However, today's inverse entropy is really terrible.

The leader of the alliance disappeared, and the radicals became a mess. If everyone present went to explore Avalon, the anti-entropy would basically be gg.

"It seems that you need to think about the issue of 'Avalon'."

The boy looked at the hesitant anti-entropy enforcers and shrugged.

As the boy's words fell, the anti-entropy agents exchanged glances with each other.

"This kind of thing, the relationship is too big, we need to spend some time to select representatives."

After a while of eye contact, Tesla walked up to Su Han and expressed his judgment.

Clearly, there are worries in their hearts.

In this regard, Su Han did not force it.

"It's good to give a list before I get chased by Hollander all over the street."

Next, the boy who needed to show the power of "time", which was so important to Otto, stretched his waist in front of the Valkyrie.

According to the plan, he still has a play to perform before he can leave this world.

After realizing that he would be noticed by Otto after capturing the conquest gem, even if he tried his best to cover it up, it would only slow down the time for Otto to capture him. They asked for some small props and threw them on the battlefield.

Sure enough, those props with the power of another world became catalysts, so Otto couldn't help but choose to shoot.

So, what would you do if the person you wanted to catch showed the power you cared about the most and then disappeared in front of you?


Next, the eyes of the boy who would make Tokisaki Kurumi use the power of time surged.

Really looking forward to it.

So, let yourself speed things up a bit.

Thanks to Grey Snake's help, the boy who roughly knew where the Valkyries were attacking had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"After you have selected your representatives, contact me and I will be back soon."

"What are you going to do?"

Tesla was stunned for a moment, and moved forward quickly, wanting to ask a certain guy what he was trying to do.

However, when she stretched out her hand, it was indeed empty.

The boy turned into a shadow and disappeared, leaving only a voice echoing in the air.

"Catch a few Valkyries as maids."

Trying to exchange a picture for a ticket.jpg

Chapter 65: Anna Wu Miserable (2 in 1)

Miss Anna is confused.

Very confused.

"Replace the Xuelian team with the Inextinguishable Blade, and then let the Xuelian team act as a supporter for the Inextinguishable Blade, and order each branch to find his whereabouts. Once found, they will be arrested immediately."

This is an order issued by the Bishop of Destiny in the name of recovering the Conquest Gem after he harvested a power stone of a different type that seemed to be completely different from Honkai Energy, and became interested in its holder.

In theory, capturing the guy who holds the Conquest Gem is a common mission of the Indestructible Blade and the Snow Lotus Squad.


The Immortal Blade is an entire Valkyrie force.

Different from the Snow Wolf Squad that was destroyed during the second collapse, the Indestructible Blade has a very large number of members, and its subordinates have multiple squads.

Some of the various units are responsible for intelligence collection, some are responsible for assassination missions, and some are responsible for the aftermath...

And the captain among them, Youlandel, is the sharp blade.

If the immortal blade is likened to a precise instrument, everyone in the immortal blade is a cog that is tightly meshed.

When the machine called the Indestructible Blade runs at the right time, as the captain, Horendelle will crush everything in front of her with absolute force.

Obviously, such a perfect war machine does not need to temporarily add a few gears.

At the very least it doesn't need gear whose main function is head-on combat.

"So, am I... just here to make up the numbers?"

The girl wearing the emblem jewelry of Elite Valkyrie Squad—Xue Lian Squad on her chest stretched out her hand, wiped her sweat, and looked confused.

It was undoubtedly a beautiful girl.

The rare pink eye pupils are extremely magnificent, like gems, and the long chestnut hair is smooth and shiny, with a silky light.

Like Mei, this girl is well-developed. Her chest, which is completely unmatched for her age, is about to come out softly, holding up her armor high.

Wearing a black beret on the head, the hat is decorated with two white four-pointed stars, and the girl's heart is almost overflowing.

If such a girl appeared in the school, there would definitely be a large number of boys who would pursue her and enjoy the same treatment as a little princess.

However, what Anna is doing now has nothing to do with campus life.

At this moment, she was carrying a tool to detect the concentration of Honkai energy and was circling around.

Because of Amber's proposal, the Valkyrie's vacation, who had been on vacation in London not long ago, was ended early, and she came to Longsky City with her captain and teammates.

To be able to fight side by side with the strongest Valkyrie is undoubtedly a very exciting thing.

Thinking of being able to meet her idol, Miss Anna was so excited that she forgot the sadness of being knocked off during the holidays.


Why is this so?

