Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1028: The position of the royal family is firm

Looking back to the second floor of the White Club, the red leather sofa set looks very coquettish, completely inconsistent with the low-key style advocated by the White Club, but it also fits the absurd tone. In general, the decoration on the second floor is still very exciting. Members start gambling*.

   Yang Cheng's gambling with Joe Lewis and Coventry ended soon after it started.

To be precise, about 8 minutes after the start of the timer, a homeless man found the wallet, with almost no hesitation. He picked it up and opened it. There was a wad of brand-new banknotes in it. The homeless man didn’t hesitate and didn’t look back. Rushed out and disappeared quickly.

   Then there was this scene, Yang Cheng talked about two Barclays Bank cheques for 10,000 pounds each with his fingers, showing a triumphant smile, "I will treat you another day, don’t refuse."

   Coventry said helplessly, "Oh, my God, I'm really disappointed. I didn't expect our national quality to be so low."

   Joe Lewis complained angrily, "Do you still expect homeless people to talk about quality? Then they are starving to death!

   Damn it, it's 8 minutes away, as long as I insist on 8 minutes to win, it will be mine. "

   Yang Cheng stretched out his hands, "Joe, I can only say that you will win without my participation. I want to say sorry, but this is a game."

   Joe Lewis waved his hand, "Forget it, it's just £10,000."

"Actually, don’t be surprised. The same gambling game in any country will have the same effect. It has nothing to do with quality. This is the greedy nature of people at work. Unless you throw your wallet in an area full of millionaires, maybe they Will dismiss it." Yang Cheng made a declaration as a winner.

  The gambling round is over, and the three of them quickly talked about foreign exchange.

"Joe, what on earth do you think? Are you really going to attack the pound with all your strength?" Coventry asked concerned, apparently he was concerned about Joe Lewis' business, the poor grandma queen, even the nobles who were loyal to him Recognize money but not face.

   "It's not that I want to snipe, but watch the pound depreciate and put a lot of money on the ground. Can I not pick it up?"

   Yang Cheng smiled, and he was embarrassed to say, "What's the difference between this and the tramp who just picked up the wallet? Of course, the behavior looks higher, but the essence is the same."

   Of course, what I thought and what I said were completely different things, "Joe, do you think Brexit has been confirmed?"

Actually, Yang Cheng knows the answer, but when I have this question, I still want to explore this old guy. Is he really emboldened or his head is hot? If it is the former, Yang Cheng may think about it, because even without Joe Lewis The suggestion of next year, he will follow the huge hot money on Wall Street to fish some oil and water;

   On the contrary, he felt that there was no need for this dialogue to continue, and Joe Lewis was not a good leader.

   Joe Lewis adjusted his sitting posture, a trace of fatigue appeared on his face. After all, he was an old man who was almost 80 years old. His physical function declined severely, and he would feel tired even after sitting for a long time.

   "Regardless of whether the United Kingdom will leave the European Union or not, in fact, for nearly a century, the pound has been on the downward ladder against the dollar, and the steps are getting bigger and bigger."

   Yang Cheng agrees with this. As one of the oldest currencies in the world, during the First World War, 1 pound can be exchanged for close to 5 US dollars, but now? I have been hovering at the US$1.5 line, but I have never broken through this bottom line, but next year’s big event will happen, this bottom line will be difficult to hold. All this is caused by the weakness of the British economy and the lack of competitiveness of its own products. .

Knowing what Joe Lewis probably wanted to say, Yang Cheng felt that there was no need to listen. He wanted to listen to something nutritious, so he interrupted, "Joe, you and I know that you want to attack the pound from the point of departure. , Not only you, including me, including Wall Street, everyone is looking down on the pound, but if you want to be the first shot sniper, you need to come up with something substantial, for example, you are sure that the UK will leave the European Union Direct evidence."

   When he finished saying this, he turned his gaze to Coventry. This aristocrat who can play arms in Britain might receive some secret news, such as the attitude of the royal family.

   It's a pity, I don't know if he is really out of stock or if he doesn't want to say anything, he just smiles and doesn't speak, making Yang Cheng quite depressed.

But Joe Lewis was irritated, and really broke some useful predictions, "I had dinner with the Prime Minister’s family last month. During the dinner, he was pessimistic about Britain’s departure from the European Union, but he was unable to stop it. The words are more intense, revealing that the means of resignation is not ruled out to get out of the whirlpool, and at least one must be cleaned.

   I guess that he should have encountered a setback with the royal family that caused him to have such a negative attitude. "

   Yang Cheng's heart was shocked. This is strong evidence that the wheels of the previous life really did that.

Regarding the attitude of the royal family, Yang Cheng has always felt that they are very steadfast Brexitists. Regardless of how William vaguely stance, the Queen will never consider the interests of all British people, but the interests of their British royal family~www. Because in the eyes of the Queen, staying in the European Union can only weaken the influence of the British royal family, and the ultimate goal of the European Union is unification. At that time, whether the British royal family can exist or not will be a problem, or it will be completely reduced to a fight. The mascot of soy sauce.

   You must know that although Britain is now a constitutional monarchy, the British king is still nominally the hereditary head of state, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United Kingdom, and the hereditary leader of the Anglican Church, possessing lofty glory and status.

In terms of legal status, the British monarch can appoint and remove the prime minister, ministers, senior judges, and governors of various territories. It has the power to convene, stop and dissolve parliaments, approve and promulgate laws, command the army, and declare war. In fact, the British royal family has the power to The influence is far more than that. You can see that William can easily mobilize the army and the army. You can also understand why the Queen is the Brexitist.

   If Britain stays in the European Union and eventually forms a zheng body with the European continent, then the current constitutional monarchy in Britain will not only cease to exist, and the British royal family will lose its nominal royal status and powers.

  Of course, whether the EU's ideas can be realized or not, at least in the short term, there is basically no hope. Germany and France are the biggest obstacle to the unification of Europe, let alone the feuding contradictions of other countries.

   But no matter what, Joe Lewis’s reason for sniping the pound is good enough!


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