Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1275: The possibility of winning the actor (1)

Seeing director Spielberg rushing towards him in a daze, Yang Cheng secretly sighed that he was lucky. Who would have thought that when someone walked halfway around, talked with a few strangers, Yang Cheng knew that I think too much.

"You won't go there?" Xiao Lizi touched his shoulder.

"No hurry, some time, how are you doing?"

Xiao Lizi took a sip from the wine glass, as always, "You know, the Oscar is about to begin, I'm busy with public relations recently, this is my closest chance to win a prize."

Yang Cheng almost forgot about it. This year was the most important year for Xiao Li. The elders of the academy had suppressed him for 20 years and finally made him dream of it.

Of course, he still can’t say for sure that he will win the prize. He will support him in words at most, “No problem, I’ve seen this year’s nomination list, and none of them are opponents of "Wild Hunter". When the market comes out, I will buy 5 million to support. You~"

Little Lizi laughed, "Thank you brother, but you know what I am in the hearts of those in the college. Accidents can happen at any time. Don't waste money for me."

Yang Orange shook his head, "Actually, this year's awards season has already begun. How many awards has "Wild Hunter" won?"

"I can't count it myself~"

"So, the wind is so positive, you should have confidence in yourself~"

"But the college always likes to oppose mainstream voices to reflect their unique tastes."

Kate interjected, "Jason is right, no matter what, you have to maintain confidence before the results come out. Besides, the BAFTA a while ago, "Wild Hunter" once again became a big winner, five trophies in the bag, and you got what you wanted The actor laurel was awarded.

I still remember you talking and laughing with director Alessandro Gonzalez at the awards ceremony, posing in a pose and taking a photo with the mask trophy in the background. The expression is simply relaxed. Why are you nervous now? "

BAFTA is commonly known as the "British Oscar", and its status is definitely not comparable to that of the American Oscar, but in the Western world, it is still a mainstream award. To some extent, it represents the recognition of the European academy for Xiao Lizi's acting skills. .

Little Lizi tilted his head and smiled, "That's right, what can I be nervous about? I have already won the prize this year and got soft."

Yang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, whether Xiao Lizi can take the Xiaojinren, that is a major event that affects movie fans all over the world. It is like an old girl raised by her own family. Waiting for the sweetheart to come to the door quickly, but every year it ends up happy.

But this time is different. The beauty of marriage is already at hand, and the distance between Xiao Lizi and Xiao Jinren has never been so close, waiting for the feast of the global film industry to reveal the final answer.

Of course, no matter how confident people are, they are not as sure as Yang Cheng, and this year's little golden man will definitely not be ignored.

Taking a step back and saying that even if Yang Cheng has no memory of his previous life, he can say with certainty that this little golden man will definitely be engraved with Leonardo DiCaprio's name even if he analyzes the situation in front of him.

This is not blind favoritism, but justified, unless the old man deliberately pranked him to play him.

In fact, the annual awards season before the Oscars is the weather vane of the Oscars. Experienced players are a big market that can be calculated, and this year's results all point to Xiaolizi.

The Golden Globe winner of one of the Oscar outposts is already in Xiao Li's pocket, and the SAG Screen Actors Guild Award also won the winner, which is enough to give him a reassurance. The fastest updated novels https://

The judges for the Golden Globe Awards are from the Foreign Correspondents Association, and the judges for the Screen Actors Guild Awards are from industry insiders, one is an outsider, and the other is an industry practitioner.

The Golden Globe Awards are complex, covering movies and TV. The performance awards are divided into two categories: comedy and plot. The entertainment component is heavier, but the reputation is large enough to represent the taste of the masses to a large extent;

The judges of the Screen Actors Guild Awards are many of Hollywood’s well-established actors. Their annual selection is not for earning ratings, they are professional and tricky, and many of the Actors Guild members are originally Oscar judges. The fastest updated novels https://

It can be said that using the results of the Screen Actors Guild Awards to predict the Oscars, in the end, they will definitely stay in place.

A set of data can be seen. From Jamie Foxx in 2005 to Eddie Redmayne in 2015, the coincidence rate of the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor and the Oscar Actor in 11 years has never been wrong. What is this concept?

You must know that last year, "The Theory of Everything" actor Eddie Redmayne and "Birdman" actor Michael Keaton played well in the award season. The result was evenly divided, and there was no one-sided situation, but in the end the actors The union award still chose the small freckles, and finally proved that he was in line with the vision of the Oscar judges.

