The very hot Leidian Yayi wanted to scold the young man in front of him in a cold voice, but his mind couldn't help but remember what the young man said before.

The sky city collapsed.

"Honkai is a kind of disaster that releases a highly efficient and dangerous energy - Honkai Energy when it erupts. Every time it erupts, it will cause thousands, or even tens of thousands of casualties."

"The job of the Kaslana family is to protect the people threatened by Honkai."

A friend who met during the death of Chiba Academy in December said so.

If she remembered correctly, it was a disaster that would cause a fatal crisis to mankind.

Changkong City... Big Collapse?

Recalling his friend's solemn expression when he explained the collapse, Raiden Mei's body trembled slightly.

If a disaster called the Great Collapse broke out in Changkong City, what would the Changkong City look like after the disaster?

Humans are turned into walking dead, beasts are turned into killing machines, and the air is brought with the deadly energy that is highly poisonous to human beings. …

In that case, the entire Changkong City will die out!

"It seems that I have completely listened to it. The effect of me mixing the information into a story and telling it to you is better than explaining it dryly."

Looking at the girl who obviously thought of two very unpleasant words, the boy smiled.

"The third major collapse is the artificial collapse that your father's political opponent Cocolia expects."

"She is looking forward to crystallizing the chain reaction of Honkai Energy placed all over Changkong City, activating the power stored in the 'Conquer Gem' and triggering the third Honkaikai."

"Why do you do this!"

Because he encountered something he couldn't understand at all, Raiden Mei made a sound in disbelief.

"Because once the third great collapse comes, the Apostle of God, the Herrscher, will also be born, and she will have the opportunity to study the 'Messenger of God'."

for research?

Raiden Mei's mouth grew in disbelief.

Killing people in a city just for a study?

"In order to protect Changkong City, we must invalidate the Conquest Gems before that."

The harmless way to deal with the gem of conquest is that the teenager who sold it to the chat group looked at the girl with the gem of conquest buried in her body, and the cold eyes made Leidian Yayi want to shiver.

"As you who conquered the gem container, please obey me in your next actions."

"For everyone in Changkong City."

Chapter 7 Let's make a deal

For everyone in Changkong City, obey me next.

Such words are obviously suspected of moral kidnapping.

However, at this point in time, it was unexpectedly effective.

Like a heavy hat was buckled on his head, Raiden Mei felt a little dizzy.


One's own identity is the container of the gem of conquest.

Although I don't know what the so-called gem of conquest is, judging from Su Han's description, it is something that can directly trigger a big collapse.

Once the collapse is triggered, it is very reasonable for an entire city or even an entire country to perish.

turn out to be...

Are you already a monster?

Looking at the young man who was still laughing with him just now, but now he has put on an indifferent face, Leiden Yayi suddenly felt a little dry in his throat.

When she was a child, she often imagined that a huge, uncontrollable force was sealed in her body.

Just like the protagonist of all stories, because of that power, he is so weak that he can even kneel on the ground and shout that I can't do anything.

But at the final moment, he was able to overcome the uncontrollable power, and then coldly gave the power that once tormented him a contemptuous look, saying nothing more than that.


The fantasies once in the middle of the second sickness period have come true.

"Hangkai is the unpredictable will of God, and the Lawyer is the apostle of God."

"Every Herrscher is the ultimate embodiment of a certain physical law, with the power to end civilization."

This is Kiana's knowledge of her popular science.

Within his body, there is a power that can slaughter an entire city or even a country.

When the collapse comes, there is even a possibility that he will become the half body of the apostle of God, and endow mankind with the end.

Wherever the electric light passed, everything disintegrated and turned into nothingness.

Humanity will crawl, wailing, weeping feebly under the power of the evil god...

Imagining the scene where the Herrscher was born from himself, Raiden Mei's body could not help trembling slightly.

This monster...

Still to die.

Probably one of the few people in the extreme east who didn't like to cause trouble to others, such a thought flashed in the mind of Raiden Yayi.

"So, are you going to kill me?"

The girl whose heart was wrapped in sadness raised her head and looked at the boy who captured her, her voice slightly hoarse.


As long as the test subject dies, this will all be over.

