Chapter 81

“Five thousand Cloud Shinobi, and Eight Tails Jinchūriki, Third Raikage really looks up to me.”

Ryu looked at the information about Cloud Shinobi. This combat power is terrifying. No wonder Danzo and Hatake Sakumo are deflated together. Even Ryu finds it tricky.

“What is the combat power, you have to try it before you know it.”

Taking a look at Five Tails Kokuō, Ryu decided to take the initiative and let the Uchiha people wait here. Ryu didn’t intend to take them there.

Ryu himself can get away quickly even if he encounters a trap, but if he takes the Uchiha clan with them, they don’t have the strength of Ryu’s self-protection.

“Uchiha Ye, you command the tribe for the time being.”

After instructing Uchiha to be wild, Ryu controlled Five Tails to move out. With the movement of Five Tails, there was no way to hide it. After all, how could the tail beast’s tall body be hidden?

It doesn’t matter if you can’t hide it, Ryu didn’t intend to hide it originally, so what if he kills it openly.

“Uchiha Ryu, you are finally here.”

After Third Raikage saw the huge body of Five Tails, with killing intent in his eyes, he immediately caused the weaker Cloud Shinobi to retreat. They would not help if they stay here, and would only cause unnecessary damage.

“Burubi, come with me.”

Third Raikage said to the young man standing next to him.

He is the current Eight Tails Jinchūriki, who is the nephew of Third Raikage. In the original work, Orochimaru was conspired to cause Eight Tails to run away and die.

Burubi has used tail beastization, but it is not a complete tail beastization, but a half-tailed beast, wearing a tail beast coat, six tails dancing like tentacles.

“Third Raikage, you dare to attack Konoha. Did you forget the last time you fled in embarrassment?”

With a smile on Ryu’s face, he specifically stirred the emotions of Third Raikage.

At this time, he can still see the injuries left by Third Raikage, the extensive burns, and the severe scars caused by Susanoo.

“Uchiha Ryu, this time I want to avenge the Tutai and Cloud Shinobi who died in your hands.”

Third Raikage used Lightning Style Chakra Mode, as if covered with a layer of lightning armor, and the power of the explosion smashed the ground with one foot.

“This speed is really terrifying, and I am also greedy for Lightning Style Chakra Mode.”

After Ryu turned on Mangekyō Sharingan, he could barely see Third Raikage’s movements. The speed was so fast that he couldn’t see Third Raikage with the naked eye.

“It’s unwise to go head-to-head with Third Raikage.”

Seeing Third Raikage rushing over, although Ryu was confident in his physical skills, he didn’t think he could beat Third Raikage.

His body is limited and his age is too young. If he waits for Ryu to reach adulthood, he is really not afraid of using physical skills and Third Raikage.

“Fire Style·The fire is extinguished.”

The hands were quickly led, and within a second, the fierce fire was extinguished and Ryu released it, and a sea of ​​fire engulfed Third Raikage.(Read more @

But immediately, Third Raikage broke through the sea of ​​flames with lightning. The last time it was able to use a fierce fire to extinguish it caused permanent burns to Third Raikage. That was because Third Raikage was unable to use Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

This time Third Raikage used Lightning Style Chakra Mode, at most the body was a little red, and there was no injury at all.

With a strong leap, Third Raikage jumped several tens of meters, and hit Ryu standing on Five Tails with a punch. The fist wind shook the air and formed an air cannon.

Bang! ! !

The moment it hit Ryu, Ryu’s body turned into white mist and disappeared, and Third Raikage’s pupils shrank suddenly, and it was Shadow Clone that hit.

“Lightning Style· Raikiri.”

Ryu’s palm was like a sharp thunder knife, piercing towards Third Raikage, and instantly appeared behind Third Raikage, attacking Third Raikage.

Just now, the attention of Third Raikage was on Shadow Clone, so Ryu succeeded, but the palm hits like steel.

“This defense is outrageous, and I resisted Raikiri without precaution, leaving only a small scar.”

Third Raikage was knocked out, but it failed to cause fatal damage to Third Raikage.

Don’t even say it was a fatal injury, it just caused Third Raikage to shed a little blood, and the defense reached this level is really outrageous.

“Don’t want to hurt Master Raikage, and me.”

Burubi used Tailed Beast Bomb to attack Ryu.

Half-tailed beasts can also use Tailed Beast Bomb, but the half-tailed Tailed Beast Bomb is definitely not as powerful as the fully tailed Tailed Beast Bomb.

“This kind of sneak attack trick is far from hurting me.”

Ryu had already appeared next to Burubi. While attacking Third Raikage before, Ryu threw a Flying Thunder God Kunai towards Burubi.

“Big Ball Rasengan.”

An oversized blue Chakra sphere hit Burubi’s body and smashed Burubi away.

“Tailed beast coat is really troublesome. You two are wearing tortoise shells. It’s really hard to deal with.”

As we spoke, the fierce fist wind had already screamed, and Third Raikage, who was still tens of meters away from Ryu, had appeared in front of Ryu.. ……..

“Your speed is very fast, but it’s not worth mentioning in front of Flying Thunder God.”

Ryu again used Flying Thunder God to avoid Third Raikage’s attack, standing not far away and watching Third Raikage calmly.

“Why don’t you use your Susanoo?” Third Raikage asked Ryu with a sneer.

“Oh, you really want me to use it?”

Ryu smiled, controlled Five Tails to leave, and slew in the direction of Cloud Shinobi’s troops, using Tailed Beast Bomb while running.

Third Raikage’s complexion changed, and he shouted to Burubi, “Burubi, stop Five Tails.”

Buribi struggled while watching Third Raikage, and finally chose to leave. If Five Tails is not blocked, Cloud Shinobi’s troops will suffer a lot of casualties.

“Without a helper, how can you fight me?”

Ryu stared at Third Raikage, and Third Raikage lowered his head and didn’t dare to look directly into Ryu’s eyes. Who didn’t know Sharingan’s illusionary horror.

Three Tomoe Sharingan’s illusions are so strong that a shadow-level powerhouse will be attacked by accident, not to mention Mangekyō Sharingan.

I have to say that Third Raikage did escape the disaster, otherwise Ryu will definitely read and use the past for a month. Even if Third Raikage is strong, mental injuries can make him fall.

“Even if I rely on my own strength, I can still defeat you.”

“Really? Try it then.”

“Shadow Clone Technique.”

In an instant, ten Shadow Clone appeared around Ryu, and then ten Shadow Clone threw out Kunai together. The battlefield surrounding Ryu and Third Raikage was surrounded by Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Then Ryu immediately asked Third Raikage to see what the speed of space is. It seems that the third Raikage may be attacked from the front, back, left and right of the Third Raikage.

As for Third Raikage’s counterattack, he couldn’t even touch Ryu, even touching Ryu’s clothes Kakuzu was a luxury.

He used to rely on speed and strength to crush the enemy, but now he finally tasted the taste of speed being crushed.

“Third Raikage you are very strong, in fact, I want to kill you, there are so many ways.” Ryu said lightly.

Fighting with Third Raikage now is just honing your combat experience. Otherwise, it won’t be difficult to solve Third Raikage.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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