Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 86: Fight of Joy, This is Part of the Plan (Monthly Tickets Plus, Please Ticket)

"Let's retreat!"

Horse-headed Asura was shocked.

He felt that he was about the same strength as Jinmu and Jinchuang, but the scene in front of him made him feel scared. It was obvious that the emperor Indra and others came prepared.

First, the explosive weapon.

If he hadn't been blessed and protected, this big bomb would have hurt him. If the gods besieged him at that time, they would definitely not get any benefit.

More importantly!

If we continue to fight here, the noise will be too big, and the guardian god and the destroyer god will definitely come. They came to Brahma to steal things, but now they are well prepared, so there is definitely no chance this time.

Let's do it next time!

Wise people are never reckless. It is better to get some information first to understand how these gods appeared in the Brahma world.

"Now is not the right time!"

"Let's go!"

Horse-headed Asura said.

Motu and Gaidaba held the vajra, frowned, and looked unhappy or even angry.

"Why are you leaving!"

"The three of us are blessed with immortality, so what is there to be afraid of?"

Gedaba said coldly.

"The sound of the conch shell is so unpleasant!"

"Let them stop!"

Motu frowned and said coldly.

"The sound of the conch shell is so unpleasant!"

Gedaba gritted his teeth and echoed.

The two brothers looked at each other, then looked down and looked at the giant pestle that looked like a hammer.

The next moment, the two brothers held the pestle handle, turned their bodies, raised the pestle in their hands high, and smashed it against each other.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang bang bang!

The deafening sound of the giant pestle hitting the ground instantly resounded in all directions, and a rhythmic and domineering music sound instantly echoed out, layer upon layer, deafening, as if to interrupt the rhythm of the gongs and drums.

In the army, the Gandharva warriors instantly covered their ears, with painful expressions on their faces.

Indra also frowned.

"My power is actually starting to weaken!" Indra was surprised, and felt weak, his body numb and unbearable. He turned his head and saw that the other gods had also changed. Surya looked terrified, his light dimmed; the wind god was panting and breathing heavily; the fire god was pale, holding his body with his hands and trembling; Varuna was stiff and unable to move. There is something wrong with this sound! At this time, the sound of conch shells suddenly came. Woo woo woo ~ The sound of conch shells passed through layers of space, with an exciting and high-pitched humming sound, like waves. In this high-pitched music, it seemed that a person living on a snake bed was happily playing conch shells on the endless milky sea. Under the beautiful music. The sound of the giant pestle with weak power was temporarily suppressed, and the gods temporarily returned to normal. The Gandharva army stabilized at once, and inexplicable joy rushed to their hearts. The momentum was even higher, and they continued to sing the war song just now. "The divine pestle's precious light, heroic spirit~"


"The one who receives a hundred sacrifices, releases thunder and lightning, brings down clouds and rain, and finds the cow~"

"The one who holds the divine pestle, controls the divine elephant, attacks and kills Vritra, on his forehead~"

The sound of conch shells, drums, singing and dancing, every sound is pleasant to the ear.

Loud and high!

These musical sounds mixed together, turning into an invisible force, confronting the pounding sounds of the two Motu brothers.

The eyes of the horse-headed Ashura condensed.

"Then I'll help you!"

As he spoke, the horse-headed Ashura stood up with his left leg, slightly bent his right leg, and got into position.


A huge divine bow suddenly appeared in his arms.

The horse-headed Ashura held the divine bow in his arms, stepped on it with his right foot to fix it, and his fingers frantically played on the bowstring, responding to the rhythm of the two Motu brothers.

Clank, clank, clank!

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The sound of the bowstring blended into the sound of the giant pestle, confronting the gods.

These different rhythms of music confronted each other and collided with each other, and an inexplicable force emerged and rippled in all directions.

The entire Brahma world was rippled and shook.

Brahma opened his eyes wide and showed a distressed look.

As the creator god, he couldn't take action!

In one hand, he held the Vedas, representing the wisdom of the universe; in one hand, he held a rosary, representing the progress of time; in one hand, he held a water jar, representing the source of life; in one hand, he held a lotus, representing a pure soul.

Once he took action, no matter what, it would have a huge impact on the universe.

"This is the sound of the conch!"

"The guardian god Vishnu is helping, this is the power of sound colliding!"

"All things in the world are respected by music!"

"OM (Om), the first sound in the world, this [Om] sound represents the existence of all things, and is the vibration at the beginning of the universe, so the power of sound is extremely powerful!"

Brahma reminded.

The power of sound is extremely strong, almost infinite!

At Brahma's reminder, Indra immediately had a thought and seemed to be a little confused.


A flash of light appeared in his hands, and the conch [Devadatta] instantly appeared in his hands.

This conch was pure white, as pure as water, and the mouth of the conch was wide open, as if the sound of waves was coming out of the conch.

Indra looked at the conch in his hand and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He hadn't blown it for a long time.

Let's blow the conch today!

Indra grabbed the divine conch [Devadatta].

Woo woo woo! ! !

A loud and exciting voice instantly came out of [Devadatta], and the sound spread, surging in all directions like waves.

[Devadatta] spread to all directions with inspiring power.

Wherever the sound spread, the gods and Gandharvas around were all shocked and felt full of power.

"We have to help too!"

The sun god Surya looked around and said.

"How to help?"

The fire god Agni asked.

The sun god Surya frowned slightly and showed a thoughtful look.

"Of course there is a way!"

The wind god Vayu said with a flash of light in his eyes.

As he spoke, he spread his hands, and his divine power appeared. A snow-white scapula plate and a golden stick appeared in his hands, and he began to beat them to the rhythm.

Thump thump thump thump...

The other gods saw this scene and suddenly realized it.

They all urged their divine power, manifested musical instruments, and beat them.

The sounds that echoed the beat merged into it, turning into a huge force and rushing towards Ma Shou, Motu and Gaida Ba.


The giant pestles of Motu and Gaidaba shattered and instantly broke into pieces, flying in all directions.

The two were also thrown backwards by the impact.

The horse-headed Ashura also flew backwards.

The bowstring of the divine bow in his hand, which was fully stretched, also broke at this time. With a "bang", the broken bowstring instantly bounced and hit the back of the hand of the horse-headed Ashura diagonally.

The horse-headed Ashura fell to the ground.

He was panting, fatigue and soreness surged from his body. He looked forward in fear, not noticing that there was a thin blood mark on the back of his hand.

This blood mark healed under the powerful recovery power of Ashura and gradually disappeared.

Motu and Gaidaba stood up again, and the two of them ran to the side of the horse-headed with a fierce momentum.

"What should we do now?"

"Should we continue?"

Motu hesitated.

They were not actually injured, and they could only be considered defeated in the fight, but they could still move forward and try the true strength of the gods.


Forget it!

The horse-headed Ashura didn't plan to stay in the Brahma world any longer. Since Vishnu would help him with the sound of the conch, if he continued, he might come in person.

"Let's go! Let's go back to the earth."

The horse-headed Ashura said.

"Aren't we planning to get the Vedas?" Gadaba continued to ask. "How can we go back now?!"

"Don't ask so many questions!"

"This is part of the plan!"

The horse-headed Ashura pointed at Gadaba's nose with an unhappy look on his face and said loudly.

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