And this year, Xiao Lizi was almost unbeatable in the awards season, without encountering any obstacles. He never let the actor's trophy fall by the side of the most critical and important awards ceremony. It is self-evident how high the winning rate is.

Yang Cheng told her own analysis, and both Xiao Lizi and Kate's smiles relaxed, the kind of smile that was truly relaxed.

"And you can't ignore a problem. Before "Wilder Hunter", Leon, you have been nominated for three Oscar winners and two Golden Globe winners, but you never won the Screen Actors Guild Award, and this year's SAG is willing to give You are sure, it shows how outstanding your performance this time is. This also proves from the side that your voice for winning the prize this time is so high, and it is not because you have played for the Olympics too many times and you have a lot of sympathy.

To be honest, although your Chong Ao’s Affection Index is higher, the elements of netizens joking are greater. There are many actors who have repeatedly failed to be nominated. Oscars will not sympathize with you because of this. You are a real breakthrough. .

Also, the Oscars are not what they used to be, and the ratings have declined year after year. The college must do something to reawaken people's enthusiasm for Oscars. You are a good gimmick.

In other words, whether in terms of probability, reason, or interference from various external factors, you will win this time. "

With that said, Yang Cheng still couldn't resist being a prophet. Although his reasons were very good and his analysis was very reasonable. Two people in the industry, including Xiao Lizi and Kate, were bluffed, but he was so sure. Plum can win the prize, even if this is a good expectation, it is too much. . .

Little Lizi shook his head and sighed. It was true that there was too much hope in the past. However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The feeling of missed each time made him want to die. Only a tender model can alleviate his inner anxiety.

"I am also optimistic that you can successfully take off the Golden Man, Leon~"

At this time, the famous black super giant Will Smith came over with his wife and son, and suddenly spoke.

"Hey, Will, good evening, and Mrs. Smith, Jr. Jaden~"

"I'm not young anymore~" Jaden Smith complained with a dirty head and opened his hands helplessly.

Amused everyone, Will Smith said to his wife, "Honey, take Jaden to something to eat? Let me talk to Leon?"

In front of outsiders, the Smiths still maintain the masks of imitating husbands and wives, but they have long since fallen out in private, and no one knows this matter.

"OK, then you drink less and see gentlemen later~"

"Goodbye, Mrs. Smith~"

Jada Smith took his son to greet acquaintances. Will Smith finally breathed a sigh of relief, took a glass of champagne and poured a sip to himself, "This kind of marriage is really tiring~"

Yang Cheng and Will Smith are nodding acquaintances. After all, they both live in Los Angeles, and there will always be some occasion to meet them.

Xiao Lizi was quite interesting, and took the initiative to bring the topic back to himself, "Don't talk about these Will, you just said that you are optimistic about me taking Xiaojinren? Can you tell me the reason?"

Will showed a trademark smile, "Of course, you know goldderby? It's a website that specializes in award prediction.

They will give a tripartite opinion of "experts", "editors" and "users" for each According to the award season, these predictions are changing every day, but since the Oscar nominations are released, this The opinions of the three parties gave the prediction conclusion, and this year, the results of the actor given by the three parties are exactly the same, and everything points to Leon, your name.

Even if this website has more gimmicks, the Hollywood Reporter also revealed last month that British bookmakers have opened markets. One of them was to bet that Leon could not get the actor's handicap. At that time, the odds were already 1. Lose 8-1 to 12 level, anyway, I bought Leon, you can get the golden man. "

Yang Cheng joked in surprise, "Will, you are really quick to start. I just said that I want to buy 5 million Leon and finally win."

Will shook his head and sighed, "I only bought 500,000 yuan for fun, and earn some pocket money by the way. It's up to you to see if Jaden can own the first car in his life as soon as possible!"

Little Lizi shook his head frantically, "Oh my God, don't force me, I'll just pay for him to give him a car~"

"Haha, that won't work, this car has to be meaningful."

Regardless, the two successively said that Xiaoli could win the prize, which still gave him a lot of confidence. Speaking of which, this year is considered to be a good time and place and has both. If he can't win any more, Xiaoli will really despair.

Of course, from a rational point of view, nothing can be said to be dead. Oscars may be upset, but the condition for upset is that they need a very strong competitor, an opponent who can convince all judges and audiences. However, Not this year.

Looking at the nominees for this year’s actor, there are those who have the strength to compete with Xiao Li – Michael Fassbender of "Steve Jobs", Eddie Redmayne of "The Danish Girl", and "Trombo" Brian Cranston.

Of these three people, none of them can fight Xiao Lizi head-on for a few rounds.

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