What greeted Raiden Mei at this moment was a look that looked like an idiot.

"How did you come to the conclusion that I'm going to kill you?"

Just wanting to find a time to dig out and sell the gem of conquest in Leiden Yayi's body, the boy who bought a stigmata looked at the girl who suddenly said that he wanted to kill her, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

What kind of magical brain circuit is this?

Those who didn't know thought that he was a dainty man who ordered the samurai to commit suicide in the name of righteousness.


The girl who got the unexpected answer raised her head with a cute expression.

"Aren't you a member of the organization that handles special events?"

Raiden Mei, who seemed to have made up a very incredible setting, looked at the boy who asked him to obey him, with a slightly confused expression.


Very simply, the boy denied this.

"Fate of Heaven, Anti-Entropy and World Snake have never paid me."

"I'm just a guy interested in conquering gems."

"The biggest interest now is to take out the conquest gems and make them harmless, and then sell them to an incredible character to make a fortune."


Hearing someone's straightforward introduction, Leiden Yayi couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes.

She always thought that she had encountered the legendary special event handler.

"Sounds disappointed?"

With his current behavior, Su Han, who is not really tall, simply sat beside Leidian Yayi.

-In this broken house, except for the cushion on which Lei Dian Mei was sitting, the rest of the place was cement floor.

"I-I thought you should be..."

Leidian Yayi looked at the boy, not knowing what to say for a while.

In her memory, the young man in front of her captured her very dangerous self in the most efficient way, then pulled herself out of the densely populated city, and then sternly asked herself to obey his orders, so that she could conquer the gems Invalidate...

This series of operations looks really smooth.

Capable and awe-inspiring, it is perfectly in line with Raiden Mei's perception of those special personnel who devote themselves to the darkness and serve the light.

"You really look like an investigator from an urban legend."

After holding back for a while, Leidian Meiyi just spoke.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a profit-seeking layman, not a legendary investigator."

In response, Su Han shrugged.

Then, he looked at the girl beside him, and his eyes fell on Leidian Yayi's face.

"After learning that I'm just a layman, do you start to distrust me?"

Hearing those words, Raiden Mei was silent.

In this regard, Su Han expressed his understanding.

After all, he has made it clear that he is a man who covets gems.

Maybe, he didn't explain it that way. If he explained his identity as the Apocalypse Knight or Anti-Entropy Executive Officer, Raiden Mei would trust him a little more.

However, that is not necessary.

The boy's eyes turned slightly, looking forward to finding a guaranteed force for himself through another faction of anti-entropy through Leiden Yayi.

"The credibility of a vulgar businessman is indeed inferior to that of a righteous man who works in the dark."

"Then, let's not talk about justice and feasibility, let's talk about a deal directly."

"Pay, trade?"

I don't understand at all, why Su Han suddenly came up with such words, Leidian Yayi was stunned again.

The number of times she was stunned by various strange things a day today may be more than last year.

"In order to save you who awakened prematurely from the stigmata, your father chose to implant the conquest gem that anti-entropy entrusted to him into your body, restraining your stigmata."

"In return, you became a ticking time bomb."

"Once you come into contact with a lot of Honkai energy, you, who have a high adaptability of the Herrscher, may become a Herrscher at any time."

"And your father's nemesis, Cocolia's biggest wish right now is to create a controllable artificial Herrscher, which will naturally follow you."

"Your father sensed the crisis and embezzled a lot of money to try to build a **** for you to keep you safe."

The boy smiled and told the story that Leidian Meiyi didn't know.

Raiden Mei was silent.

She understands what comes next.

Cocolia took hold of her father and sent him to prison.

It was me who killed my father.

The feeling of guilt, like a vine, spreads in Raiden Yayi's heart.

"So, do you want to make a deal?"

The boy smiled and said.

"Then obey me, and when I take out the Conquest Gem and fight off Cocolia, I will rescue your father."

Chapter 8 Good show, about to start

"Su Jun is really ruthless."

After Su Han walked out of the so-called temporary stronghold, the delicate voice of a girl rang out.

Su Han turned his head and saw nothing.

Without thinking too much, he moved his gaze to the shadow under his feet.

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