Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1005: Familiar Mansour family

   "Mr. Savilis, I'm sorry that I can't dine with you. One of my disobedient staff has made a small matter that needs me to deal with it. We are destined to see you again."

   It's just that Yang Cheng didn't expect at all, the two met again at the gate of Luxor Jing Bureau just after they were separated for less than 10 minutes.

   No, it is accurate to say that Nasef Savilis waited at the gate of the Jing game early and waved at Yang Cheng who had not gotten off the Hummer. The smile looked so hateful in Yang Cheng's eyes.

   "It's nice to see you again~" This was the first sentence that Nasef greeted after Yang Cheng got out of the car, and it sounded full of showy tone.

   Yang Cheng's face was cold, "What a coincidence, Mr. Savilis, are you coming to the Jing Bureau to do business too?"

Nasef turned a deaf ear to the sarcasm in Yang Cheng’s words, and said to himself, “In my place, I must not let my friends be wronged, let’s go, let’s go in and see, this group of **** has caused another What trouble~"

   In his mouth, Egyptian JC is no different from bed bugs. They are both objects that make people boring and can step on them to death at any time.

   In fact, these ‘bugs’ did not disappoint. When they learned that the richest man appeared at the door, they greeted them one after another, and their flattery simply lost the face of the judiciary.

Yang Cheng watched their "performance" unmovedly, and kept sighing in his heart. It seemed that he had to ask for this favor if he didn't want it, but he was still ready to ask the specific situation, what did Abraham do. Didn’t you get caught in the jingle game not long after you went out? So will the next set of people be Nasef Savilis?

The people who were chatting with Nasef at this time, with a mustache and wearing a black uniform, the heavily armed JC behind them all seem to have some practical ability, but these public officials who should have been serious and serious are in front of the richest man. , Lowered his proud head.

"Dear Mr. Savilis, please allow me to express my most respectful greetings to you on behalf of all the staff of the Luxor Jing Bureau." The head of the bureau just flattered, but Nasef Savilis But he didn't appreciate it at all, and he didn't even bother to say a word of unnecessary nonsense, and said ironically, "Your outstanding work has left a deep memory for the distinguished guests of our country."

   The director was taken aback for a moment, but then he showed a humble expression of asking for advice, "This is our mistake, Mr. Saveris, please point me. We will do our best to save the loss caused by our stupidity."

   Yang Cheng held his forehead, and the JC leader of a city was the only one in the world.

Nasef was still dissatisfied, "Save it? How to save it? Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Now, please let me out of this distinguished guest's subordinates safely. If there is any damage, I will Representing taxpayers and submitting opinions to Parliament."

   The director's head seemed to have pressed down a huge rock out of thin air, and fell short. "Please give me another chance, Mr. Saveris. I am willing to apologize to your distinguished guest and make 120% efforts to ask for forgiveness."

   Yang Cheng felt more and more that Saveris was on the show, because all the conversations between him and the director were in English, just to make them understand.

   The director made a guarantee. After asking the detainee's name, he immediately called in his subordinates and ordered a few words in their native language. After a while, the subordinate who had just left took Abraham and walked out the door.

   Yang Cheng looked up and down Abraham's state. Although he looked dejected and listless, at least there were no wounds on his body.

   However, Yang Cheng was also surprised by the power of Nasef Savilis in Egypt. From beginning to end, no one had been involved in the case.

   Nasef snorted coldly, "Just so, I hope you can remember the lesson today, who can catch and who can't."

   After finishing speaking, without giving Yang Cheng a chance to ask further, he went straight to his bullet-proof version of the extended Mercedes-Benz, and set off in a dusty manner, which completely settled the favor.

   The director reluctantly looked at the taillights to pay attention. When he recovered to get close to Yang Cheng, he discovered that the sturdy Hummer was only left with the taillights.

Inside the Hummer, Andrew drove quietly at a slow speed. The street slowly became bleak as night fell. Except for the armed JC who came out from the guard box to patrol from time to time, few pedestrians wandered on the street. This situation has been going on for many years since the Zhengquan turmoil. The tranquility of the Nile River has not only failed to bring people a peaceful life, but has added a sense of suppressed fear.

Yang Cheng didn’t think about Nasef Savilis’ intentions for the time being, turned his head to look at Abraham who was still sullen, and comforted, “Okay, it’s not necessary, isn’t it all right now? If you adjust your mood, Please tell me what happened? I am at a loss now."

