114 – Seriously (4)⚝

I didn’t go to Enboza Mensi to protest. It was because meeting him in an angry state would only hurt his feelings. She’s a fiery character and I’m stubborn too, so we’ll just talk to each other and fight.

─Let’s not act like children.

To understand, you could have understood. If I was afraid that I would live a life like Sir Ruben, I did it out of love. Of course, since you haven’t consulted me, it’s not appropriate. It’s a matter to be discussed someday, but I plan to meet and talk about it after the anger has subsided.

“Ah, brother! Are you here?”

On Wednesday morning, I went to the front of the church to pick up Rosa.

I got up relatively early because I had to go to the combat class lecture building for emergency rescue. If Tyria hadn’t yelled one after another the day before yesterday and today, she wouldn’t have had enough sleep, but she was tired from being irritable. Maybell even reported to her housekeeper’s office, but she has no idea why she’s offended by her sleepover.

“What about Saint Rosa?”

“I’m in the process of dressing up nicely.”

They made arrangements so that they could come back after having a meal with a sensuous smile. I handed Frances a silver coin. His face was oilier than before, and it looked as if a grain of wheat would grow if he sowed a seed on his cheek.

“Are you taking another step like this?”


It was kind of funny to pretend to be a religious person while knowing everyone else.

Francesco is a layman, and his main occupation is a merchant. The Heoden branch is in charge of selling all alcoholic beverages, including wine and grain wine. Judging from the fact that he was in charge of a big contract, he seemed to have considerable power within the investigation department.

“Yo, hero!”

Roza came out. The clothes smelled of straw.

“Is there anything you didn’t pack?”

Unbeknownst to me, I asked as if I was bringing a kite. She replied that there were no pockets in her saintly robe, so she had no luggage at all. Her white cotton gloves, white stockings, and jet-black shoes matched very well. Without the saint’s golden headband and veil, she somehow looked like a student in a fancy nun’s uniform.

“Wait a minute.”

I looked at my body carefully to see if my bare skin was showing through.

“Brother, you shouldn’t look at the saintess that way.”

Francesco quietly warned.

—Old man, if you find out what we did in the sanctuary, you’ll be in a frenzy, right?

I took Rosa with her head down and headed towards the academy. It was early in the morning, so there were a lot of people passing by. Most of them were cadets, and the rest were those who worked at facilities within Heoden.

“Wow…… Is there so many people…… Mo, Mo, I didn’t know!”

Roza looked around curiously. Then all of a sudden, I was about to fall forward as if I was caught on a rock.

“You have to be careful.”

Tuuk presses his stomach with his hand and grabs it. His face blushes and babbles.

“Seo, the saintess’s body is free, if you touch it…… Ha…… Oh, no.”

“You almost got hurt, right?”

As for whether it’s right to let it fall as it is, there is no word the whole time as it draws common-sense behavior within the doctrine.

“Saintess, from here on out, it’s a combat-type teaching tool.”

I said, looking at the open lowlands.

The battle isn’t as flashy as magic, but the space is overwhelmingly wide. In addition to the size of the lecture hall itself, both indoor and outdoor facilities were large. Instead, the exterior of the building is completely devoid of aesthetics. Rather, our support side had a cute and modest beauty.

“Yo, yo, yo, hero!”

“Keep calm.”

“This, this…… This…… This…… Bar, bar, take it. I don’t have any pockets, uh, uh,!”

I looked down because I couldn’t come to my senses and stuttered. Obviously, the difference in height is significant, so I flinch at the slightest gesture. I am 35 cm taller than Rosa. Anyone who sees it will feel like a father who brought his daughter out. She’s older than me, but her appearance, which looks much younger, probably contributes to that misunderstanding.

“Is that a key?”

Rosa opened and closed his knees. In other words, it seems to be a positive gesture.

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“Where are you writing it?”

“Others, when going out…… Because wearing a chastity belt is compulsory…… It’s not because I don’t trust the hero!”

Her gibberish also drove her to the shade of her tree. Since there are fewer people coming and going, he looks less nervous than before. The sweet smell of sweat spreads along with the hot breath, and somehow I want to smell it more.

“My…… It’s the key to the chastity belt…… Bar, because the hero protects me outside…… No, I’ll leave it to you.”

He doesn’t have a pocket, so he makes a fuss about it, saying it’s a big deal if he loses it while carrying it.

“Because I wore underwear and kicked a chastity belt…… If you don’t have this, you won’t be able to press cows and cows at will. Yo, the warrior-nim likes me, pure and white underwear…… More, because it gets dirty…… Haaa…… Warrior. Papa, please accept it quickly. I’m ashamed…… Why do you keep making me fall into poetry and tests? Hey, are you doing this on purpose?”

Her hair was not hot.

“Take it when you need it.”

“Yeah…… Ah, whenever the bottom is heavy…… Will you protect me so that no one can see me when I excuse myself?”

I will check the clothes again. After tightening up the few clothes, he said it was all done and went. Together, we headed to the combat class classroom. The eyes pouring down on me were stinging, but Rosa said that.

“Yeah, as expected…… Rosa’s hero…… After everyone, let’s find out how great it is.”

