The elves usually live in another world different from here. When they appear in this world, the boundary of the space will shake violently. It is said that this is the physical mechanism for the formation of spacequakes.

Of course, the people who knew about this had come up with various countermeasures in order to prevent such a disaster from happening.

There are two main methods.

The first is to annihilate the elves by force.

Then, another way is -

"Understood, Shiori? When the next elf appears, you have to make her fall in love with you."

The always soft and cute sister suddenly transformed herself into the commander of some Rausch Ratatosk, and then gave an order to herself.

That's right. That is another way.

Approach the elf that appears in this world, talk to her, date her, raise her friendship level—and kiss her.

For some reason, Shiori Gokawa has the ability to seal the power of spirits by kissing.

Anyone who is suddenly told that he has this kind of ability that is too evil in every sense, and then is suddenly assigned the task of saving the world, will be confused.

With the help of a group of comedians, the girl who accidentally defeated the tenth elf, Tohka Yatoshen, covered her cheeks with a self-sacrificing look on her face.

It is human nature to love beauty.

For women, it is also a joy to be able to stick with beautiful girls.

However, being dragged to play the Lily game like this is indeed a bit beyond her ability.

The girl who stayed up late last night and played the lily game all night walked into the school with a look of decadence, found her class, and then...

Lying on the table as if dead.

Shiori-san, who was once known for her tenderness and vitality, now just wants to lay down on the table and get a good night's sleep.


This idea is obviously unreasonable.

The wilderness is also very simple. This is a school and a place to learn.

"Good morning, everyone."

The woman who was affectionately referred to by the students as Ms. Koju greeted each of the classmates as gently as usual, interrupting Shiori Wukawa's sleepiness, so she could only raise her head and look in the direction of the blackboard.

"I have something to announce to you today!!"

After he finished speaking, he looked around the classroom where the commotion started to occur with scornful eyes.

"A famous transfer student transferred to our class!"

After posing, Teacher Xiaozhu said loudly.

Then, the classroom immediately resounded with a thunderous cry.

No wonder.

Shiori Wukawa thought.

Because in school life, having transfer students in a class can be considered a big deal. In fact, when Tohka was transferred to this class, everyone's reaction was also very excited.

But then again, is there a new transfer student so soon?

Not long ago, Tohka had just transferred to another school, so why are there transfer students transferring to this class?

Compared with other classes, the number of people in this class is obviously not very small.

Shiori Wuhe thought wildly.

She always felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, come in, remember to introduce yourself well~"

Shiori Wukawa's thoughts were interrupted by the slow-sounding voice of Teacher Xiaozhu.

Following the teacher's beckoning, the door slowly opened, and the transfer student entered the classroom.

A young man walked in from behind the door.

The dark eyes seemed to melt into the night color, the eyebrows were tall and straight, and there was a little femininity in the handsome.

Probably because he just transferred schools and hasn't had time to get his school uniform, he dresses casually.

Black lining, black trousers, and a white coat that is probably used to resist the cold spring.

Who is that?

Looking at the newly transferred classmate, Shiori Wuhe suddenly felt his heart twitch for some reason.

For no reason, she had a hunch.

A premonition of trouble.

"Emmm, how should I introduce myself?"

The young man stood on the podium, smiled, and his voice was clear and bright, making people think of the cool breeze after passing through the bamboo forest.

"Su Han, an ordinary transfer student."

"Hey, is that all you need to introduce yourself?"

As if encountering something very distressing, Teacher Xiaozhu pouted and asked the poor transfer student who had little self-introduction.

"Is there such a hard requirement?"

As if thinking of something, he looked in the direction of Shiori Wukawa, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Since this is the case, then there is no way. Tell me a little bit about the reason why I transferred to this class."

In the shocking gaze of the whole class, he announced this.

"I'm here for Shiori."

Trying to exchange a picture for a ticket.jpg

Chapter 25 It's a long life, the elves take the initiative to show up

In the morning dramas that Jidong uses to deceive housewives and little girls into tears, there are often such plots.

The handsome and handsome male first or second male is attacked by the heroine for various reasons, and then goes to the heroine's school or work place at all costs, and then starts a vigorous love with her.

