So, are you going to run away?

Yukiya Miku instinctively looked over the stage.

This is a closed sports field, as long as the top is knocked off, you can go out.

As long as you get out of this narrow environment, you can easily escape.

As long as I can get there...

As long as I can get there...

"Crack - click - click -"

He also asked that when Yu Xiao Miku thought of how to go next, the extremely cold freezing air had already arrived.

In the poisoned milk powder game, after the male magician changes professions, he will become a specialized profession, making choices among ice, blood, elements, dimensions and wind.

However, the Eye of Darkness has never been a single type of power, and the so-called job transfer is not just these five jobs.

Dark mages belong to the system of casual development, and they will naturally produce the most suitable profession for them.

There is no doubt that Su Han, who is not a pure blood mage or Bingjie, has also begun to have a prototype of his own magic system after experiencing the trials of a world.

In Yu Xiao Miku's stiff expression, the blood-red ice and snow climbed from the surface towards the building as if alive.

No, that shouldn't be called climbing.

The speed of the blood ice spreading is too fast. In just an instant, the ground and upper floors of the entire sports field turned into a faint dark red.

That scene can only be said to be coverage or replacement! !

too fast.

It's almost too late to call the broken army singer to break the top.

With the birth of the dark red barrier, an unprecedented sense of weakness struck Yu Xiao Meijiu's heart.

Her vitality is being continuously absorbed by this **** field.

No, not just vitality.

And spirituality.

The City of Eating Time on the ground did not fail directly after taking in a large number of spectators, but continued to exist, greedily absorbing its own power.

An unprecedented sense of despair rose in Yu Xiao Miku's heart.

Are you going to be arrested?

Elves are actually not welcome in this world.

Recalling some of the things she knew, the chill made Yu Xiaomei feel that her spiritual outfit lost its protective effect for a while, and she just walked naked on the ice field.

Never get caught! !

Recalling the terrible scene in the movie, the pale-faced Yu Xiao Miku shouted loudly under the influence of a strong desire to survive.

"Acura! 'Gabriel'!"

An unprecedentedly high sound came from the huge pipe organ that towered over the stage.

"Don't move!!"

The voice turned into power, instilled in the boy's brain, restraining his actions.


Being able to control the minds of listeners through music and control them.

This is one of the abilities that Yu Xiao Miku possesses.

In the face of the existence of the same extraordinary power, such ability will basically lose control of the brainwashing effect, but it can still affect their actions.

Unprepared, the boy's movement of swinging the spear suddenly stopped.

Right, that is it.

Without thinking of fighting back at all, Miku Yuuya quickly summoned her angel.

The strength of the enemy is supermodel.

His solo performance didn't affect him for long, and the most likely way to fight back was to be nailed to the wall by the enemy who broke free.

What he should do now is to take advantage of the time when he is temporarily stagnant, to break the ice that cannot be broken at all with his support.


It can create powerful sound waves through music and cause powerful physical damage to the enemy.

Concentrate a little bit and get to the top.

Under the threat of death, the angel named Breaking Army Singer made a shrill roar.


Like the roar of countless giant cannons, the frost of blood that lost its master's control cracked.

The next moment, together with the walls of the higher floors, it cracked.


With a sound, countless gravel fell, making such a sound.

The bright sunlight penetrated through the huge crack.


For the first time, Yui Miku, who felt that death was so close to her, was so excited that she wanted to cry.

However, now is not the time.

She could feel that her spiritual power was being broken free, and she had to escape quickly.

With this thought in mind, Yu Xiao Miku quickly flew towards the crack.


Her face froze again. ‘

There is no reason for him.

There are people there.


"You weren't directly beaten by Su Jun?"

The elf of time is crouching in the cracked hole, looking puzzled.

Chapter 8 Lure Xiaomeijiu's heart mmp

"So, Dr. Raiden, leave the previous human laboratory for me."

In the basement, a very handsome young man was sitting at the table, holding a mobile phone and chatting with a certain anti-entropy executor.

"You want that laboratory in Cocolia?"

"Well, I know you might hate that lab, but that lab is of great use to me."

"Very useful?"

"What exactly is it for?"

"During this period of time, I will start with a very important experimental material. In order to maximize the value of that material, I need to restart the Cocolia laboratory."

The boy's clear but ruthless voice echoed in the basement.

The voice is clear and bright, as sweet as the wind blowing through the bamboo forest.

However, that voice fell in Yu Xiao Miku's ears, but it was tantamount to a devil's whisper.

I was lucky enough to meet a lovely white-haired girl.

Lucky to start his own concert.

These two things, superimposed together, should be double the happiness.


What you get now is...

Yu Xiao Miku squatted in the corner of the basement, staring absently at the gray ceiling.

This is the northern part of Myanmar... ahem, it's a play.

This is the bottom of the Tobi family. It is suspected that it was prepared for Shiori Wuhe, and the basement has not yet had time to decorate.

There is no doubt that this is an unfamiliar place for Yu Xiao Miku.

Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?

The three questions of Western philosophy arose in the mind of the ninth spirit who couldn't help but have a headache.

After a brief headache, the memory awoke.

She was at school and met a girl who was listening to her own song.

That girl is very cute.

The three have no faces, and the proportions of the facial features are exquisite as if they had been manually measured.

As a lily girl, after seeing her, Miss Yu Xiao was naturally eager to move.

After learning that she came here to find an "idol", that eagerness turned into action.

She made an exception and gave her concert ticket to an unfamiliar fan and gave her a VIP seat.

And the ticket she gave was bought by someone who was suspected of arresting her, and it became a prop for the arresting person to track her.


Lose yourself.

He was caught by someone completely different from the Spirit and the AST unit.

Infinite fear rose in Yu Xiao Miku's heart.

The most worrying thing happened.

She was caught.

There are many traditional arts in the far east.

In addition to the most famous one—the craftsman spirit brought about by class solidification, and the craftsmanship spirit that comes from being afraid of people finding fault, they also have other traditional arts.

For example-

Human experimentation.

Ouchi, this is a not well-known name.

But when linked to human experiments, it leads to a catastrophe.

Ibaraki Prefecture is an important industrial base that has abandoned the prosperity. There are many national high-level research centers and factories concentrated here. It also includes a nuclear fuel processing plant in Tokai Village.

In 1999, a nuclear leak occurred in this quiet village, and a large number of employees died on the spot. As a survivor of the employees of the treatment plant, Ouchi was sent to the National Institute of Radiological Sciences.

Then came the beginning of Ouchi's nightmare.

The nuclear contamination bombed the 23 pairs of chromosomes that had been arranged in an orderly manner like a sudden bomb.

Because of the collapse of genes, Ouchi Jiu's body is gradually decaying, organ functions gradually decline, and he is consciously enduring extreme pain but powerless.

For him, death would be a redemption.

However, the doctor did not intend to let him die like this at all, and he was forcibly extended to 83 days by the doctors using superb techniques.

The reason for all this is that he is too valuable as experimental material.

You don't even need to read the stories of the war years, just in modern times, you can find the traditional arts of certain countries.

There is no doubt that these things are easy to understand for the locals in the extreme east.

A person who was supposed to be rescued ended up being the prey.

Then, what about spirits who are not compatible with humans?

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