Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 84: Test flight failed, blowing up the Brahma world (monthly ticket plus update, please vote

"What's this?"

Indra glanced at the three red dots on the light mirror in confusion, then turned to look at Surya.

Sulie also had a puzzled look on his face, and looked carefully at the three red dots on it.

"I'm not so sure either!"

Sulie said.

[Pishoukarma] only told him the basic operations, but he really doesn’t know what he is doing now!

"Let's go up and have a look!"

Fengshen Fayou looked curious.

The gods once again input their divine power, and under the control of their thoughts, this huge [Vimanas] began to move towards the front.

at the same time.

Rounds of red flames rose from [Vimanas].

The divine power inputted into [Vimanas] by the God of Fire Agnina has also been accumulated. A blazing fire burned and condensed in front of the spacecraft. The raging fire gathered together and turned into a huge flame light group.


In the blink of an eye, blazing flames burst out and appeared in front of the three Asuras.


He didn't run away when he saw them coming, but he dared to come and beat him? !

Motu's eyes widened.

A look of anger appeared on his face covered with white dirt.

He opened his palms, blue light flashed in his hands, and a giant pestle burst out. Supreme power gathered in the pestle, and was thrown out, slamming into the blazing flames.


For a moment, the flames scattered.

Countless sparks were thrown away like meteors, like fire trees and silver flowers, exploding into a beautiful stream of flames in the air.

The erupting flames burned blazingly, matching the rotating black hurricane.

The wind roars! Burn with red fire!

A tornado of flames formed here, connecting the sky and the earth.

"It's so beautiful!"

Brahma sat cross-legged on the lotus and said with deep emotion.

When he first saw Indra and the others, he thought these gods were here to take refuge. After all, there were still several palaces hanging on the sacred chariot behind the army.

But now it seems!

As expected, the gods put their best efforts into bringing this spaceship that they had never seen before.

We even hired three Asuras to cooperate!

etc? !


Brahma's white beard curled up, and the eyes of his four heads turned and instantly fell on the three Asuras.

In an instant, the three were known to Brahma.

[Mashou Asura ‘Hayakariva’, the leader of the Dithiya clan, is not inferior to the Golden Eyes and Golden Beds in terms of strength. Now he has been blessed by the great goddess, and cannot be hurt by anything that is exactly like him. 】

[Motu and Gaidabha were born from the earwax of Vishnu. They are born with powerful powers and have power close to [Vishnu]. They have the blessing of not dying in water, and they also have the blessing of dying only if they are willing to die. blessing. 】

Brahma opened his eyes wide and almost rolled his eyes.

These three?

Could it be that the Asuras are chasing the army from the heavenly world to the Brahma world? !

[Vimanas] in.

Sun God Surya inputs divine power into this [Vimanas], and the entire spacecraft is like the sun, with wisps of dazzling light shining out of the spacecraft.

The hot and dazzling light flashed continuously.

The temperature of the entire temple was much higher at this time, as if Surya's brilliance had reached its peak.

When the craftsman god [Vishukama] personally cut the sun god Surya from a big round flesh ball into a human form, a lot of Surya's blazing heat and brilliance had already been cut away.

However, it feels like Soulier has turned into his original big meat ball again.

It's so hot!


"This [Vimanas] is so hot, don't fool around!"

Indra was shocked.

He turned his head to look at Sulie, then leaned up slightly and moved away from Sulie.

He doubted that Surya would blow up the spacecraft!

All the gods also looked at Surya, looking worried.

"It's fine!"

"It'll be ready soon!"

Sun God Surya said quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the Creator God Brahma suddenly reached the ears of many gods.

"No! Three Asuras came in!"

"Right in front of you!"

Hearing this, many gods were stunned, showing faces of surprise one after another, and all looked at the three light spots in the light mirror.

For a moment, Indra suddenly realized.

It turns out that these are the three Asuras!

The wind god Vayou was confused, the fire god Agni looked panicked, and the water god Varuna also looked anxious.

Sun God Surya also looked panicked.

Not only because of Asura, but also because of this [Vimanas], now the spaceship is getting hotter and hotter, almost to the extreme, with billowing red light constantly shining on the gods.

[Vimanas] seems to be exploding!

"Quickly retreat!"

Indra shouted.

After saying that, he quickly patted the armrest of the throne and input his divine power into it.

The other gods also reacted and input their divine power.

In an instant, the [Vimanas] was scalding hot, emitting incomparable blazing light, surrounded by wind, water, fire and other forces, forming a halo of different divine powers, surrounding the warship.

Rays of lightning also erupted, shooting outside the iron wall made of ninety-nine spaceships, making a loud roar.


Why doesn't this spaceship retreat? !

Indra opened his eyes wide and turned his head sharply to look at Surya.

Sulie looked anxious and flustered.

"I can't control it either. This [Vimanas] seems to be exploding!"

Sulie's voice trembled and he said in a panic.

These words were like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, which instantly fell on Indra and other gods.

The expressions of the gods were horrified, either shocked, horrified, or unbelievable!

Different faces fell in Surya's eyes, making him feel ashamed.

[Vimanas] We just took a test flight today and it’s about to explode. Is there any truth to this?

Pishoukarma’s craftsmanship is so deceptive!


Indra roared loudly, his red cloak fluttered, and he took the lead and flew out of the temple in an instant.


Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Then came the other gods, all of whom flew out of the huge spaceship and fled away from the warship as if they were running for their lives.


[Vimanas] was emitting blazing light, like the falling sun, unstoppable and rushing forward.

The horse-headed Asura raised his head, his mane flying, his eyes focused, looking at the spacecraft launching straight towards them, he couldn't help but open his mouth slightly.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

Horsehead Asura was shocked and muttered to himself.

He has been practicing hard for many years and knows very little about the outside world. Is this a new weapon developed by the heavenly craftsman to deal with Asura?

Motu and Gaidaba also raised their heads and stared at the huge spaceship.


The spaceship exploded with a bang, like a rising sun. The terrifying light of the sun mixed with various natural forces and exploded, shaking the entire Brahma world.

ah? !

Brahma also opened his mouth wide at this time.

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