Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1264: Turtle soup?

"Boss, someone found it and brought it back, do you want to see you?" Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

In the evening, Yang Cheng was sitting alone in the Tianlongxuan box at the Ritz-Carlton for dinner, and Andrew came in to report.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "I'm gone, you just say to that little bastard, think of a way to get Paul Cadelan to beat him up, the harder he beats, the better, the harder he hurts, the more bonus he gets. Remember to find a reporter. Follow the shot at the back, it’s really possible without you."

Andrew rolled his eyes, "I know what to do."

These rascals can't do other things, and they can't do anything else. They don't need Yang Orange to teach them how to do it. They have countless ways.

After Andrew went out, Yang Cheng felt a lot of excitement, and suddenly felt that the food was much more delicious. You must know that just 10 minutes ago, he was still complaining about Tianlongxuan’s misnomer, and the truth is true, except for the most famous Cantonese roast pork platter. In addition to being commendable, other dishes are just fine. The taste can only be said to be above the standard, but I am sorry for the famous Michelin title and the gorgeous and elegant decoration, at least for people like Yangcheng who do not lack deliciousness. Said that it should not be the second time.

After dinner, Yang Cheng drove home. On the road, he encountered several drag parties, driving a modified car. When passing by, he kept hitting the accelerator, scrambling around Yang Cheng, trying to arouse Yang Cheng’s desire to race. In the end, Yang Cheng was unmoved, and soon several SUVs stepped forward to surround Yang Cheng’s Ferrari to protect. The drag racing parties were not brain-stricken. At the sight of this posture, they knew that they encountered hard stubble, and brake quickly. Turned away from the fork and drove out of Ferrari's sight.

When the lights on the top of Victoria Peak first came on, the appearance of Ferrari briefly broke the tranquility of the mountain. Fortunately, the residents here are probably used to the sound of super running and did not come out to curse.

When I parked the car in Grandpa’s manor, I saw Fubo and Grandpa standing in the garden smiling and waving at him. Grandpa said, "I heard the engine noise all the way, and I guess it was you."

Yang Cheng sneered, "Sorry, I'm bothering you to rest, or let Fu Bo change me an ordinary car."

Grandpa waved his hand, "No, I'm not blaming you. It's normal for young people to like sports cars. I bought several Ferraris when I was young. Unfortunately, I didn't keep them. Otherwise, I can add value even now."

"Grandpa, why are you still walking? The weather is cold at night." The wind on the top of the mountain is relatively strong. Although it is blocked by trees, but the cool breeze from time to time blows through, you can still feel a trace of coolness. Young people can't feel anything, and old people can't do it. .

"It's okay, just after eating, people are old and slow to digest, take a walk to help digestion."

After a pause, she took Yang Cheng's hand and sat on the wooden chair in the garden, "You didn't know if you came back yesterday. I met Li Chaoren yesterday morning."

"Isn't it about Xiangjiang Telecom?" Yang Cheng guessed.

"How do you know?" Grandpa was taken aback, and then reacted, "Akai must have told you."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Yes, I guess he didn't expect this. After that, he still wanted to ask for the stock of my country Pacific Airlines, but I refused."

Grandpa smiled, "Akai has a loan that is about to expire. No wonder he is so anxious to cash out."

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "Can Li Chaoren still die?"

Uncle Fu personally roasted two cigars and handed them to his grandson.

Thanks for taking it, Liu Muqian took a sip and said, "Over the years, Superman Li has helped his youngest son. This time... I can't say that."

"By the way, Grandpa, I don't understand why Li Chaoren wants to block this transaction?"

He didn't believe the reason Superman said.

Liu Muqian sighed, "Aren't you afraid of affecting his big plan?"

"Big plan? You mean transferring assets?"


Yang Cheng bit his cigar mouth and looked into the distance, and said faintly, "Li Chaoren has been investing in people's livelihood service companies over the years, maybe he also has any thoughts about Xiangjiang Telecom."

"You don't have to think so much. I think that the termination of this transaction is also a good thing for you. I don't want to hear what compensation Li Chaoren will give you?"

Yang Cheng thought, "I can probably guess that it is nothing more than selling me the remaining shares in the Central Center, or helping me get the plot of Kai Tak Airport."

Liu Muqian laughed, "You are a clever ghost, you really made your guess right, yes, but not one, but both."

Yang Cheng held a cigar and opened her mouth in surprise, "So generous?"

"Well~ it's just to show us good, it's nothing, you can take it with ease."

"Li Chaoren is too shrewd. It seems that they are two compensations, but these two compensations not only did not cause him a little loss, but they can make another fortune, amazing!"

"Why is he the richest man?" Liu Muqian's tone didn't have any respect for the richest man.

"Are the richest men so chicken thieves?" Yang Cheng vomited.

Uncle Fu came forward and whispered something in my grandpa’s ear, and then saw my grandpa pat his I almost forgot, thanks to Afu reminding me that there is still soup stewed in the pot, go back and drink Up. "

Yang Cheng wondered, "What soup?"

Liu Muqian smiled very ignorantly, with an old and rude look, Yang Cheng looked straight at her teeth, "What kind of soup? Good soup! Good soup for men, it’s good for men, it’s good for me. Drink it for half a month, go back and give it to you. I have a great-grandson to play."

Yang Cheng's facial features were squeezed into embarrassing words, "Isn't it Grandpa? Do you still believe this?"

"Nonsense, the things of the ancestors can still harm you?"

"I don't drink, no one will give birth to me after drinking~"

"Huh, don't think I don't know, that little star who has been with you these past two days is not a person?" Update the fastest novels https://

Yang Cheng has nothing to say now, everyone knows, what's the use of hiding?

Said with a smirk, "Every time a play, every time a play~"

Liu Muqian waved his hand, "Okay, put away your set, I'm also a man, can I not know the garland in my stomach? Don't worry, I'm not that pedantic, but you have to be careful not to let your wife know, Luo Yuena That's a nice girl, don't let them down."

"Then you always let me drink soup. Once an accident happens, it will hurt Luo Yue the most."

Liu Muqian glared, "You are still stubborn with me?"

Yang Cheng hurriedly raised his hand to surrender, "Cheng Chengcheng, when I didn't say, can I drink it?"

With a cigar in there, he fled in the midst of Forber's laughter.

Not to mention, the soup is really good, he doesn't know what's in it, but the taste of turtle can still be drunk.

The effect is also immediate, not long after drinking, the lower abdomen is like a fire, and it burns uncomfortably.

I don’t know when, Liu Muqian, who was already lying down, heard the sound of the Ferrari sports car whizzing away, with a smile on his lips, and fell asleep~


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