I didn’t bother to correct the misunderstanding.

「Outdoor Training – A 208.」

When I went inside, it was just written on the blackboard. Not knowing what it meant, I approached the assistant and pretended not to know if he recognized me. Rosa looked at me curiously, so I told her to trust me and follow me. At this point, you can solve it with your eyes. Eventually, as soon as I entered the classroom, I followed the returning cadets and came to an empty lot.

“Are you all gathered with this?”

A middle-aged man who looked like a professor looked around at everyone. Rosa, dressed as a saint, was curious, and he gestured toward us.

“Introduce yourself.”

I said it first, and then Rosa did the same.

“I, I, I…… The number, the number, the nuns of the He, He, Heoden branch of the Versian Brotherhood…… What did you belong to, what was it?”

You bit your tongue and only looked at me.

“Ah…… Boo…… Ugh!”

─I never thought I’d listen to everyone’s self-introduction, which is worse than kite!

Perhaps he couldn’t speak because he was nervous, so he pretended to have aphasia and spoke instead.

“This person is only registered as a student, not a formal cadet.”

As a nun, I’m attending first aid to treat more people, so the professor told me to sit down. Rosa is next to me…… By affirming, Chaon Hon’s self-introduction ended. Sitting spread out on her ground, she didn’t look like a saint at all. She looked more like an immature girl than a virtuous woman.

“It’s rare to see students coming after an hour or so after the semester starts like now, but it’s amazing. Even a nun belonging to the Bersia Brotherhood in another lineage! This is the first time I’ve ever taught anything like this. Anyway, we should go at our own pace. Today, we will practice in preparation for emergencies that occurred outdoors. Did everyone hear right?”


Hearing her roaring roar, Rosa jumped up and pushed her hips toward me in surprise.

“All battles are like this.”

“All, everyone…… You are strong.”

Seeing that his features are getting sharper, he seems to be concentrating on trying to come to his senses.

“Today, two people work together to make a stretcher. I’ve told you about this before, so take care of yourself!”

Gives instructions without explanation. Everyone brought a dagger, but Rosa and I didn’t know that, so we don’t have any tools.

“What are you looking at?”

The professor told us to move too, so I told Rosa to get up and start.

“Are you going to team up with a girl?”

Since he answered yes, he allowed himself to do so, as if he hadn’t come up with the right number. I had to complete the stretcher within 30 minutes, so I watched others do it. Rosa stomped her feet, only her stretched fingers twitching.

“Yo, hero…… How…… Hey, should I pray?”

“I want to see that and copy it. Please wait by the side first.”

“Yeah…… Rosa, believe in only the hero…… Sue, I will obey.”

As I watched, everyone broke down several trees used for support and then weaved them into vines. At this point, you’ve figured out the principle, so you can start right away. I went to a young tree and broke it with my kick. Rosa was just staring blankly, so I tore off an arrowroot vine and threw it.

“Gather the wood together and weave it, just like everyone else does.”

“I’ll try, I’ll try!”

In a soft tone, he gathers the twigs and ties them together. I’ve been walking around the stretch, breaking trees that could be used as supports. There are some cuts on the palms, but this will just get better.

“How long has it been?”

“Ha, I am working hard…… Nah, even if it’s slow…… Please wait a minute.”

I keep paying attention to whether I have a lot of souls as usual. Looking at the condition, I couldn’t even do half of it. I thought her hands would be slow, but this much. She deserved being bullied in an orphanage. I can’t work like this, so who will like it?

“Please come here.”

“I-I…… Uh, somehow…… I’m sorry, warrior…… Uh, what should I do?”

“What can I do? I can do it.”

Are we not in the same group? After I grabbed the vine, I asked Rosa to hold on to the support tree. I’m not good at it because I’m weak, but I’m eager to pretend. Somehow it was completed in time. The ability to do it alone, which was trained because of the usual kite, shines at times like this.

“Let’s take it now.”

“I-I will carry it!”

Still, he said he would take care of his conscience. I was afraid that he would be sorry if I didn’t do that, so I entrusted it to him, but it sounds very strange. What should be a cotton pad on his head, he holds it towards his chest and drags it along with crab steps. I wondered if this was some kind of stupid stupidity, and my forearms were shaking.

─Your strength is seriously lacking?

I’ve seen many incompetent women in my life, but Rosa was overwhelming among them.

Let’s go together, even though I insisted on doing it alone, my eyes became bright. Warrior, warrior. It’s a bit scary to see him shaking his head while calling out anxiously. I hold one side, and this time I slightly bend her knees and straighten her to thank her.

“Wasn’t this the first time?”

It is strange that I made the stretcher on time, and by myself. Well, since it was made without a tool like a dagger, there is no doubt that it was made correctly. Also, the teaching assistant comes and checks the build quality.

“Professor, at this rate, it’s pretty strong!”

At the words of the teaching assistant, the professor nodded and praised him for his hard work.

“Gentlemen, the most important thing in emergency rescue is speed. What we will practice today is to save the life of someone who complains of heart pain for unknown reasons. From now on, an assistant will come out and show you CPR, so watch closely and follow along!”

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