Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1156: ESPN is too expensive

   If New Era Media pays nearly US$20 billion in stocks or cash, what can it get?

   22 local sports channels, they were so imposing, Yang Cheng felt more uncomfortable the more he thought about it, no wonder he didn't directly agree to it in Iger's office at the time, he finally found the reason.

  Don’t talk about actual value. I paid one-third of the purchase price, but only got 22 local sports channels. It’s too unfair!

With such a human nature, even if he has seen big winds and waves, Yang Cheng still cannot avoid being vulgar. He always wants to get more. He hates himself for not being able to rebirth a few years earlier. If he is given a few more years, he is sure to make the media in the new era stronger. Compete with Disney in strength and comprehensively merge Fox Group.

   It’s a pity, it’s useless to say anything now, I can only find ways to deduct more benefits, such as ESPN.

   Yes, he still didn't give up on ESPN, but how can I convince Iger to agree to sell ESPN to him?

   Disney has continued to expand in Hollywood in recent years, and has successively acquired Pixar, Marvel and other rich original content producers.

   It even achieved a feat of $6 billion in annual net income last year, but in recent years, the hidden worries of declining media network revenues are still difficult to remove.

   In FY2015, 45% of Disney’s operating income came from media networks, and ESPN was the first to bear the brunt.

However, the profitability is extremely weak. The reason is the loss of users. At the same time as the loss of users of Disney’s TV network, Netflix has accumulated hundreds of millions of paying users. If no change is made, the gap will become bigger and bigger. One point is that after holding the HULU video, it will be effectively changed, so that ESPN's position in Disney's big cake is not so important.

   But if ESPN is in the hands of New Era Media, its status will change drastically, and it can perfectly complement the regional sports channels.

   When there are multiple sports games starting at the same time, ESPN can broadcast the most focused focus battle among them, and regional sports channels can broadcast home team matches of fans in the region to cover more people.

   Moreover, in the face of the ever-increasing broadcast costs of sports leagues, New Era Media can also use its user advantages to negotiate and obtain more favorable prices.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Cheng has become more and more eager for ESPN. However, there is still an important problem here. ESPN is too expensive, even more expensive than ABC TV. Even if the profit has become worse and worse in recent years, the value has shrunk. It's not a number that can be easily traded. ESPN used to bring half of Disney's revenue by itself.

   Thinking of this, Yang Cheng couldn't help but retreat. With the money to buy ESPN, he might as well grab the entire Fox Group.

Dispelling this unrealistic idea, he began to focus on the 22 local sports channels, "Ritz, you are responsible for sending people to investigate the 22 sports channels of Fox, and submit a detailed acquisition report. I want to know the overall And the estimated purchase price after considering the premium."

Although Robert Iger has given a rough figure and Yang Cheng is willing to believe it, he still has to investigate it himself. I can’t say what it is. For transactions at this level, the fractional units are counted at 100 million. How can it be? Hasty decision?

Yang Cheng said in a word, the company started the preparatory work before the acquisition, and Yang Cheng asked Murdoch to meet at the cigar bar. He was going to talk to the old man in person. Anyway, Disney has not reached an agreement with Fox. Opening up Disney and purchasing Fox Sports directly from Fox is undoubtedly a better choice, saving at least one billion or even several billion dollars.

   "Rupert, I haven't seen it for a long time~" Yang Cheng has a tall and vigorous figure. Compared with Murdoch's rickety figure, it is like the sun rising in the morning.

"It's been a long time since I saw Jason~" Hug with Yang Cheng symbolically, and then entered the box with Yang Cheng's support, and ordered the waiter to take out the handmade cigars he had stored here. After a set of procedures, he smoked beautifully. After a mouthful, he laughed at himself, "Look at my body, one day is worse than one day, and I didn't need anyone to hold it last time."

   Yang Cheng is asking for others, and her speech becomes smooth and beautiful, "It's also to blame you for being careless, you can fall down in your own home, otherwise, according to your physical condition, it will not be a problem to live to 100 years old."

   The news that he wrestled and went to the hospital for treatment had spread all over New York City.

   Murdoch laughed and lit a little orange with a cigar. "You little fox is more and more able to talk. By the way, I have a wedding in March. Remember to come."

   Yang Cheng stunned, and secretly said, "Damn, this old man is really good, he is still holding a wedding in his 80s, he and Wendy just ended their marriage not long ago."

   However, he did not forget to say congratulations, "Congratulations, congratulations, if I have time then I will be there to congratulate."

   But he immediately asked, "When did you find a new girlfriend?"

   Murdoch dipped his cigar and said with a red face, "Hey, you don't care about me too much. I took Jerry to the Barclays Center last year to support your team."

   Yang Cheng scratched his head in embarrassment. He really didn't pay attention to this matter. Presumably the media had exposed it long ago?

   Nowadays, the Barclays Center is the favorite place for New York reporters and paparazzi to stay. Nothing can escape their spears and Well, I admit, I am not good, so I should read more gossip newspapers. "

   Murdoch was also joking and waved his hand, "The wedding banquet will be held in London. Just remember to come then. I will introduce Jerry to you. She has many younger friends and your young people’s favorite supermodel."

   Yang Cheng remembered that before the divorce between Murdoch and Wendy, he had been mingling with the former world supermodel who was more than 20 years younger than him. It seems that this is about to be cultivated.

"That is my honour, but before that, Rupert, you have to do me a favor." Yang Cheng didn't want to waste time talking nonsense, and pulled back to the topic, "I want your Fox Sports, sell it to me, the price you open."

   Rupert put aside his smile and smoked cigars more vigorously. It is not surprising that Yang Cheng knew that he was going to sell Fox Group. In some eyes, this world has no secrets at all.

   "I'm sorry, I don't want to split the business for sale." In other words, he only accepts the overall offer.

   But Yang Cheng didn't expect Lao Mo to agree with him, and said patiently, "Fox Sports is a tasteless to Disney. It is a pity to swallow and vomit. In Disney's hands, Fox Sports will become meaningless.

  On the contrary, under the banner of New Age Media, Fox Sports can maximize its value. "


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