Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1228: Deputy Minister of Operations

"what do I need to do?"

Vincent did not get dizzy from the sudden surprise. On the contrary, at this moment, his mind was so clear, he was given $500 million for some reason. Anyone with normal thinking would first consider whether there is any conspiracy. Vincent is even more so. He has not only experienced cruel wars in his life, but has also been framed countless times by his colleagues. It can be said that he walked all the way on the flesh and blood of the enemy. How can such a person believe that there is a free lunch in the world? ?

Instead of passively accepting threats, it is better to make the conditions clear in advance.

Yang Cheng liked this communication style very much and said with a smile, "Support all the decisions I make in Korea."

Vincent raised his eyebrows quite unexpectedly. This condition is simple and simple, and difficult to say, but he did not expect Yang Cheng's condition to be so general. He thought it was a specific requirement, such as a request to station in Korea and the United States. Jun purchases arms designated by Yang Cheng.

"If you want to start a war in South Korea, I have to support you?" Vincent was half-joking, actually testing the bottom line of Yang Cheng's conditions.

Li Zhiyu understood, and his face paled. Although he knew it was a joke in his heart, he just couldn't hold back his cranky thinking.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng gave an explanation in time, "How could it be possible? I'm not his uncle who pulled the lamp."

Everyone smiled in cooperation, Yang Cheng stretched out an index finger, "You can rest assured that what I did in Korea does not involve any force."

Vincent was very cautious. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "Your condition is too broad, I can't agree to it."

Yang Cheng simply changed his words, "Well, I will need you to stand up for me at some point. In addition, when necessary, I need you to stand on the same line of interests with me. To put it bluntly, we want To form an interest alliance, this alliance must be solid until you leave South Korea."

Vincent murmured, "Interest alliance? What kind of interest?"

Yang Orange laughed, "I can't answer this question now. It depends on who I meet."

Vincent's face showed a daze. Yang Cheng said it was too mysterious for him to understand.

But he knew that the opportunity in front of him should not be missed, "Jason, for the time being I have agreed to your terms, so how are you going to fulfill your promise?"

Yang Cheng didn't say it explicitly, but just smiled and said, "The first deputy director of the Naval Operations Department is about to retire."

Vincent smiled very happily. This is undoubtedly a very popular position. He has the right to have enough oil and water. If he has worked for at least one term, he will have a worry-free life for the rest of his life. Of course, if you go further and can enter the joint meeting, then It's even more perfect.

He still doesn't dare to imagine so much, but the temptation of this position has strengthened his determination to cooperate with Yang Orange.

"Why not? I like making friends the most." Vincent smiled hypocritically.

And Yang Cheng liked this hypocritical smile, which represented the beginning of victory.

It just so happened that the dinner party was ready, and everyone moved to the small restaurant on the second floor. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Irene is very smart. Although she didn't understand the conversation between Yang Cheng and Vincent before, she was observant and knew that the outcome of the conversation was ideal, so she took the initiative to approach Mrs. Brooks, held her hand, and spoke in fluent English. Try to chat.

When Yang Cheng saw this scene, David was satisfied.

The name Richmond originated from Richmond in North Yorkshire, England. For those immigrants who fled from the United Kingdom or Europe to North America or the Australian mainland, naming is not a complicated matter. Just take the name of the place and use it. At most, add the word "new" to make it a new place name.

But most of them are used directly. Other countries like Richmond in Canada and Australia will not mention it. There are more than 20 cities called Richmond in the United States alone.

Of course, the largest and most famous is the capital of Virginia. As the capital of the southern zheng power during the American Civil War, Richmond is undoubtedly a city full of historical heritage. A large number of descendants of black slaves after the liberation lived here, and many were born. Black celebrities from all walks of life, this is one of the few cities where the number of blacks far exceeds that of whites.

In terms of gastronomy, the characteristics of various ethnic groups are also integrated into the "soul food" of blacks. However, the most famous is the ham of Virginia, which is also the leader of American ham. Even if you look at the world, it is quite famous.

In Virginia ham, the pigs used are known to be fed with peanuts, so that while maintaining the natural flavor of the ham, it can also unexpectedly harvest the peanut's other oily fragrance. In addition, the Virginia ham does not add starch and follows the ham production process. After injecting, rolling, kneading, marinating and filling, after cooking and smoking, the product has a prominent fleshy appearance, attractive color, and a natural and mellow taste. The most important thing is the high quality and low price. It is undoubtedly popular with those who are not too good in the overall economic situation. Loved by the black community.

Slowly, various dishes derived from ham were accepted by other ethnic groups. Now, Virginia ham has become a symbol of the place, and it would be a waste of time to go to the local area without tasting it.

The same is true for the Brooks couple. Although there is a stock of ham sent from their hometown in their refrigerator, how can the taste of home cooking be comparable to that of the restaurant chef?

The chef from Richmond specially cooked a table of Virginia ham-themed dishes. The Brooks and his wife who almost ate had tears in their eyes. They wandered out all the year round. They were deeply buried in the memory of the taste of hometown until this moment. Hook up, how can you not get excited?

Yang Cheng didn't think it was so His mouth was more mouth-watering. In his opinion, the food that the public thought was just the same, worthy of the price, but not top-notch.

Compared to top hams with a longer history and techniques, such as Iberia, Golden Flower, Xuanwei, and Parma, Virginia ham is still far from being fired.

But the focus of today's dinner is not him, but the Brooks and his wife. They were satisfied with the meal, and the meal was not in vain.

He didn't eat much by himself, and kept adding vegetables to Irene next to him. This girl has a thin face and can't appetite in this kind of occasion. Even when he eats, he maintains an elegant manner. Every time he takes a small bite, how much he has to eat Can you fill your mouth?

She was embarrassed because of her status, Yang Cheng didn't care so much anymore. He was the owner, and the owner couldn't eat enough if he invited people to eat. Is this reasonable?

So he kept serving Irene with the public tableware, and the dishes in front of him were not available.

At the end of the meal, Irene touched Yang Cheng's leg under the table, looked at Yang Cheng pitifully, and whispered, "I can't eat anymore~"

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