Miss Anna, who was completely stocked, took out a map from her pocket, looked at the area she was assigned to, and became more and more confused.

He was clearly fighting to protect the people, and he had clearly seen Lord Hollander, whom he had always admired, two extremely beautiful things together, why did this happen.

Although the Xuelian Squad is an elite squad, in front of a team like the Indestructible Blade, it is too much to eat and can only be used as a support.

Fortunately, most of the people in the Xuelian team are experienced and can easily adapt to this kind of thing, and it is very happy to cooperate with the intelligence team of the inextinguishable blade.


Among the above roles, Anna is not included.

Ana is a fighting player.

She became a Valkyrie at the age of twelve, and in the plot, it is also mentioned that she became an A-level Valkyrie at the age of 16.

Inheriting the talent of the Shaniat family, she is a typical combat unit.

For Miss Anna, whose basic talent lies in the control of Honkai, how to quickly find the hidden enemy has obviously touched her blind spot of knowledge.

After the assignment of tasks, the girl who did not lose to the A-rank Valkyrie in the frontal battle fell into depression.

The task of the Xuelian Squad is the search that she is least good at.

The extreme east in January is undoubtedly quite cold.

Once the wind blows, people who will be cold do not want to go out.

If it is accompanied by a little rain, it will make people doubt life.

If I knew earlier, I should have worn more.

Probably because she overslept in the morning, the girl who just pulled her clothes and started to go to accept the mission shivered in the cold wind.

This kind of ghost weather is very unfriendly to her who was on vacation in Europe not long ago.

But, unfortunately, there are still more than a dozen blocks left to scout.


In the bleak cold wind, an extremely indecent voice sounded, making Miss Anna's face extremely embarrassed.

Because she learned that her idol Gladys will also appear, she was so excited that she didn't sleep well last night, and she didn't even catch up with breakfast time in the morning.

very hungry.

really hungry.

I really want to find a good place to eat.

It's a 100% reckless girl covering her stomach and can't help but flatten her mouth.

That way, it looks like a kitten who didn't grab a pacifier for the meal.

Obviously, starting work without having breakfast is also a very difficult thing for Valkyrie.

However, now is the mission period.

When the task is not completed, it is undoubtedly a very bad behavior to run to eat. This is unbearable for Anna, who has been educated by the Valkyrie since she was a child.

So, have to speed up a bit.

As long as you can complete the task quickly, you can make up for breakfast and change your clothes.

"Need some breakfast?"

At this moment, the boy's voice came from the side.

Accompanied by the smell of hot food.


Almost instinctively, Miss Anna almost shouted.

In this situation of being half starved to death, it was a huge help for someone to deliver breakfast.

But soon, she realized the problem.

You are on patrol!

In order to prevent the unconventional battle from entering the vision of normal people, Anna deliberately chose to act in a remote alley or street.

Why do people suddenly appear here?

Anna suddenly looked at the source of the sound.

Not long ago, in the empty area, a handsome looking boy was carrying a bag of buns and looking at himself.

From the outside, he is undoubtedly a harmless guy.

The facial features are very correct, and the facial contour is very soft. No matter how you look at it, it is the appearance of a good baby in the eyes of parents and teachers.

However, Anna would not think so.

There is no reason for him.

There was a scarlet pattern on his neck.

Most people will only think that it is non-mainstream when they see the lines.

However, Anna is a Valkyrie, and as a member of one of the three orthodox Destiny Royal Family, she understands very well that such an existence represents how powerful a battle is.

Considering that this is the city where the person who took the Conquest Gem was located, the target is in all likelihood the enemy!

Without hesitation, Anna mobilized her power.

The power of Honkai Energy began to surge.

In the icy cold wind, countless ice ridges were formed, and they were like sharp arrows, heading straight towards the target.

Imagine the sight of hundreds of arrows being fired at the same time.

It was such an offensive that was launched against Su Han.

And that's not all. Before you know it, countless ice vines have formed, like shackles, locking the boy's ankles.

On the ground are shackles of ice, surrounded by arrows of ice.

Anna deserves to be the genius of the Shaniat family. Even if she lost a little chance because of her recklessness, she still has quite a terrifying fighting power.

"Hey, hey, is that how you treat someone who bought a breakfast for you?"

It was like encountering a very distressing thing, and it was because he wanted to do something, so the boy who made Horendelle find him snapped his fingers casually.

In Anna's unbelievable eyes, the ice ridges in the air all stagnated.

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