Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1003: Richest man in egypt

   Abraham's sentiments seemed to be to prove one thing-he didn't care about the intentions of Yang Cheng and others, and if possible, he wanted to participate.

About 2 hours later, the sky gradually darkened. Andrew pushed open the door and entered, with unspeakable depression written on his face, "Boss, maybe we can find Eiffel's whereabouts soon, why let us come back? "

   Fortunately, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he knows to control his tone, turning the questioning into a complaint.

   Craig Harrison, who followed behind him silently, was also puzzled, but he wouldn't say much, he leaned against the wall as soon as he entered the door, looking forward to Yang Cheng's answer.

   It's just that Yang Cheng was too lazy to say, waved to let Hansen help explain.

   After a few minutes, after listening to the horrible death desert legend, Andrew said with lingering fear, "God please forgive me, how can there be such a terrible place in the world, but is this true? It sounds like a novel."

   Abraham said excitedly, “Of course it’s true. My former neighbor’s playmate broke into the desert of death because of curiosity and never came back.”

   Andrew smirked, "It's not that I don't believe it, it is, it is~"

   He couldn't find a good adjective himself, so he just shut up and waited for Yang Cheng to make up his mind.

"Abraham, you said before that a group of tomb robbers entered from Sudan. Can you find out about them now?" Yang Cheng felt that he could not solve the problem of the death desert temporarily, so he had to change his mind. Find a way on him.

Abraham hesitated, "I can't guarantee, I can only try to find someone to ask, if anyone is interested in that group, send someone to follow, but then you will have to spend a lot of money to buy information. ."

   Yang Cheng agreed very simply, "You can ask, money is not a problem."

There is nothing to say now. Abraham turned around and was about to go out to find friends to inquire about the news. As a result, he found the big beard standing against the wall. He felt very familiar, but he couldn't see his face clearly because of the cap. After staring for a few seconds, he yelled out in the bearded smiley face, "fuck, Craig? You are Craig, right?"

  Although he had used the phone before, Abraham couldn't believe it, and he saw it with his own eyes.

   Craig Harrison gently pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, "How are you Abraham~"

"Damn, you really are still alive, do you know how much your news is worth in the underground world? Fuck, a full half a million dollars, if you can provide a specific location, you can instantly double your tm worth 1 million dollars~" Abraham Very excited, pointed at Craig and spit directly.

   Craig was still unmoved, without the emotional fluctuations of old friends meeting, and asked faintly, "Then, congratulations, you now have a chance to make 1 million dollars."

   Abraham stepped forward and grabbed Craig by the collar. The strange thing was that Craig had no intention of resisting. In fact, as long as he wanted to, Abraham would go to see God in less than a second.

   "shit, you are shit. Who do you think of me? An ungrateful bastard? You are my savior. Even if you kill me, don't even want to get the news of your hair from my mouth."

   Craig was finally moved. Although he showed only a look in his eyes, it was quite rare for a sniper with a calm heart.

   "Okay, Abraham, go find out the news, my boss is still waiting." Craig patted Abraham's hand lightly, letting him release himself and leaned back against the wall.

   Abraham lowered his head to conceal his excitement, "I know, if I have a chance, I will invite you to drink."

   After the others left, Yang Cheng joked, "I didn't expect you to have a dead brother in Egypt."

Craig shrugged his shoulders and did not take this. Instead, he said, "Tell me about the news that I've inquired about. About the Dead Desert and Eiffel's purchase of a metal detector from the black market, you must all know it. I will not talk nonsense. Up.

   The key is the group of tomb robbers in your mouth. "

   Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, "You have news about that group of tomb robbers?"

   But then he was puzzled, "Then why don't you stop Abraham?"

   Craig shook his head, "I need to compare with the news that Abraham brought back~"

   Yang Cheng understood, "I see, then tell me about the news you got."

"That group is a professional tomb robbing gang. They have committed crimes in the Valley of the Kings many times. The total value of the pharaoh artifacts that have flowed out of their hands is as high as tens of millions of dollars. It should be the tomb thief who bought the high-level insiders and ran away with the news in advance."

   Hansen frowned and asked, "The tomb robbers are cruel, and they are likely to open fire directly when they encounter a suspected colleague. Eiffel and the others were caught off guard without expectation. This situation exists."

Craig shook his head, "Listen to me. This group of tomb robbers is not a subjective action this time. In fact, it has been three years since they last took the treasure. It is rumored that they have made enough money. The Golden Basin washed his hands, but this time he suddenly entered Egypt and received an employment contract at a high price."