To be honest, that kind of weird plot, even housewives, just want to have a good time.

After all, most people's love is bland.


The current situation is...

It was as if the air had been poured into gel, causing everyone present to lose their ability to speak.

Death-like silence permeated the classroom.

Things that should only exist in the morning script happened in front of this class.

Then, as if the nest was bombed, the extremely silent class started chattering and discussing.

Regardless of gender, the students present were enthusiastic and looked at the young man standing in front of the podium with his name written on it, and...

——Shori Gokawa with a dazed face.

Zhou, who did not want to be named, once severely criticized the melon-eating spirit of the Shenzhou people in the old-fashioned society.

But in fact, he got one thing wrong.

The melon-eating spirit and the spectator spirit do not only exist in the old society.

Jidong is also a hanging sample.

It can even be said that the people in the extreme east, whose living environment is more depressing than those in China, like to eat melons more than people in China.

In just an instant, the entire class turned into a melon field, and the field was full of scorpions nibbling on watermelons.

"Is there anything wrong with my statement?"

When the classmates were still discussing, he was clearly watched by many classmates, but he was indeed a young man with a calm expression, shrugged his shoulders, and looked innocent.

"That...that's good! Very personal introduction!"

Perhaps she realized that Su Han had finished speaking, and Teacher Xiaozhu, who was completely shocked by the confession-like speech, stammered and clapped her hands to end.

"Then, classmate Su, please choose an empty seat-"

"Please give me your spot."

With the shocked expressions on the crowd, the boy who spoke very politely naturally walked to the position behind Miss Shiori Wukawa and knocked on the desk of the classmate.

The voice is very warm, and people can't help but think of the word Mr. Haohao.

The premise is...

I didn't feel the cold air that seemed to materialize.

It was like being transported into the cold winter in an instant, the extreme chill made the boy tremble uncontrollably.

Is this the aura of the male protagonist in the Otome morning script?

The classmate who felt cold in his hands and feet, and even had a chill in his spine, showed a crying smile on his face, and then opened his mouth.

"I-I want to."

This is bullying!

That can be used to make the mood of Shiori Wuhe, who is at the center of the incident, suddenly become unhappy with an extremely strong attitude.

Although I don't know why the transfer student suddenly assumes such a strange pursuit, but no matter what, it is too much to force others to give up their position.

She turned her head quickly, looked at the boy, and wanted to say something.

However, the next moment, the words she was about to say were forcibly swallowed.

"Isn't your job to deal with us and then make us harmless?"

The young man smiled and said.

Immediately turned around to help the classmate and transferred the desk.

Only Shiori Gokawa was left, sitting there stiffly.

he is...


=========Dividing Line==========

1,500 meters above Tiangong City.

The airship Fraxinas owned by the secret organization Ratatosk is floating here.

A group of secret agents, who were burdened with the ridiculous but difficult task of blushing with shyness and incapacitated combat, are now carrying out a battle plan.

Thirty secret agents were gathered on the bridge at the center of Fraxinus, including Kotori who was the commander. Everyone stays at their jobs, manipulating the center console with skilled gestures.

Kotori Gokawa sat back on the captain's seat at the center of the Fraxinus bridge, turning a cherry-flavored Double Plus lollipop in his mouth.

The girl, who seemed unsuitable for a place like the bridge, looked at the subordinates under the bridge with a look of contempt, and then calmly turned her gaze to the main screen.

On the huge main screen, a close-up picture of the key elf, Su Han, was playing.

"Are you sure it's correct?"

Kotori Kotori asked, looking at the man who was operating the center console, Kumazuki Kyouhei.

"Absolutely not wrong."

Looking back at the data displayed on the screen, Wuhe Qinli turned his doubts into a sigh after confirming that his understanding was correct, and sighed deeply as if to drive him away.

What is displayed on the screen is the scan data of a certain person.

No - it seems inappropriate to call it "people".

Because that data shows that the other party is a disaster that destroys the world.

"Elf transferred to high school? What a ridiculous joke."

That's right. At nine o'clock this morning, I received a call from Shiori Gokawa.

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