Abraham smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "Mr. Yang, I would also like to give you a clear answer, but unfortunately, I myself feel inexplicable. After leaving the hotel in the evening, I contacted a few people who were active in Luxor all year round. The underground intelligence agencies are organized and individual, and then I asked them one by one. The big intelligence agencies are not very interested in the group of tomb robbers, and only a few insignificant news are sent to me for free.

I was going to contact an independent intelligence dealer like me, but when I passed a small shop on the way there, I was inexplicably involved in a bomb attack. Those patrolling JC regarded me as a suspect for planting the bomb. I didn’t say that I was detained and sent to the Jing Bureau, but no one came to ask me in the Jing Bureau until I was released. "

After Yang Cheng listened, he slammed a fist on the door frame. Although it sounded absurd, it was already obvious. This was definitely the trick under Nasef Savilis. Nothing else could be found. A reasonable explanation.

  What the **** is he going to do? If you just want to cooperate with yourself, there is no need to use this method of downloading.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that this is the consistent style of the Saveris family. It is impossible to monopolize the construction industry of a country without conspiracy.

   But what made Yang Orange even more angry was that Nasef wanted to calculate that it was okay, but he shouldn't block his chance to search for clues.

You can’t just leave it alone. Even if it’s unwise to stir up friction on other people’s turf, he is not the one who has been wronged and swallowed his anger. Besides, Savilis’ roots in Egypt will not affect his core interests at all. Just shoot and run, what can you do with him?

   at least can't let this old guy break his plan!

   Yang Cheng decides to find a helper and fights on his own. It is difficult to take advantage of the friction with the Saveris family.

   It’s also very particular about choosing a partner. You can’t blindly send it to your door. If you don’t know the details, you will not only be opened up by the lion, but you may also be jointly calculated.

   As the saying goes, the enemy’s enemy is a friend. Can you really cover the sky in Nassaif Savilis, Egypt? Obviously it was impossible, so what Yang Cheng was looking for was the rival of the Savilis family.

   He believed that Abraham could give himself a satisfactory answer to this question.

   "Hey, man, among the big families in Egypt, who often has trouble with the Saveris family? They even have mortal enemies?"

Facing Yang Cheng’s expectant gaze, Abraham did not let him down, and replied almost without hesitation, “The Mansour family, if you find an enemy for the Savilis family in Egypt, then it must be the Mansour family. The Mansour Group that operates is not only the second largest real estate company in Egypt, but also shares the communications market with the Saveris family. At the same time, it is also one of the largest distributors of GM Group in the world. It almost monopolizes Egypt’s vehicle import trade. Although in terms of wealth It's not as good as the Saveris family for the time being, but they haven't stopped hitting the throne."

   Yang Cheng heard this familiar surname, and couldn't help being a little surprised, and confirmed to Abraham, "Dear Mr. Abraham, please tell me, is this Mansour family the Mansour I am familiar with?"

Abraham was taken aback for a moment. Facing Yang Cheng’s rare and kind attitude, he was a little panicked, and nodded repeatedly, “In fact, the Mansour family in Egypt is the distant relative of the Mansour family in Abu Dhabi, otherwise they are very It is difficult to rise so quickly and challenge the status of the Saveris family course, I don't know how the two Mansour families are related."

   Yang Cheng patted the door frame and laughed, "That's enough~"

   He was still worried about how to get in touch with each other, but he didn't expect God to be interesting enough to solve the trouble easily.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Sheikh Mansour without hesitation. The actual controller of the Abu Dhabi consortium is now an emperor in the Arab region. Abraham found that he underestimated Yang Cheng's strength. , It turned out to be able to make a call to Sheikh Mansour’s personal cell phone.

Just when Abraham was shocked by Yang Cheng’s strength and connections, the busy tone on Yang Cheng’s phone broke, and Sheikh Mansour’s surprised voice came, "Jason? God is here, you have not contacted me for several years. Once, a phone call suddenly interrupted me to have dinner with a beautiful woman. This is really a sin!"

Regarding Sheikh Mansour’s ridicule, Yang Cheng also felt embarrassed. He did not do well enough to maintain his contacts. But then again, everyone is a big man who has everything to do. Talking on the phone?

And Mansour is not like himself. In addition to dealing with business matters, he also has to exert influence on the zheng altar. He always acts as a trapeze. He doesn’t touch the ground and has no time to call friends, so Yang Cheng His guilt flashed past, and he went back directly, "Please, if I remember correctly, I have called you at least a few times, but you seem to have never contacted me."

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