   Yang Cheng couldn’t wait to ask, “What’s the content of the contract?”

   "I don't know, the person who told me the news was also through a middleman who helped this group of tomb robbers with the goods. No one knows the specific content, except for the tomb robbers themselves."

Yang Cheng sighed. The news that Craig had brought did not help him to solve his doubts. If he could know further content, it might be convenient for him to judge. But so far, all the information has been put together. No one knows if the tomb thief is coming for Eiffel, of course, it is possible that they happened to meet each other, and then they fight to lose.

   But no matter what the situation is, Yang Cheng knows that the chance of Eiffel being able to survive is infinitely close to zero.

  At this time, the door of the room was knocked, and the bodyguard standing guard pushed the door and came in to report, "Boss, there is a fellow from outside, saying that it is on behalf of Mr. Nasef Savilis to invite you to dinner."

   Yang Cheng frowned, who is Nasef Savilis? He didn't seem to know this person, and when he was about to refuse, he suddenly discovered that the man on the cover of the magazine on the bedside table was not Egypt's richest man Nasef Saviris?

   shouldn’t have the same name, right?

   "Let that bodyguard come in~" Yang Cheng ordered.

While signalling Hansen to pass the magazine to himself, a black man wearing camouflage uniforms, almost fully armed, walked in, turning a blind eye to the contempt of Hansen and others, "Dear Mr. Yang, on behalf of the Saveris family, I sincerely invite You have dinner together."

   Originally, Yang Cheng wanted to ask if the owner of the other party was the richest man in Egypt, but he directly claimed to be a member of the Savilis family, and basically did not run away.

Even if Egypt is poor, it is not that there are no rich people, and it is not generally rich. For example, this Nasef Savilis, he and his family almost monopolize the construction and tourism industry in Egypt, and also occupy the field of communication. A considerable share is almost the existence of the uncrowned king of Egypt.

   Faced with this kind of person, Yang Cheng must of course be respected. He didn't bother to think about how the other party came to the door. As the uncrowned king, no troubles in this country can be hidden from the other party.

   You must know that the real habitable area in Egypt is less than 35,000 square kilometers, which is almost the same size as HN Province. However, this is only one-thirtieth the area of ​​Egypt, and it is too easy to control.

However, he still asked as usual, "I don’t know what Mr. Saveris is asking for me? I have important business in Luxor and cannot go back to Cairo for the time being. Please apologize for me, and I will visit the house personally when I am done. ."

   The black bodyguard said politely, "Mr. Yang, Mr. Saveris is in a nearby restaurant at this time."

  The words have reached this point, Yang Cheng is not good enough to shirk, anyway, he is also the richest man in the country, and face is still to be given.

   slightly nodded, "I see, please go downstairs and wait a while, I will come later."

After waiting for people to leave, Yang Cheng said, "Hansen and Andrew will go with me, and the rest will find a room to rest and stand by, Craig, you stay and wait for Abraham. If you bring back important information, please inform me in time. "

   When he went downstairs, Yang Cheng did not forget to tell Hansen, "If Craig calls later, let me know as soon as possible, don’t care what I was doing."

A halal restaurant near the Savilis has already booked the venue. Except for the bodyguards standing guard at the door, there is no one in the restaurant. Yang Cheng kept frowning when he entered, just when he was puzzled. When the people were gone, an old man with short white hair and both Arab and white characteristics came out of the bathroom. He was taken aback when he saw Yang Cheng, and then smiled from afar, "You are Jason Yang, right? I take the liberty to invite you to come, hope you don't blame it."

   Reaching out without hitting the smiling face, Yang Cheng politely said a few words, and then asked, "I don't know why Mr. Savilis asked me to come?"

Nasef Savilis invited Yang Cheng to sit down and sit opposite each other across the dining table. "When your private jet landed at Cairo International Airport, it caused a huge sensation. You must know that except for our own entrepreneurs, no I know how long I haven't seen a foreign private jet landing in Cairo.

   The following person told me that the owner of the plane was the founder of New Times Media. I wondered why you, a new American media tycoon, suddenly came to Egypt as a guest. There was no news in advance. It should not have been a business invitation. "

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Yes, this trip is a private matter, Mr. Saveris doesn't have to explain so much, there are some things that everyone tacitly says."

For monopolistic chaebols, what he dislikes most is that powerful opponents come to his turf. Yang Cheng understands that Savilis sends someone to track and investigate his actions. Although this is very unpleasant, but he also changed himself. Will do it.

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