Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1198: First flight to Fiji

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Next to the living room is a master bedroom that is not inferior to luxury hotel bedrooms. The master bedroom has its own bathroom and functional areas, such as changing rooms and walk-in closets, refrigerators, safes and other facilities. The master bedroom Compared with the living room in order to highlight the atmosphere, the decoration is relatively quiet and elegant, which can better help people fall asleep. The entire aircraft is equipped with adjustable atmosphere lights designed by ergonomic experts. The colors can be changed at any time according to needs and time changes. Lying can be operated independently.

Seeing the old man knocking on the cabinet boards, Yang Cheng seemed to be checking the quality of the materials. He said with a smile, "Although it looks similar to ordinary furniture, it is actually much lighter and more expensive. It is fixed with a bolt to ensure that it will not collapse in special circumstances. In addition, we use environmentally friendly materials and no materials harmful to the human body. You can rest assured."

Yang Sen nodded in satisfaction and walked in the cloakroom. It is the bathroom of the master bedroom. This is also the most luxurious of the five bathrooms in the whole machine. Not only does it have two basins for men and women, it also has an automatic heating floor. Even if you step on it with bare feet, you won’t feel cold, and the ground is also equipped with anti-skid measures. Handrails can be seen everywhere to ensure that when the plane is bumpy, guests can hold it anywhere without falling.

And thanks to the ample cabin area of ​​the 787, the bathroom will not appear cramped at all, and it can even ensure that the water flow rate in the air can be exactly the same as the ground. Of course, the capacity of the fresh water tank in the aircraft is limited, and it is certainly not guaranteed to be as arbitrary as the ground. Splurging in a bath is enough to support the family's global travel.

There are three second bedrooms in the rest area next to the master bedroom, which are relatively small in size and partially reduced in function, but there is no doubt about the comfort.

To the back is the public entertainment room. The front part is an audio-visual room with projection screens and comfortable sofa beds. There are more seats at the back. Two long sofas can be moved and deformed. In the middle is a long table. It can be remotely adjusted to the meeting room and dining area through the pad.

At the rear of the plane, there are 12 first-class seats that can lie flat, and 16 luxury business class seats for employees. In the future, the Yang family will travel collectively, and the servants, bodyguards and subordinates who serve with them are here. It can also ensure enough rest.

According to design requirements, "Yuanshan" can carry up to 40 people for travel.

After visiting the plane, Yang Sen praised Yang Cheng for his work, saying that the money was not spent in vain.

Soon, everyone found a place to sit down and waited for the crew to complete the final inspection work. The Yuanshan was about to usher in its first transoceanic voyage.

The 787's voyage is sufficient to cross the United States from east to west, and then across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii. The total voyage is about 10 and a half hours.

With abundant entertainment facilities and a spacious and comfortable environment, this long-distance flight will not be difficult. Play for a while, watch a movie, and sleep. Before you wake up, the plane has landed.

Without staying in Hawaii too much, I picked up Luo Yue's parents, refueled and took off again, and went straight to the destination of this trip-Fiji Islands.

When the "Yuanshan" landed at Nadi Airport, it was catching up with the early morning in the southern hemisphere. The bright sun illuminated the sea thoroughly. Fiji in the early morning was such a bright blue-green color.

As soon as we get off the plane, the hotel’s welcoming staff talks about guitars and sings to welcome the family. This is not a privilege. Almost every guest to Fiji can see this scene. This is almost a feature of tropical islands. one.

In fact, this archipelago located in the center of the South Pacific is far more than the “island” concept. From the point of view of travelers, you can see that the tourism industry here is rich in levels. As we all know, Fiji has always been popular. The honeymoon place for couples, there are beautiful and romantic hotels and resorts, it is not an exaggeration to be called a paradise on earth;

Family travel is also very common here, especially when many northern hemisphere countries enter the summer vacation in July and August, it has become the peak tourist season in Fiji. The celebrities and wealthy people often take their families to Fiji for vacations and rent an island for a stay. It's just a month, swearing a big knife.

As one of the places with the lowest tourist crime rate in the world, Fiji’s friendliness to tourists is also the reason why Fiji’s economic development is much stronger than its counterparts.

Before getting in the car, the Yangcheng family felt the enthusiasm of Fijians like a heat wave. Everyone was smiling and greeted kindly in the Fijian word "Bula". The ones who knew each other were like long-known friends. .

It’s also a good thing to get in the hotel’s welcoming car, because the most commonly heard phrase in Fiji is "Fijitime", but it actually means "Fijinotime". Locals rarely wear watches. The concept of time is extremely weak, and being late is a common occurrence. It is also due to Yang Cheng, who are senior customers, and drivers have to remember time desperately for work.

Nadi Airport is located in the west of Fiji’s main island of Viti Levu. It faces the first Suva in the southeast corner of Fiji Island across the volcano. It is also the location of Suva Airport, another airport in Fiji. Now they will take a car to Suva. Transit at Wah Airport and go to Laucala Island, the last destination of this trip. It is the most luxurious island in Fiji. It is famous for filming "Remains of a Deserted Island". Of course, the honeymoon place of the couple is also a very attractive gimmick.

The former owner of Laucala is the famous Forbes, and the current owner is the founder of the Red Bull Group. The two previous owners have invested in Laucala, making this island a real paradise.

On the road, looking at the tropical atmosphere similar to Hawaii, Luo Yue suddenly asked, "Why did you suddenly propose to come to Fiji?"

Yang Cheng's eyes moved slightly, "Didn't you say it? There are many Chinese here during the Spring Festival, and there is a New Year atmosphere."

Luo Yue curled his lips obviously not fooled, "A lie, if you want to feel the festive atmosphere, you should stay on the main island, I am afraid that you will not even see it when you go to Laucala."

Yang Cheng sneered, "How come there are Fijian natives on Laucala Island."

Luo Yue learnt from what Yang Cheng often did. "Do the aborigines of Fiji also celebrate the Spring Festival?"

Yang Cheng was so embarrassed that she stretched out her hand and messed up Luo Yue's haircut, "Just relax and have fun, how can I harm you?"

"Huh, you're hiding it from me anyway~" Luo Yue's fierce and fierce look is so cute that she almost turned Yang Chengmeng over.

I almost couldn't help telling the truth, but for the last surprise, I still concealed it.

The reason why he suddenly proposed to take a holiday in Fiji was to investigate the place of marriage by the way. There are several alternatives, but you have to see it in person before you can rest assured. Laucala is one of them.

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