Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1203: Dutch Satellite

"Acquisition of Los Angeles FC shares?"

Finally figured out Yang Cheng's instructions, Ian El was quite puzzled.

"Yes, I am going to build a huge football network with Liverpool as the core. Los Angeles FC is just the first step." Yang Orange throws out his plan.

"But does Los Angeles FC really have acquisition value? To do so, we have to sell our first team players?"

"In recent years, the Major League Soccer has developed rapidly. It has not only expanded the East and West Leagues, but also has achieved remarkable results in the recruitment of European stars by traditional giants. In the future, it might not be impossible to treat Los Angeles FC as Liverpool’s retirement team. The meritorious players who provide a pension contract after the age of 30, but will not stay away from the green field."

Ian Ayre said by analogy, "In other words, we have to buy a European low-level league team and transfusion for Liverpool's first team?"

Yang Cheng affirmed, "This is only a preliminary plan. The long-term plan is to acquire local teams in markets with a football foundation such as Asia, South America, and Africa, so as to tap talents from all over the world."

Ian El was excited, "As far as I know, Manchester City is doing a similar plan."

"Yes, to complete this plan requires long-term patience and long-term capital investment. There are not many bosses in the world who can do this."

Yang Cheng deliberately or unintentionally put gold on her face.

"If this is the case, I fully support the boss's decision. I will now go to communicate with Mr. Love and send a few players who cannot play in the first team to Cardiff City without delaying their careers."

"That's the case. As long as I take the shares in Cardiff City, I can get an absolute controlling stake in Los Angeles FC. In addition, help me test Steven and see if he is willing to move to the American Major League next season. "

In fact, although Gerrard is still in the first team roster this season and has made contributions in key games, his physical strength has obviously not kept up with the pace of the Premier League and the Champions League, and minor injuries continue. At this time, he took the initiative to withdraw from the team and save Your reputation is the wisest choice.

Now Yang Cheng has given him a step. Leaving Liverpool does not mean retiring. He can continue to shine in the Major Leagues. Los Angeles is much more suitable for living than Liverpool.

"I understand, I will have a good chat with Steven, I believe he will understand the boss's painstaking efforts."

Yang Cheng snorted, "In addition, to start screening the next acquisition target, the level of the league cannot be too low."

Ian Elle thought for a moment, "The five major leagues are basically impossible. Even the low-ranking teams in Ligue 1 and Bundesliga are troublesome to operate.

Therefore, the non-rich teams of the Eredivisie and Portuguese Super League are the first choice, which can achieve the opportunity to train young players without meeting us in the Champions League. "

"So there is a goal?" Yang Cheng did not expect Ian El to have an answer so quickly.

"The Eredivisie, compared to the Portuguese Super League, which is now a black shop in Europe, although the Eredivisie has declined due to economic reasons, the local youth training system in the Netherlands is very complete, and only a little investment can be rewarded."

Yang Orange nodded, "It makes sense, so which team is it?"

"Ajax and Eindhoven, the two regulars of the Champions League, don't need to think about it. Some mid-range teams have not outstanding results, but the victory is stable, and there is no major financial problem. The possibility of acquisition is possible, but it is unnecessary. A lot of money is wasted, anyway, our purpose is to provide young players with opportunities to play and exercise, and a complete youth training system is enough.

So I think Twente can be a priority. "

"Twente?" Yang Cheng grew up from a football player to a club owner. It took no more than a year. He has a little understanding of the mainstream European leagues. It is good enough to expect him to know that a small Dutch club will be unrealistic. .

Ian El knows this, so he continued, "This is a 50-year-old club located in Enschede, the Netherlands. It has a training center and stadium under the name of the team.

He accidentally won the Eredivisie championship many years ago. It can be said that this is a small club with only background.

At present, due to successive years of decline in performance and the sluggish economy of the Netherlands, the club's major shareholders have resolutely withdrawn their capital, and the minority shareholders cannot support it. The team is currently on the verge of bankruptcy. "

Yang Cheng touched his chin, "Ian, have you been staring at Twente a long time ago?"

Otherwise, it would be too strange, how come Ian El is like a treasure when he asks this question himself.

"No, how is it possible, it's just that our scouts are active in the Netherlands all year round, and the straight line distance between the Netherlands and us is only 1,000 kilometers, any news will reach us as soon as possible."

"Well, how much money do we need to acquire Twente? Do I need to inject additional capital?" Yang Orange cares about the result, the process is not important.

"You don't have to pay a penny. As far as I know, with the help of ZF, Twente is trying to find capital to take over. If the efforts fail, the final result can only be taken over by ZF.

