Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1174: King of Wall Street (2)

   "Investing in emerging markets? Then you should choose country Z, RB can have a lot of chun." Yang Cheng immediately retorted.

Schwarzman nodded, "Of course country Z is the top priority, and we have not slackened our investment in country Z, and we have been cooperating with the sovereign wealth fund of country Z for many years. Don’t worry about this, let us Talk back to RB."

   Yang Cheng stretched out his hand for him to continue talking.

"With the comprehensive rise of the e-commerce field in Country Z, it has also driven the development of global e-commerce. According to our analysis, the proportion of e-commerce in the future sales market will become larger and larger, and it may not be possible to fully replace the traditional sales model. Of course, this day will be very far away, and there will be many twists and turns during the period, but as long as the general direction is developing, it is worth our investment.

  In my opinion, it is not a wise choice to directly intervene in e-commerce traders. It is better to start with e-commerce supporting industries and enjoy the dividends brought by industrial development. "

  Yang Cheng gradually understood Schwarzman’s intentions, but he was not sure yet, and tentatively asked, "Do you mean to increase the influence in the field of e-commerce by integrating certain supporting industries of e-commerce?"

  Schwarzman appreciates Yang Cheng's tact, "That's it."

   Yang Cheng fully understood, "That's why the Blackstone Group wants to bet on RB. You or the Blackstone Group believe that there is a lot of room for growth in RB e-commerce, which is far behind in popularity in other overseas markets."

   "Exactly right, then do you know which area the Blackstone Group values? Or market segmentation."

Facing the usual questions from Schwarzman’s lectures, Yang Cheng really wanted to shake his face and leave. “Stephen, you look down on me too much? If I can’t guess it, I’m not qualified to sit. This is a waste of your precious hour."

   The ridicule with guns and sticks not only didn't make Schwarzman angry, but made him smile proudly, "So what? Are you right?"

   "Logistics! One of the most dependent industries in the e-commerce field. As for financial payments, no country wants foreign companies to intervene in the country's financial market."

  Schwarzman burst into laughter, "Exactly correct, you made the conclusion that our analysts have drawn in two months of analysis and research within ten minutes, great."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand speechlessly, "Don't hold me up. Your analysts just don't want to lose this precious job, so they will study so hard.

   But I must say that the investment direction Blackstone Group chooses is always so wise. The logistics facilities necessary for e-commerce business can always obtain stable income. Stability is the key word most needed by a private equity fund.

In addition, another factor is that real estate investment is affected by the world's low interest rates and it is easy to ensure a certain rate of return. Through investment logistics, a stable income of real estate can be guaranteed, especially in a country with more people and less land. Unexpectedly, the Blackstone Group will add a classic case to the business teaching materials. "

  Schwarzman readily accepted Yang Cheng's flattery, "So, will you let accidents happen?"

  He is asking if Yang Cheng is willing to help the Blackstone Group win the RB e-commerce logistics investment channel to determine the final ownership of the Hilton Group’s shares.

   "I am personally optimistic, but whether it can be done, we also need to see the attitude of RB people, please allow me to make a call?"

   "Of course, please, I will continue to finish tasting the cigar."

   Yang Cheng was not polite, took out his mobile phone to the floor-to-ceiling window, and directly dialed Ito Koji's number.

   "Hey, Brother Yang, do you still like the gift I gave you?" As soon as I got on the phone, Ito Koji showed up with Yang Cheng.

   "Of course, this is definitely the best gift I have received in years. In return, I also have good news for you." Yang Cheng didn't want to chat with him, mainly because the place was inappropriate.

   Ito Koji was taken aback, and immediately realized what Yang Cheng was going to say, "Wait a minute, I will change to a quiet space."

   waited a while, the noisy background sound on the phone was gone, Ito Koji hurriedly said, "Brother Yang, I look forward to your good news."

   Yang Cheng organized the language, and then said, "I just met with the head of the Blackstone Group. The other party has doubts about selling the Hilton Group to the RB consortium, but after my efforts, the other party expressed their willingness to talk in detail."

   Regardless of the outcome, let the other person think that he didn’t work hard first.

   As expected, Ito Koji said gratefully, "Brother Yang will always be the closest friend of the Ito family."

   Yang Cheng cleared his throat and couldn't stand the numbness of the RB people. "However, the Blackstone Group put forward a condition, I don't know if the Ito family can meet it."

   "Brother Yang, but it's okay~"

   "That's right, Blackstone Group is very optimistic about the RB logistics industry."

   are smart people, one sentence is enough to show everything.

   Ito Koji thought for a moment, "The conditions of the Blackstone Group are not difficult, and the Ito family has related industrial layouts."

   Yang Cheng said in his heart, “It’s the best thing. In addition, the Blackstone Group is offering US$7 billion for 25% of the Hilton Group’s shares. This is an astronomical figure. I don’t know if you can accept it.”

   This is the art of language. Obviously, he was eager to reach an agreement and took the initiative to raise the offer, but when he came to his mouth, it became the Blackstone Group greedily asking for sky-high prices, but Koji Ito couldn't verify it. You are not angry.

   As soon as I heard this number, Ito Koji did not accidentally breathe in cold air, and said with a wry smile million? Has exceeded our bottom line. "

Yang Cheng shrugged, he couldn't care about it. In fact, by this time, he had successfully fulfilled the original agreement. As for the failure of the final cooperation, it has nothing to do with him. After all, you are'poor' and cannot afford the price, not him. If you don't work hard, as for whether this will pit Ito, then he doesn't care much. Who makes him a small RB?

   "Is there still room for negotiation?" Ito Koji was still hopeful.

   Yang Cheng sneered, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. You can try it yourself in subsequent contacts, at least I can't do anything now."

   Ito Koji's breathing became heavy, obviously he was making a big decision.

   After a long while, Koji Ito finally said, "7 billion hard work is not impossible, but I need to get the promise of the Blackstone Group. No third party can participate in the price."

Yang Cheng pondered that this request was not possible, and Schwarzman had no reason to refuse. Although the business bu could not be permanently banned, and sooner or later, the ban would be lifted, but by that time the daylily was cold, and the Blackstone Group could not delay it. Up.

Now it can be sold as soon as possible. The price is a bit higher than that of the country Z consortium. At the same time, it can also obtain the channel for the next investment layout. This kind of condition will be rejected by fools. Obviously, Schwarzman is not a fool. On the contrary, he One of the smartest people in the world!


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