening, I didn't expect to meet you here." Yu Ling was half surprised and half surprised.

This fat guy is Rupert? Yang Cheng muttered in his heart, but this Rupert is not just fat, it should be more accurately described as fat.

Rupert, Rupert, Rupert, and Yang Cheng repeated this surname, but they still couldn't remember who the other party was.

"Good evening, beautiful lady. In fact, I don't come to this restaurant often, but I am too hungry after half asleep."

The reason is very good and powerful.

Zhao Anqi also followed at this time, sitting next to Yang Cheng, and seeing him look confused, she reminded him softly in his ear, "The Rupert family in South Africa, Richemont Group."

With these two hints, if Yang Cheng didn't know who the other party was, it would be too much. It turned out that it was him, John Rupert, **** it, only now remembered.

The invisible king of luxury goods, his status in the luxury goods sector, is second only to Bernard Arnott’s existence. You must know that in the rankings of the previous two years, the rich man whose main business is luxury goods , There are only two, Rupert and Bernard are the only two, and the Rupert family is also the second richest in South Africa, very strong.

With a wry smile, he apologized, "Mr. Rupert, I'm sorry I only recognize it now."

John Rupert didn't care about this, he waved his hand, "Call me John, don't mind, I don't often show up in the spotlight, it's normal not to recognize me."

Perhaps not many people are familiar with Richemont Group in Country Z or even in Asia, but when it comes to luxury brands like Cartier, Montblanc, Dunhill, and Vacheron Constantin, almost no one knows.

As the head of the world's second largest luxury goods group, yes, the second largest, and the third largest before, but the Kering Group has long been left behind by Richemont, and John Rupert's name still has many people. I know, but the name and the person often don’t match up. As he said, he seldom exposes himself to flashing lights, and spends more time travelling to and from all over the world in his private jet, taking care of his huge Family business.

Of course, most of the time, he lived a pampered life in Cape Town.

In addition to looking after his business empire, he is most willing to walk on the golf course. Therefore, he spares no effort to sponsor golf events, expand the golf market, and enjoy success and joy between luxury goods and golf.

In this regard, Yang Cheng still admires her. He closely connects his hobbies with his work, and he can relax his body and mind after work, without delay, and at the same time take care of such perfection. There are not many people.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Yang Cheng talked about the topic in areas that are still familiar to each other, "My mother respects you very much. She has always believed that Richemont is to some extent purer than LVMH."

Speaking of his life’s career, Rupert nodded confidently, “Yes, LVMH’s business is too mixed. Of course, our two companies have no business conflicts. Although they belong to the luxury goods field in principle, each has different controls. In the market segment, cooperation is far greater than competition."

After a pause, Rupert said with regret, "Speaking of Ms. Liu, I once wanted to dig her to Richemont Group. If it succeeds, now she has taken over my position as the group CEO, and she will take care of it. The company, I can better invest in the sport of golf."

Yang Cheng has also heard this story. If it hadn’t been for that bad old man Bernard had been cruelly using shares to lock in his mother, maybe now, as Rupert said, his mother has become the CEO of Richemont Group. , And he himself enjoys retirement.

"There is no perfection in this world, sometimes regret is also a kind of beauty~" Yang Cheng said.

Rupert savored this sentence carefully and couldn't help but agree, "That's right, you guys came out for supper so late, did you just end the party?"

Yang Cheng thought about it, thinking of the dragon stone necklace, and his eyes were hot. The boss of Cartier's parent company, of course, has the right to decide the ownership of the necklace.

He cleared his throat and said that he had just come out of the jewelry exhibition, "I was optimistic about a string of jade necklaces at the exhibition, which happened to belong to the Cartier Group..."

Before he finished speaking, Rupert simply interrupted, "I'm sorry, but it is not convenient for me to directly intervene in Cartier's sales work."

Yang Orange smiled awkwardly, it seemed that her face was not good.

Just when he was about to change this embarrassing topic, Rupert's words gave him a sense of turn, "Wait, are you talking about the dragon stone jade necklace from Burma?"

Yang Cheng didn't know, so he nodded stiffly.

I saw Rupert sighed and said sadly, "If it's the necklace, you can take it away if you want it."

Yang Cheng doesn’t want to carry the reputation of being loved by others. Obviously, the back of the necklace is inextricably linked to Rupert. Maybe there is a **** drama. If you don’t figure it out, he bought it. Do not feel at ease.

"John, could you please tell me the story of that necklace, you know, if it has a special meaning, it is not suitable for me to buy it."

Rupert shook his head sadly, "The story is nothing, but it does have some meaning."

"Back then, before I joined the family business, in the mid-1970s, I met the daughter of a shareholder of Cartier Corporation in New York. A wonderful story happened between the two of us."

Needless to say, Yang Cheng could guess this story. Of course, Rupert did not reveal his privacy habits to outsiders.

"At the time, I learned from her that the French jeweler was seeking new investment.

You know, Cartier was founded in 1847 and is known as the king of jewelers. It is known for providing diamond necklaces and crowns decorated with rubies to the rich and royal families.

But by the middle of the 20th century, the company’s creativity and financial situation had huge problems. When I heard the news that they were seeking investment, I realized that this was a great opportunity to intervene in a century-old luxury brand, so I convinced Father bought some stocks.

Facts proved that my investment was correct. Within a few years, Cartier launched the LeMust lighter series, which made this brand prosper again.

Later, I also bought more shares of Cartier through her father, but the good times did not last long, she passed away because of an accident.

I was sad for a long time, and finally I asked the design department of Cartier Group to design a unique jewelry for this woman, which must be unique and distinctive from the material to the design.

It is precisely because of this unique requirement that the finished product has not been finalized until the designer discovered the existence of the dragon stone jade. After repeated design and polishing, the company that you see now is named ' The finished product of "Phoenix Tears", but at that time, I had forgotten a lot of the memory of this relationship. For fear of seeing things and thinking about people, I kept it in Cartier's vault Over time The longer, coupled with the persuasion of the people below, finally decided to auction it.

It may be due to my reasons that the prices of several auctions were not ideal, and the transaction was not finally completed. "

After listening to the story, Yuling sighed. She didn't expect that there was such a wonderful background behind this necklace that fascinated her.

Yang Cheng nodded secretly. It seemed that Rupert was willing to sell. In this case, it would be no problem to buy it.

However, he still wanted to confirm, "Then, why are you selling to me? Do you think I can get a price that satisfies you?"

Rupert shook his head, "I saw the appreciation of'Tears of the Phoenix' from your eyes. That appreciation is not only in terms of value, but pure appreciation of artworks. This is what I value most. I don't want this necklace to bear too high monetary value, it is contrary to my original intention.

But sometimes I can’t help myself. I’m in this position, and I’m bound to be interpreted too much by my subordinates. It’s hard for me to make this story public, so I can’t help but pretend I don’t know. "

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