A weapon that can be named "God" is super scary no matter how you think about it!

Also, what is the difference between letting others provide technical support and a complete set of technical facilities, and letting others hand over a technology?

Thinking of this, Tokisaki Kurumi's face was unprecedentedly stiff.

Is Su Han really here to do business?

Are you really not here to find fault?

"You really dare to ask."

It's like winter is coming, even across the screen, the cold aura still descends.

Those black and red mechanical eyes carried a stern killing intent.

"Don't be so angry, my friend."

In this regard, Su Han seemed not to feel it at all, shrugged, and then laughed.

"According to our agreement, I have the right to make these requests to you."

"It's just that this time I'm going to see a senior who is almost detached from the world. I want to collect these items from you as a one-time travel fee. It seems that this transaction is a bit amazing."

The teenager, whose purpose is to complete the genetic modification as soon as possible, smiled and said.

The people at the Destiny Headquarters have already noticed him.

Next, he must start experiments as soon as possible, and go to the world where the world of gun battles develops a wave of wretchedness.

In the case of providing genetic samples, the cost of simple genetic modification is actually not large.

However, Su Han did not trust the World Snake.

He understands that his existence is a ghost card for most organizations in this world.

No one would refuse to have an extra wicked card in their hand.

Grey Snake is a very business-minded person.

However, business spirit itself is a very unreliable concept.

Faced with a ghost card that can change the pattern of power as soon as you hold it, can someone really hold back and not leave some hands and feet on that ghost card?

Su Han felt that he couldn't do it.

Therefore, Su Han doesn't trust the world snake, just like he doesn't trust himself.

His ideal doctors are anti-entropic scientists.

They may not be the best anthropology experts in the world, but they are the ceiling of the world's scientists.

Obviously, paying the price and letting the anti-entropy scientists operate on themselves with the technology of the world snake is the best solution.

However, this cost is too great.

After all, when the anti-entropy scientists are present, giving technical guidance is like saying to the anti-entropy people, "Hey guys, I'm teaching you a very nb technology now, come and learn it!!"

According to the principle of equivalent exchange, unless Su Han handed over the gem of conquest and dug up all the research on the quantum sea related to destiny and anti-entropy, otherwise, it is impossible for Gray Snake to give this level of support.

Obviously, Su Han did not intend to hand over the gem of conquest.

However, there is no need to stick to exchanging resources for help.

Looking at the gray snake that seemed to be furious, the young man rubbed his chin and smiled.

"If this is a game, I think everything about World Snake is in the event store."

"As long as I can pay enough points, even if I ask for the whole world snake, it is reasonable, isn't it?"

"after all..."

He glanced deeply at the gray snake on the screen.

"The world snake is just the slough of the real 'snake'. If the real 'snake' returns, the slough of the snake is nothing but a dispensable thing, isn't it?"

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was beside him, was stunned.

She did know that there was a transaction between Su Han and Grey Snake. In theory, he could indeed exchange everything for the World Snake...

However, is it right to say such words directly to the most senior cadre of the world snake?

Besides, aren't you yourself one of the cadres of the World Snake?

Your argument is called usurping the throne in China! !

Also, is it really okay to demean an organization like that?

However, in the next moment, something even more horrifying happened to Tokisaki Kurumi.

I saw that the man in the projection, the mechanized eyes flickered frantically, as if out of control.

At the end of the fifth century AD, Kevin lost contact with the forerunner who carried out the Ark plan, and Hua's Tinder plan also failed because the collapse would accelerate with the accelerated development of civilization. Su observed in the Second God's Key for 50,000 years and found nothing. , so Kevin decided to start the stigmata plan.

——Through manual intervention, activate and recombine the collapse antibody genomes that Mei had been inoculated in the embryos of a few offspring, but were separated due to human lineage inheritance.

The cost of this plan is undoubtedly dire.

After the high-intensity Honkai Energy appears, if the infected person cannot awaken, they will die directly.

Once it is fully unfolded, at least 99% of the human beings in the world will die! !

Kevin's use of the British Isles as a testing ground has convinced his best friend, Sue, that he has gone astray.

So he led Kevin to the Air Key, locked him in the world bubble, fought him on the surface to delay time, secretly activated the first rated power of the Air Key, and sank the world bubble they were in at the bottom of the sea of ​​​​quantum.

Since then, the forerunner Kevin has been imprisoned in the quantum sea.

And the forerunner, Su, disappeared.

This is the past as the Grey Snake knows.

For the next 1,500 years, he has been looking for the power to save the Lord.

And the guy in front of him means...

Does he have a way to save the Lord?

