Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1068: Play the mysterious Janssen

"First of all, please allow me to welcome you all on behalf of Beihai Manor. There is nothing happier than reuniting with friends and family at Christmas.

This year is a busy and happy year. I met my fiancee; His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge welcomed Princess Charlotte; the Beckham brand has gone up to the next level; the Red Army is launching an impact on the championship. This is a gift from God. It is also the fruit of everyone's hard work.

Now is the time to celebrate. Let us use a crazy and happy night to congratulate us on our efforts in the past year and bless us all next year.

Finally, let us toast together and celebrate Merry Christmas, cheers~"


"Merry Christmas~"


At night, this grand banquet hall was opened for the first time after the Beihai Manor was returned to Yang Cheng. The guests dressed in gorgeous dresses were sitting at a 10-meter long table, toasting their glasses and celebrating Christmas.

Plates of wild birds cooked in various ways on the long table are the best rewards after hunting.

In the process of savoring the feast, there are also links of gift exchange, impromptu dance, and talent show. The atmosphere rises from wave to wave, and the roof is overturned.

The dinner lasted until midnight, when everyone was so drunk that they returned to the room with the help of the servants. Fortunately, the castle had enough rooms to basically meet the needs of one person and one room.

. . . . . .

On December 27th, after having breakfast together, the guests left Beihai Manor one after another. This wonderful party naturally received unanimous praise. They all agreed to get together again next year and invited more friends to come. On the return trip.

And Yang Cheng went to London with his father. It is said that he was going to attend a special party, and introduced some uncle friends to Yang Cheng.

On the way, Yang Cheng was still in a state of hangover, habitually hanging out from the squeezed juice in the kitchen before going out.

After cooling down the cold fruit juice, Yang Cheng's dizziness was relieved. Thinking back to his father's meaningful expression before going out, he turned his head and asked Yang Sen, who closed his eyes and asked, "Dad, who on earth do you want to see such a mystery? "

Yang Sen didn’t open his eyes, he didn’t seem to have the same mood of watching jokes in the morning, and he said in a deep voice, “Don’t ask, you will know at that time, but I remind you that today you just have to wear your eyes and ears. Just don’t comment on anyone or anything, understand?"

Today, Yang Sen rarely shows the majesty of being a Laozi, his words and deeds reveal the style of a king. The unquestionable attitude has hardly ever been in Yang Cheng's impression, at least he has never been to himself. He is not a domineering father.

But today's abnormality made Yang Cheng secretly vigilant. How could this posture keep up with the duel, and he didn't dare to ask more.

The car slowly merged into the traffic of London, Yang Cheng found that the car was driving towards New Oxford Street, where the most famous existence should be the British Museum. Seeing the posture, he rushed to the museum. He couldn't help scratching his head. Could the old man bring him here? view Gallery? But there is no need to be so serious when watching an exhibition, right?

About 10 minutes later, Yang Cheng had the answer. It turned out that they were not going to the main building of the museum, but to an attached three-story masonry building of the museum, and the car drove directly into the underground parking lot of the building. .

It was neither Hansen nor Andrew who drove today. They were all left in the manor for a holiday today. Yang Cheng’s safety was in charge of Yang Sen’s bodyguards, and of course Yang Sen’s people were driving.

After the car was identified, the rolling shutter door of the basement slowly opened. Yang Cheng was a little puzzled. He was sure that his car had not been here. Why did the surveillance identify it?

As Rolls-Royce entered the basement, the entire space became dark, but the driver turned off the automatic headlights ahead of time. If Yang Cheng hadn't found a row of guiding lights on the ground, he would suspect that the old bodyguard was special Function, because with the shutter door closed again, the underground space where you are now is completely invisible, and the participant's scalp is numb.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng was convinced that his father would not do things like tiger poisonous predators, otherwise he really couldn't help resisting now. Nima is too scary. Isn't this going to see a vampire? Legend has it that vampires in Europe will hunt during Christmas?

Alright, okay, Yang Cheng also knows that his brain is a little bit open, but he can't be blamed, it's really unbelievable.

He could feel the car moving. Although the speed was not fast, it was moving. Then after turning a few turns, the brightness of the indicator light on the ground was almost nothing. Yang Cheng opened his eyes hard to tell the difference. However, After a few laps, he could no longer distinguish the north, south, east and west.

It wasn't until this time that Yang Cheng felt the car stop, as if it was pressing a steel plate, because Yang Cheng heard the sound of the tires chucking over.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of electric current, and the car body slammed, and a sudden sense of weightlessness quickly returned to normal, as if riding on an elevator.

Yang Cheng and the others did indeed get on the elevator, because as the platform was sinking, Yang Cheng sitting in the car saw the bright light soon. The brightness became stronger and stronger. After more than 10 seconds, the car had come completely. On the other floor, when the landing platform stopped, Yang Cheng quickly turned his head and looked out. He found that this floor was also a parking lot, and almost all of them were Rolls Royce Gust, even a Phantom. Didn't find it.

Probably counted, there should be a few dozen. After the driver pulled the car out of the platform, he stopped at an elevator entrance ~ Yang Sen did not tell Yang Cheng to get out of the car.

Yang Cheng, who had been numb to today’s experience, had to get out of the car and asked, but when he remembered his father’s previous reminder, or the warning was more accurate, he immediately closed his mouth and said in his heart, "Play mystery with the young master? Cut, scare anyone, then the young master will be dumb to the end."

When I was particularly naive and **** in my heart, the elevator door opened slowly. Without saying anything, the two of them walked inside.

Looking at the elevator from the outside, it still sounds modern. The silver-white steel elevator doors are no different from ordinary elevators, but Yang Cheng clearly feels the traces of time when entering inside.

The corners of the elevator are rusty and even mildewed. The numeric keyboard is even more worn and you can’t see what it is. There is only a light bulb above your head. The harsh sound makes it clear that the elevator is protesting-it's time to retire!

Yang Cheng was speechless and couldn't ask, so she could only close her eyes and rest in the same way as her father.

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