Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1226: nice!

Hurrying back to Seoul in advance, Yang Cheng took Irene to the beauty salon to do styling. During this time, Irene looked at Yang Cheng's proud expression in the mirror and was so angry that this guy became her boyfriend somehow. , And their parents are still happy to be with what, if this is to let them know that Yang Cheng has a fiancee, what should they do?

Yang Cheng kept taking pictures with her mobile phone. Irene belongs to the type that is amazing at first glance, and the more beautiful she looks, she looks good no matter how she takes it, and she can also shoot with the filter effect with the lens of the mobile phone.

"Don't shoot, it's really~" Irene whispered while the stylist went to get the tools.

Yang Cheng stepped forward and showed Irene the picture she had taken, "The beauty must be recorded! Look, the picture is good? Which one do you think I should use as a wallpaper?"

Irene was speechless angrily, don't ignore him too much.

After more than an hour, Irene, who had done the modeling, came to Yang Cheng reluctantly for him to review.

"Beautiful~" Yang Cheng couldn't help but spit out a word.

The all-black off-shoulder evening dress selected by hand, the small V mouth shape complements Irene's face, the large white skin is exposed, without any blemishes, the exquisite clavicle is comparable to a diamond necklace, covered by the slightly permed long hair , The whole person is beautiful.

Yang Cheng stood up, stretched out her hand, and gently pinned the chance hair behind her ears, revealing the drop-shaped pearl earrings. The intimate movement made her faint and blush near the collarbone.

"It's so beautiful~"

Irene was so sweet in her heart, but she said arrogantly, "oppa, you have nothing else to say except this, right?"

There was a hint of anger in the corners of his eyes, the corners of his mouth turned upside down, and her shyness was coquettish. The small expression made Yang Cheng's heart stop beating at this moment.

"It's so beautiful~"

It's not that he is illiterate, and I can't find a more accurate description. The complicated text is too redundant.

Irene turned around, "Help me wear a necklace."

Yang Cheng squinted her eyes and put the fragrance of her hair into her nose, picked up the matching pearl necklace from the table, and put her whole body on Irene from behind, feeling the girl's body trembling slightly.

Putting on the necklace and turning around again, Yang Cheng involuntarily said, "Can I wen~you?" with his brain almost blank.

Irene hurriedly stepped back and distanced herself from Yang Cheng. She glared at her beautifully and said furiously, "No~Yes~Yes!"

Yang Cheng returned to his senses and smirked, "I'll just say that~ Let's go, the time is almost here."

Yang Cheng didn't pick up the Brooks couple in person because he had to accompany Irene to do the styling, so he arranged to meet at the restaurant.

Holding Irene on the Rolls Royce like a fragile treasure, she went around to the other side and got into the car. The door closed and the noise outside the car disappeared immediately. Yang Cheng quickly asked Andrew to turn on the warm air. This season At night, the temperature was still a little low.

"Who are we going to see tonight?" Irene asked with her head tilted, wrapped in Yang Orange's suit.

Yang Cheng leaned against the central armrest, "Commander of the US Jun in South Korea."

Irene opened her small mouth and said in surprise, "Aren't you in business? How come?"

Yang Cheng didn't elaborate, "I'm American~"

Irene nodded slowly, "Then what do I need to do?"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "You don't have to do anything, just stay with me. If you are interested, you can also chat with the commander's wife, and talk about anything you are interested in, such as makeup, fashion, etc."

Irene shyly said, "My English is not good~"

"It's okay, I heard that the commander's wife can speak some Korean."

The two chatted, and the Rolls-Royce gradually drove out of the main city of Seoul towards Incheon, but when it was about to enter Incheon, it got off the highway and entered a private road.

The place to eat was arranged by Li Zhiyu. At the request of Yang Cheng, he specially found a private place, a private restaurant that would not be discovered by anyone with a heart.

Li Zhiyu directly contracted the entire restaurant, so no outsiders would appear to disturb him.

This is a villa located in the mountains. There is only one private road in and out. It is hidden in the jungle and the environment is quiet. It is only at night, and there is no view at all.

There are already several Mercedes-Benz cars parked in the parking lot in front of the villa. Li Zhiyu was waiting here with his female companion early. He originally prepared desserts for Vincent Brooks, but he was temporarily informed that he would bring his wife to the dessert. Had to give up, of course, he also made second-hand preparations, once the commander wanted to play exciting, there will be no one to find.

"Brother Yang, you can count." Li Zhiyu stood at the door with his legs numb, but when he opened the door, he saw a beautiful and moving woman.

While he was in a daze, Yang Cheng got out of the car from the other side and squeezed him away, and personally led Irene to get out of the car. "When will the Brooks couple arrive?"

Li Zhiyu gave Yang Cheng a thumbs up, and said, "I just received the call, and there is about 15 minutes away."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Then let's go in and wait, and we will come out soon."

The temperature was low at night, and the mountain was a few degrees lower. Yang Cheng couldn't bear to let Irene freeze outside, even if the other party was the commander.

Li Zhiyu's gossip asked, "Brother Yang, are you too cool? You are accompanied by celebrities when you travel."

Yang Cheng glanced at him, "Don't talk nonsense, call my sister-in-law, you have to take care of your sister-in-law in the showbiz in the future."

Li Zhiyu curled his lips. He didn't believe this. Maybe he would call another person's sister-in-law next time.

The conversation turned around, "This restaurant is run by a buddy of mine. It's used to host friends. Isn't it good?"

Yang Cheng looked around. The first floor is a place for meeting guests. The American-style decoration layout gives Yang Cheng a kind of intimacy.

On the other side of the first floor is the banquet hall. Today’s dinner will be held on the second floor. The small restaurant is convenient for chatting.

"How about confidentiality?" Yang Cheng cared about this most.

Li Zhiyu came over and whispered Brother Yang, don't worry, the restaurant was taken over by my people early today. "

"Well done, win Vincent, and our clubhouse will be easy to run."

Li Zhiyu also knows the importance of things, "I will do what Yang brother asks me to do."

Yang Cheng was very satisfied with his attitude and patted him on the shoulder, "Go, let us have some hot drinks first, it's **** weather, it's too cold."

He is actually okay, but Irene wears less, even in her suit, rubbing her hands constantly.

I knew I would not choose strapless outfits.

"By the way, you called me before and said you want to discuss cooperation with Hyundai Heavy Industries? What is the situation?"

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Is Li Min reporting to you?"

Li Zhiyu smiled, "That kid knows the rules very well, saying that he can't disclose a word without your permission."

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