Gray Snake's heart trembled like never before.

Everything he has done so far is to welcome Kevin back and lead mankind to defeat the collapse under his leadership.

But now, someone actually mentioned how to rescue the Lord.

"In theory, it's reasonable."

"But, can you afford that price?"

The gray snake's voice had a sharpness that could cut people apart.

There was hope and killing intent in that voice.

It looks like it's sold.

Next, it was probably necessary to go to London, and the corner of the mouth of the boy who was trying to persuade a certain pioneer showed a slight smile.

He smiled and saluted the man in the video with a gentle smile.

"For the return of the Lord I'm waiting for, some things still have to be tried, don't they?"

u1s1, very color.jpg

ps: Fourth update

The update is over, I am thinking about whether to build a setting building in front of it, and let’s learn about it.

ps2: py "I, Fighting Tyrannosaurus, join the chat group"

It was reincarnated as an Agumon, and it roamed the Digital World for 50 years to complete its ultimate evolution and become a Battle Greymon.

Then one day, he was dragged into a dimensional chat group, and he came up to help the former group owner who died to clean up the mess-rescue the trapped group members from a crisis.

This group is full of talents... covering many species, free people, modified people, ult people, tin people, androids, Honkai people, tool people.


Demon of Domination: "Save me, dragon hunter."

(Introduction is hard, please see the text)


It's time to launch.

Two days ago, Sister Nancy informed me that it will be on the shelves on Friday, which is tomorrow.

Not pretending to be new, this is my third book on the shelves.

The reason for writing it is also embarrassing.

Readers who have read me on my blog know that I wrote a book on Genshin before, and then I was stabbed in the back crazily, and my whole mentality was blown up.

Because I didn't even write it on the shelves, I snorted. I was embarrassed to continue to use that account, and started to use this trumpet.

Although I am a pigeon, I personally feel that my credibility is still guaranteed.

After all, the two books I've written before, both ended in a million words.

There is no such situation when it is listed on the shelves to make money and run away, so please eat it with confidence.

A lot of book friends called me to be a novice. I checked it. The average standard of book visitors is five, and there are some nb's that are stone.

The author is a salted fish and has not saved the manuscript. It is better to kill me if I count on me one day.

All my plans are tonight to tomorrow night.

As for the bounty (Wangtian), let me open a new one when I finish coding it and put it on the shelves.

The main purpose is to urge the author, Jun, this salted fish to keep three to four daily shifts. Don't have too many expectations.

Well, the next step is to ask for rewards, subscriptions, and tickets.

Anyway, I'm on the shelf.

Everyone who has money and votes will reward a few, and those who have no money and no votes will say cheer up or the author is really handsome, which is also quite good.

Next, I went to bed. After all, it would be quite challenging for a handicapped person like me to code 4D on the spot tomorrow.

Chapter 55: Let me, to convince the forerunner

The world bubble named Sumeru mustard is directly connected to the second god's key.

A man with long blue-gray hair and plain clothes sat under the linden tree, stretched out his hand, and caught a falling leaf.

When the last era was about to be destroyed, every Forerunner was given a plan to fight the collapse by Dr. Mei.

Among them is the ark plan to leave the earth and open up a second home with the human gene pool.

There are also Tinder plans that entrust the forerunners to impart knowledge and civilization to the next generation of mankind.

As one of the pioneers, Su, in addition to the plan to "monitor Kevin", was also given the Hengsha plan to observe other "worlds" and find the possibility of defeating the collapse.

He narrowed his eyes, stared at the leaves that had been half withered and fell, and sighed.

Sumeru mustard was made by him with the power of the second god's key, and was specially used to observe the world bubble of the tree of imaginary numbers.

The lush Bodhi tree behind him is the result of his observation of the tree of imaginary numbers.

Each leaf on the tree corresponds to a world, represents a civilization, and represents a possibility to overcome collapse.

The leaves that are not destroyed by the Honkai will stay on the trunk, and the world that is destroyed by the Honkai can only fall like fallen leaves...

Quietly fade away, into a bubble.

"Alas... the world has failed too."

The squinting man looked neither sad nor happy, and casually threw the yellow leaves in his palms on the ground.

Just like Otto has carried out countless experiments to resurrect Karen in the past five hundred years, and has experienced countless failures, causing him to forget the feeling of disappointment.

Su had been self-imprisoned for fifteen hundred years, and almost forgot what failure was.

In other words, apart from the news of his betrayed friend Kevin and "leaves that will not wither", nothing can shake his heart.

On the ground he was sitting on, the withered leaves had already been connected together and piled up into mountains.

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