However, in the phone book are the top gods and demons of Hakoniwa.

He quickly dialed the connection to the two goddesses.


It was very strange, there was no sound coming from the opposite side.

What's going on here?

An extremely ominous premonition spread to Di Shitian's heart.

The next moment, the answer appeared.


The gate of the realm was forcibly torn open.

The next moment, the young **** walked out of it.

It was a young man who was very unfamiliar to Di Shitian.


The smell on that guy was all too familiar to Di Shitian.

That's Hakoniwa's biggest shrewdness - Yahweh's breath! ! !

"Oh, oh, is this the residence of the Lord of the Heavenly Army?"

The young man looked around and was amazed.

That speech made Di Shitian extremely rare and a little strange.

This guy, Yawei, should have a good understanding of the City of Good View. Why does the young man in front of him act like he is seeing the City of Good View for the first time in his life?

This is definitely something worth thinking about.


Soon, he didn't have the heart to think about this problem.

"It's not in vain, I rushed back from the Thousand Eyes headquarters overnight."

Came from Thousand Eyes Headquarters...

That voice, like magic, made Di Shitian stand upside down in an instant.

"What did you do to Alpha and Omega?!!"

The king of the gods shouted angrily and burst into anger.

"You're asking a strange question."

"Since I have joined forces with Bai Ye, how could I not be aware of her weakness?"

"Her ownership, but in the hands of those two women, requires some preconditions for her to fully exert her power, doesn't it?"

The boy who was respectfully called Yawei smiled and made a movement across his neck.

"Gods have no resistance in the face of dystopian authority. Even if the Protoss has a simulated star creation map, they cannot resist the existence of Avesta and the Void Star Taisui..."

"They, I have already killed them all."

Alpha and Omega two goddesses...

Already defeated! !

As if nothing had happened, the young man said something that made Emperor Shitian almost black out.

The key to the way he thought of breaking the game was the twin goddesses...

As a result, the two goddesses knelt directly?

"Forgot to tell you, my ability is to rule the losers, so now the two goddesses should have deceived the gate of Buddhism and started to attack Sakyamuni."

The fact that it is thousands of times darker than the original God's fire, just hit Di Shitian in the face...

He was silent.

The ability of the enemy seems to be that the Crusaders dwarf the pagan gods and then rule them.

Alpha and Omega were forcibly ruled and swindled the city of Shakyamuni.

He thought that now is the beginning of the game.

However, the game has actually come to an end.

"Are you going to surrender?"

The young man looked at Di Shitian with a curious expression on his face.

This and Shiroyasha, Zeus can be said to be the three men of Hakoniwa, who is the main **** of Black Rabbit.

He is not the first to attack this decadent but unexpectedly good god.

Listening to the words of surrender, the God King's face was very indifferent.

What is this?


Recruiting... The head of Hakoten?

Do not make jokes! ! !

On the body of the decadent deity, the aura of the spiritual level, like a burning fire, is rising frantically. He has obviously been deprived of 90% of the spiritual level, but his body still has great majesty! !

"Yu is the lord of the heavenly army, the guardian of the order of the little garden, and the king of the gods!!

"Yu will never surrender!!"

Yes, he absolutely cannot surrender.

He is the head of the little garden and the representative of the little garden! Anyone can give in, but he must never give in!

Even if he understands.

I am already a four-digit self, and I have no chance of winning in front of the two-digit Almighty God...

The **** king's eyes widened in anger, and he was majestic.

Almost at the moment of anger, a sharp gun was thrown out! !

- Brahmaastra Replica.

It is a one-hit, sure-fire spear built by the head of the 12-day Dharma protector, Shatian, and the advisor of the 12-day Dharma protector, Brahma, the supreme **** of Indian mythology.

The horror of this gun is that the boon of boarding is not "kill" but "victory". No matter who the opponent is, no matter how unbreakable the shield is, he can change the world without authorization and guide the favor that surpasses the enemy! !

In other words, as long as you penetrate it, you will surely usher in victory! !

Such a magic spear pierced through the boy like this...



Very relaxed, the magic spear penetrated the boy's body.

Between the roar of the thunder, the imitation of the godhead Fan Shi gun pierced through the earth, through the sky, through the stars and bombarded him with a fierce momentum...

The spiritual energy attached to the gun swelled like an explosion, and hundreds of lightning bolts turned into thousands, and then increased into ten thousand. Finally, a total of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of lightning bolts were combined into one, releasing the grace that will definitely defeat the enemy! !

The scene was so smooth.

So much so that Di Shitian was stunned.

Yawei, are you going to say goodbye to the world like this?

The next moment, a hand got stuck around his neck.

The huge power made the God King's expression instantly distorted.

Heck! !

He is not dead! !

"I am Almighty God, don't confuse me with those **** who can be castrated by myths and the paradox of Almighty."

The boy who was bombarded by the infinite thunder used his spare hand to pull out the magic spear that penetrated himself,

Look, take it slow.

Chapter 29 The Birthday of the Strongest Demon King (The Finale)

Man cannot defeat God.

This is common sense.


But is "God" the same as "God"?

Funny idea.

In modern society, normal people are still struggling to decipher the script and kill Ge Junzhi, and some geniuses have begun to torture Uncle Ge with questions.

Well, in theory, these humble guys begging Uncle Ge to get out are still intellectuals.

But they are useless in the face of scientific research.

Even if they were beaten up and begged God not to mess with their uncle Ge, when they met Einstein, Yang Zhenning and others could lead an era of scientific gurus, and they were similar to the great apes in front of them.

Excuse me, at this time, it is said that people can talk about it, does anyone believe it?

It's fairly modern.

If it comes to the age of mythology, the differences between people will be even greater.

After being exposed to the sun, ordinary people are crying for help from the air conditioner.

Hou Yi, who was exposed to the sun, was extremely angry, and a sliding shovel shattered nine suns.

This is the difference between a mortal and a hero.

And the gap between gods and gods is only bigger than mortals and heroes!

Theoretically speaking, it was the sure-kill spear that penetrated the boy's body.

Infinite thunder burst out, bombarding his body.

From a distance, the entire Buddhist gate is shrouded in thunder, and the sky loses its borders and turns into a sea of ​​thunder. …

God's wrath?

No, that was totally a murderous intention from the "universe"! ! !



Under the endless thunder, the handsome young man's body was constantly disintegrating, but he was still smiling.


Almost the moment the body is destroyed, the power from the third perpetual motion mechanism will draw power from the outside world to repair! !

The truth of the universe, the infinite power brought by Brahman, not only failed to kill him, but instead strengthened him in a sense! !

"Are you joking? Uncle."

The boy grabbed the neck of the man who was the king of the gods with one hand.

The thunder that came from his arm directly twitched the God King's bombardment.

Obviously he is the king of thunder, but in front of that terrifying thunder, he twitches like a mortal who was electrocuted...

That is definitely a ridiculous thing that can humiliate the face of the gods and demons.

However, at this moment, no matter which gods and demons stand in this position, they will not laugh at Emperor Shi.


"Do I need to talk a little bit about the properties that Almighty God, the Perfect Protoss and the Primordial Dragon will acquire when they reach double digits?"

The boy pulled out the magic gun on his chest, like playing, and put it into his space collection.

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