In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 73 Looking for the reason, mutant crocodile group

January 30, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar, yin

In the morning, after getting up, Lin Yu began to deal with the corpses of the mutant beasts he killed yesterday!

The number of mutant beasts killed this time was extremely large, so conventional burial treatments could no longer suppress the radiation emitted after the death of so many mutant creatures.

So in this case, Lin Yu also had to find new ways to deal with these mutated creatures.

However, the radiation concentration here is already very high, and after adding these mutated creatures, it doesn't have much impact.

The top priority now is to find the cause of this beast wave!

After washing up and having breakfast, Lin Yu started to control the large drone to take off in the electromagnetic research station, searching in the opposite direction where the mutant creature came from.

After charging overnight, the large drone has sufficient power at this time, but there is not much ammunition.

From the previous thousand steel needles, after yesterday's battle, there are still more than 300 steel needles left.

This mission is just for reconnaissance, and there is no need to participate in combat.

So this little ammunition doesn’t matter!

As the drone took off, from Lin Yu's perspective, looking down from a high altitude, the scene on the ground flashed quickly.

In less than an hour, the drone had covered the distance that the mutant creature had covered in ten hours!

Behind, Lin Yu discovered a valley. The vegetation on it had long since disappeared, leaving a bare mountain!

Lin Yu saw that in the valley, just like the previous mine, there was a large crater here.

And it's not just one, there are two large craters here, forming a gourd-like shape!

Looking at the scene, Lin Yu guessed that two dirty bombs should have exploded here.

Viewed from a high altitude, the buildings below have long been buried and are unrecognizable!

Continuing forward, we finally discovered a group of new mutant beasts in another adjacent small valley.

Looking at these mutated beasts, Lin Yu also controlled a drone to investigate closely.

After the drone approached, Lin Yu saw the real situation of these mutant beasts!

I saw this group of mutant beasts, each of which was the size of a truck before it!

Lin Yu also discovered that after the radiation mutation, the size of the mutated organisms here changed greatly.

This made Lin Yu think about the issue of oxygen consumption.

In just three years, although there was a lot of nuclear fallout caused by nuclear radiation, the world entered the Little Ice Age.

But deep in the sea, there are still a large number of algae surviving tenaciously, absorbing the remaining sunlight, performing photosynthesis and releasing oxygen!

Moreover, because nuclear war has led to the demise of a large number of people, less oxygen is consumed, and the remaining oxygen in the natural air can still satisfy the consumption of living organisms!

However, in the long run, if the ecology on Aquamarine cannot be restored, the final situation will be that human beings will completely disappear because of oxygen.

And as time goes by, Aquamarine will also usher in a new evolution of life!

Of course, Lin Yu doesn't know this yet.

It just feels like these giant mutant beasts that have grown in size consume a huge amount of oxygen!

Thinking about this, Lin Yu continued to control the drone to get closer to check the situation of these mutant crocodiles!

From the air, Lin Yu could see that there were some injured crocodiles among these crocodile groups.

Some have one leg missing, some have no tail,

There was also a big wound on the back, which was shocking to see!

However, Lin Yu also judged from these wounds that the ones fighting the mutated cats and dogs were these crocodiles!

But there is a reason why these crocodiles are here.

So Lin Yu controlled the drone, continued flying, and went to check the surrounding area!

As time went by, Lin Yu searched in the opposite direction based on the previous traces.

As a result, after continuing to fly for 50 kilometers, the traces gradually disappeared until they disappeared!

At this time, Lin Yu had no choice but to continue searching.

So Lin Yu controlled the drone to return and returned to the mutant crocodile to investigate!

As the drone got closer, Lin Yu learned more about these mutant crocodiles.

First of all, the crocodile’s grip is very strong.

Lin Yu could see that the rocks on the ground could be easily cut open by the claws of the mutated crocodile.

Coupled with his own size and weight, basically these rocks were directly cut open by sharp claws and crushed to pieces!

Then there is the tail at the back. Through observation, Lin Yu found that the tails of these mutant crocodiles are also very powerful.

After seeing the mutated crocodile waving its tail, the boulder on the side was directly smashed.

This situation made Lin Yu secretly sigh.

This mutated crocodile is too physically powerful. Fortunately, the consequence of being physically strong is that it is not very intelligent!

Looking at the mutated crocodiles resting below, Lin Yu began to control the large drone and launch an attack on these crocodiles!


As the steel needle was shot out, the resting crocodiles were in serious trouble, and several unresponsive crocodiles were directly killed.

But the remaining crocodiles were not vegetarians. Knowing that the attack came from the sky, they immediately ran to the surrounding caves.

Looking at the crocodile's actions, Lin Yu also controlled the drone to continue lowering its height, preparing to continue shooting from the entrance of the hole!

As a result, the drone hadn't even reached the entrance of the cave. Looking for Books only lowered some distance above the cave, and was directly concentrated by the stones thrown from the ground.

Lin Yu's screen went black, but the drone did not crash, but the camera was shattered.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu also knew that he could no longer shoot these crocodiles.

Looking at the drone that was still online, he immediately ordered it to return.

At the scene, after receiving the instruction to return, the drone immediately rose to altitude and quickly returned to the mineral base from high altitude!

If Lin Yu was at the scene, he could see that fortunately the drone rose in time. After seeing that one stone did not knock down the drone, the crocodile immediately came to another boulder and smashed it. The crocodile directly hit the boulder in the air with its tail and flew towards the drone.

However, the drone rose in time to avoid being hit by the boulder!

Lin Yu also played back the image just now and knew what happened just now.

It is very different to see that crocodiles actually have this method of dealing with objects in the air.

If crocodiles are not smart, then they have evolved this method of dealing with air units during their long-term survival.

If it is the second situation, it means that there are mutant beasts in the sky, but I haven't seen them for so long, so there shouldn't be many.

The most terrifying thing is the first situation, which shows that these crocodiles have learned to use tools.

Although it is limited by its size and cannot really be used, the thought of using crushed boulders as throwing objects and making good use of its tail to attack airborne objects is already a great improvement!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu decided to eliminate this group of mutant crocodiles as soon as possible and eliminate hidden dangers!

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