Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1062: William's Christmas is not happy

The Christmas Eve meal is just an appetizer for the entire holiday carnival, and there will be a richer meal waiting for everyone tomorrow.

After playing for a whole day, after a lively meal in the evening, everyone gathered under the Christmas tree in the living room to exchange Christmas gifts. They were all inexpensive small items, such as watch boxes, pipes, and lighters. Liu Yun gave them to Yang ingeniously. The orange and Luo Yue set of small trains is considered the most expensive one of the gifts that night. This set of small trains is a top toy for developing children’s logical thinking ability. It is now very popular in Europe and the United States. It is constructed based on their own houses and courtyards. A complete train operation system is very playable.

If Liu Yun hadn't made it clear that this set of toys was given to Yang Cheng and Luo Yue's future children, Yang Cheng would have played it shamelessly. This kind of real version of the simulated business game sounds very interesting.

But in the end it was put away by Carson, and he couldn't show his innocence in front of so many old people, right?

In short, Christmas Eve was spent in such a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere. In the early morning, everyone went back to the room to sleep, but Yang Cheng was tossing and turning. It was not because there was something on his mind, but simply because he was feeling the life from this life to the present, even now. There is an illusion of being in a dream. This is definitely not hypocritical. He is very empty now. He feels that the better he is, the worse he will fall in the future, for fear that one day he will wake up and return to his rental room. Faced with all kinds of pressures and debts every day.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of person who is unreasonably worried. The occasional sentimentality can only prove that he is a person who will not forget what he was once, and will not have any impact on his current life and thoughts.

Accompanied by all kinds of strange thoughts, I fell asleep deeply.

When I slept until the dawn, after opening my eyes, I looked out through the window, white covering the sky and the earth, it seems that God is using a heavy snow to celebrate the arrival of Christmas in the world.

Luo Yue woke up a long time ago, standing in front of the window in a pink dressing gown. The indoor constant temperature system was always on. The outside was ice and snow, but the house was warm like spring.

Yang Cheng rubbed his sleepy eyes, lifted the quilt and got out of the bed and came to Luo Yue's back. He wrapped his hands along the waist and put his chin on his shoulders. He buried his head in the hair and took a deep breath. The elegant floral fragrance curled around the tip of his nose. Can not help but close his eyes and indulge in it.

Luo Yue was itchy all over by Yang Orange's movements, and he turned his head with a smile, and said grotesquely, "Don't make trouble~ I won't be in shape when I get up early in the morning!"

Yang Cheng was very greedy and didn't give Luo Yue the space to avoid. She lightly bit on the snow-smooth neck, leaving the mark of Yang's exclusive, and she smiled happily. Shape? Hey, don't want to hide anyway, don't want to hide in this life."

Such overbearing and rascal love words made Luo Yue do not know how to answer, but it was far more sweet than pudding, and it made her feel as if honey was poured into her heart.

"Okay, go and wash. I got up late yesterday. You can't let me be late again today. If you let Grandpa and Grandpa watch me jokes, you will be dead." Luo Yue looked terribly cute with gritted teeth. Yang Cheng couldn't hold back it. It was a bite. For a long time, the chun was divided, and the contented Yang Cheng slid into the bathroom, resolutely not giving Luo Yue a chance to retaliate. The enemy advances and we retreat. The essence of "War".

After half an hour, the two finally came out of the bathroom tired and crooked. While changing their clothes, Luo Yue asked, "Are there any special arrangements today?"

Yang Cheng put on a T-shirt, tilted his head and thought, "We can go to the Christmas market, it's very lively."

"The market? It sounds great, but the uncles and aunts are all there. It's not good for the two of us to play by ourselves? Forget it, are there other arrangements?"

Yang Cheng just wanted to say that it was okay. Everyone played on their own and didn't have to think about that much. As a result, the phone ringing rang quickly, making people inexplicably irritable.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was William who was calling. Yes, it would be impossible not to answer. Luo Yue gave Luo Yue a comforting look, and answered, "Merry Christmas William~"

However, William’s tone didn’t sound so happy, "Damn, jason, my Christmas is ruined, I need your help."

Listening to William's indignant and feeble tone, Yang Cheng's little heart beats suddenly, MD, will something big happen?

Cleared his throat, "If something happened, what's the matter?"

"Paradise files have been exposed!"

William's words left Yang Cheng speechless, and her mouth was open for a long time without speaking.

"Hello? Did you hear me?" William confirmed.

Yang Cheng came back to his senses, "Damn it, didn't I give you the file for you to check? How could it be detonated?"

To be honest, the Paradise Documents had little effect on him. He is not the most watched figure on the document. There are also Queen, Microsoft, Apple and countless Americans in front of them as shields. He is afraid of a fart!

But the crux of the problem is the incident itself. Yang Cheng got the Paradise Documents from the "Sunday Times" Editor-in-Chief Withelow at the time. Although it was not the full version, after giving it to William, he thought that with MI6's ability to find The hacker was easy, but in reality, he slapped his face. He didn't find him, but he was directly detonated. You must know that this is about a year earlier than the original time and space, and no one knows what kind of chain reaction it will cause.

This uncontrollable feeling is what makes Yang Cheng flustered the most.

Ignoring Yang Cheng’s questioning tone, William said irritably, “Now that it’s meaningless, the document has been just in the early morning, just after Christmas Eve, after midnight fermentation, the heat Already up, now I and the British royal family need your help, my friend."

Yang Cheng scratched his head feebly, her hair had not yet been wiped dry, and her wet hand did not feel good. A few strands of hair were lost in one scratch.

"Damn, damn, you let me think about it, the heat has risen, and it's unrealistic to directly block the people's channels of occurrence at this time. We can only shift the target." Yang Cheng began to pace by the window, walking along and said to herself language.

William thought that Yang Cheng was talking to him, and said angrily, "Then change the target, what do you want to do, do you need my cooperation?"

Yang Cheng's brows were completely squeezed, "This goal must be big, otherwise no one will care. The whole world is happy to see the jokes of the British royal family. If the goal is small, it will not be effective."

Speaking of Yang Cheng's footsteps, her face turned gloomy, "During Christmas, there are a lot of threats from terrorist attacks in London, right?"

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