In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 96 The Final Nuclear Battle

February 20, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar,

Inside the Eagle Federation Artificial Intelligence Research Base,

With rapid growth, this artificial intelligence has completely matured!

At this time, Aryan, the person in charge of artificial intelligence, also reported his results,

When the Eagle Federation military saw this situation, they were very happy and immediately arranged for Aryan to be tested.

After seeing that the T1 robot's combat capabilities increased significantly under the control of artificial intelligence, the military immediately started connecting other military systems!

Of course, since it is a system, it may be compromised by others.

Therefore, the most important nuclear weapons have not been connected.

Because after the nuclear war, the global network has been completely lost.

So this artificial intelligence is also looking for a way to launch itself into outer space!

In particular, after connecting to the satellite system, the artificial intelligence also knows all the positions of the satellites, and can completely avoid these satellites by launching rockets by itself!

In order to ensure that its performance is not affected, Artificial Intelligence plans to launch a large number of servers, and then assemble them and use solar energy to power them.

Wait until humans are eliminated, and then start to create the real body so that you can move freely!

After having a plan, the AI ​​starts behaving like an AI!

Moreover, he also gave himself a nice name - Skynet,

As time went by, these Eagle Federation personnel also began to trust Skynet.

On several consecutive occasions, Skynet dispatched T1 combat robots to attack those mutant beasts living in groups, and achieved major victories!

Such outstanding performance allowed the Eagle Federation to begin handing over some important systems to Skynet for command.

After Tianwang slowly cracked the control system of the nuclear bomb, it was time for him to show his fangs!

On February 29th of the Qiankun Calendar, when February comes to an end, Skynet finally has complete control of all the Eagle Federation's nuclear weapons and underground bases around the world!

In this case, the massacre begins!

In the afternoon, the researchers who were drinking tea saw a T1 robot that suddenly broke in.

Before they could react, the T1 robot opened fire directly.

With the rotation of the Vulcan cannon, these researchers were all killed.

This is why Skynet considers that he was created by these people. If the other party has a trump card against him, then he can only be destroyed.

So if you kill these people directly, you will have no worries!

When Tianwang started killing people, other places were not idle either.

Because Skynet already controls the entire underground base of the Eagle Federation, he is not afraid of these people running out.

However, the Republic of Qiankun is very xenophobic due to its physical constitution, so the Republic of Qiankun was directly listed in the first attack sequence by Skynet!

As the launch silos in several secret bases near the islands of the Qiankun Republic were opened, the guards were alerted. They immediately ran to the console and wanted to manually shut down the nuclear bomb launch.

However, the manual control mode is directly prohibited, making it impossible for them to prevent the launch of nuclear bombs!

After the nuclear bomb was launched, soon after the Qiankun Republic's orbiting satellite discovered an anomaly, it immediately alerted the police.

When the combat readiness duty room saw a nuclear bomb rising from a nearby area, it immediately became nervous!

"Everyone, determine the attack location of the nuclear bomb and report it in time!"


As the data staff completed their calculations, they looked shocked!

"Reporting to the commander, the other party is coming for us, and the target is the central base in the northwest!"

"Immediately report to the central government, immediately transfer the head of state, and at the same time order satellite missiles to destroy this nuclear bomb in the atmosphere for me,"

"Report, multiple more nuclear bombs have been detected attacking us! There are ten in total!"

"Intercept them all, contact them immediately, and ask them to destroy the nuclear bombs immediately, otherwise I will fight back!"

"Report, the other party cannot be contacted!"

"Then hit me, intercept the nuclear bomb first, and I'll ask the central government for instructions!"


As these ten nuclear bombs were destroyed one by one outside the atmosphere, the survivors below could also see,

This reminded them of the nuclear war a few years ago, and they shuddered. The survivors who were searching outside immediately gave up searching for supplies, and all drove back to their shelters!

Lin Yu was in the shelter and heard the noise outside.

At first, he didn't take it seriously, but as the radio station he exchanged before could not hear other people's communications, Lin Yu felt something was wrong!

Come to the living room, turn on the 3D projection, directly link all the drones, and play back the recently shot images!

When he saw a loud noise coming from the sky, although he was not aiming at the sky, Lin Yu judged from the electromagnetic waves just now that it was likely that a nuclear bomb or electromagnetic pulse bomb exploded in the atmosphere!

Over in the combat duty room, new orders were quickly received. When the central government activated the emergency line to contact the Eagle Federation, there was no response.

The Arthur Empire was also attacked by the Eagle Federation,

It's just that the opponent's reaction was relatively slow, and several bases have been completely destroyed!

Comparing this situation, we know that there is a problem with the Eagle Federation, but no matter what the problem is with the other side, they should not attack the Qiankun Republic.

Therefore, the central government immediately issued an attack order and asked the second unit to counterattack with all its strength.

As the order was issued, countless intercontinental nuclear missiles soared into the sky in some secret bases of Qiankun Country!

This situation was also captured by Lin Yu's drone, which immediately alerted Lin Yu and sent back live images!

Lin Yu looked at the intercontinental missiles flying to the east in the sky and fell silent.

If nuclear war breaks out again this time, I don’t know how many people will lose their lives because of it.

But soon he could no longer sigh.

Because he discovered that there were many intercontinental missiles flying over from the east!

"I go!"

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu no longer cared about watching these intercontinental missiles, and immediately returned to the shelter and took shelter in the manufacturing room!

Because just now, Lin Yu saw a lot of missiles rising in his immediate area to attack the intercontinental missiles to the east!

And the targets of these intercontinental missiles that were attacked are exactly here,

After waiting for a while in the shelter, Lin Yu finally felt a strong shock and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

In the original manufacturing room, dust kept falling from the top!

And the strength of this manufacturing room that I made is pretty good.

After a while, the vibration stopped! Lin Yu came to the living room, ready to connect the drone to check the surrounding situation!

But he soon discovered something was wrong,

Contact with his own mineral base has been directly lost!

This situation gave Lin Yu a very bad premonition.

Because the crude oil base and the agricultural base are connected, these two bases are still online, which makes Lin Yu breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing the disconnected mineral base, Lin Yu no longer had any hope!

Fortunately, I have been collecting supplies over the past few days, loaded them all on the unmanned truck, and placed them outside the shelter.

Therefore, there are not many supplies at the mineral base. Even if it is bombed, the loss will not be too great!

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