I don’t think the ZF side is willing to take over this mess. So, whether it’s Twente or the ZF side, it’s too late to be happy. Who wants to make a profit from it?

Of course, we must take over the debt together. Fortunately, the figure will not be too high, at most 20 million euros. We can take over this debt independently without the need for additional capital injection by the boss. "

"I know, then start acting, the good news I'm waiting for."

. . .

Hanging up the phone, Klovsky shook his head, "The problem is solved. Once the shares in Cardiff City are taken, we need to contact the remaining shareholders as soon as possible to let them hand over the shares, otherwise I will inject capital. Ahh, the result is no different to me."

To deal with these small shareholders with little strength, Yang Cheng's strategy is simple and rude, just go all the way, not wanting to waste a word.

After completing the acquisitions of Los Angeles FC and Twente, Yang Cheng's sports industry layout has basically been completed.

So far, counting the two teams that have not yet been fully acquired, Yang Cheng already has Liverpool, Brooklyn Nets and the Los Angeles Panthers who have completed the name change this summer. He is also preparing to acquire an MLB team. Baseball is a national sport not inferior to rugby in the United States. If you don't get a share of the pie, you are prone to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Counting this up, New Era Sports can be established in advance, and then a round of financing can be used to make money from the listing.

No, no, it's almost something. New Era Sports still lacks the ability to host global influential events.

"Yanke, do you know anything about sports marketing companies?"

"Of course, the boss doesn't know anything. I used to work for MG Stanley and was responsible for the merger of WME and IMG in 2013."

Yang Cheng became interested, "Quickly talk about it~"

"WME, which started in the sports economy, and Silver Lake Capital completed the acquisition of IMG at a price of 2.4 billion US dollars. However, Silver Lake Capital has a 51% controlling stake and can be said to be the biggest winner of this transaction."

Yang Cheng frowned, "WME? What does it have to do with Hollywood's WMA?"

Yanke said, "The predecessor of WME is WMA, which is also a new company from the merger. It dominates the entertainment industry in the United States. After acquiring IMG, it expanded its business in sports economy and built WME-IMG into One of the world's largest cultural, sports and economic companies, with stars across Hollywood and sports.

The merger of IMG is also a helpless move. From the perspective of the global sports brokerage market, it is not uncommon for large companies to group together for warmth. As more and more individuals or organizations start to establish themselves, who can master the core to the maximum? Resources, whoever has the initiative in market competition.

Of course, the combination of WME and IMG is not as simple as 1+1=2. The new company has not stopped the introduction of capital, because WME-IMG aims at the top IP in both the entertainment and sports fields.

Throughout 2015, WME-IMG completed a total of 12 investments involving sports, music, fashion and other fields, especially in the sports field. It not only acquired the big IP of professional bull riding competitions, but also made two investments in the field of e-sports. Investment.

If the boss wants to invest now, the cost will be several times higher than before. "

One sentence dispelled Yang Cheng's desire to acquire WME-IMG. Looking at this situation, don't want to win this giant brokerage company without billions of dollars.

"Moreover, as far as I know, RB Softbank Group is negotiating with WME-IMG. The specific investment amount has not yet been determined. It should be around US$300 million. These funds will continue to be used by WME-IMG to integrate and acquire core entertainment stars and sports event resources.

If SoftBank's capital injection is successful, the market valuation of WME-IMG will exceed $5.5 billion.

Not only that, the two national sovereign wealth funds of Canada and Singapore are also in contact with WME-IMG. There are rumors that WME-IMG is eyeing the super IP of UFC. Once acquired by it, WME-IMG's dominance will be unshakable. "

Yang Cheng held his forehead, UU reading www. Okay, I made things simple. It seems that not only I am aiming at the big cake in the field of sports and entertainment, but the little RB is also unwilling to follow.

You should know that SoftBank Group’s previous investment was mainly in the technology sector. It is not easy for WME-IMG to attract SoftBank’s investment, which shows that its position in the sports and entertainment field cannot be underestimated.

No, the cheap price cannot be taken up by others, and some impatiently asked, "What else? Is there a target suitable for our acquisition?"

Yanklovsky smiled wryly, "This ~ the world's five major sports marketing giants are all supported by top capital. It is no less difficult to acquire a wholly-owned media group than to directly acquire a media group."

Yang Orange shook his index finger, "No, there must be fish that slipped through the net. Thinking about it carefully, you don’t have to limit the scope to the United States, Europe, and Asia. There are definitely strong companies. They may have developed well before, but The performance decline in recent years has put the company on the brink of crisis."

Not to mention, Yang Cheng reminded me that Yanklovsky really thought of a name, "Lagardère Group in France."

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