Under this premise, an extremely terrifying thought flashed in her mind.

Could this guy be his sister?

When my father was in Northern Europe, he suddenly found that the child he left behind from a one-night stand had completely taken away his mind.

He didn't know how to explain this kind of thing to himself, and he couldn't let his illegitimate daughter wander outside. After thinking about it, he chose to leave without saying goodbye and went to take care of his little daughter.

However, he has an old injury on his body. After the injury recurred, he was forced to leave here...

Just like opening a dog blood romance drama, all kinds of messy thoughts exploded in Kiana's mind.

Looking at the gray nun's uniform on the girl in front of her (long-distance raid), a little distress flashed in Kiana's eyes.

Dad, that bastard, actually left his daughter directly in the monastery. It seems that the monastery is not very good. Even the clothes are dirty.

This kid must have suffered a lot.

Thinking of this, Kiana, who was left in the Nordics by Siegfried, couldn't help but clenched her fists.


Fist hardened.

Even if this guy cheats, he still can't take care of his illegitimate daughter! !

When you find the trace of Dad, you must beat him three times.

A meal to punish him for cheating.

Get mad at yourself for a while.

Another meal was for my sister!

"Are you... my relative?"

In Teresa's confused eyes, the girl who was somewhat similar to Cecilia suddenly wiped her hands and hugged her.

Suddenly being hugged by a person is undoubtedly a very contradictory thing.

Theresa wanted to break free of the arm that was surrounding her, but she raised her head slightly and saw Kiana's face.

It looks energetic, but if you look closely, you can still see a tired face.

Although I don't know why, she was not imprisoned like in the video, but she must have suffered a lot.

Teresa's heart softened, and before she could exert any strength, her arm drooped down.


Why is this guy rubbing his head?

With her head basically buried in Kiana's chest, Teresa felt that something was wrong while she was breathing hard.

She could feel that her niece was gently stroking her head.

Soft approach...

Just like Cecilia.

Theresa, who had some ripples in her heart inexplicably, felt a sense of warmth in her heart, and her face involuntarily showed a touch of comfort.

That way, it looks like a kitten that has been groomed.

If no one bothers, this warm scene will definitely last for a long time.

"I am back."

Just now, probably because he drank too much Happy Water, the boy who went to the toilet to put some water came out from the direction of the Land of Reincarnation of Five Grains, and then greeted a guy who ate Mak Kee with him.

"Hey, you're here."

Kiana, who had obviously noticed something, let go of the "girl" in her arms slightly and turned around and replied.

It was probably because someone's previous actions were too jerk, and they disturbed the reconciliation between him and his sister. Qiana, who was very displeased with her, called Su Han an impolite "Hello".

"Hey, have you met?"

Asking Teresa to Mai Kee, and planning to use k423 as a relationship lubricant, the boy who communicated well looked at the two white-haired dumplings hugging each other, and was a little stunned.

Doesn't k423 have no memory of Teresa?

Heck, he hasn't introduced the two parties yet, how come these two guys hugged together first?

Is it possible that the world line you are in is actually a second jumper?

Su Han, who felt that something was wrong, fell into contemplation. After all, it was the daughter of Cecilia and Siegfried who recognized Teresa, the little princess of the Kaslana family.

But, that's not right either.

If it's a two-bumper, Cocolia should be a pure lunatic, how can there be such a dish?

Could it be that what he traveled through was a world bubble between Erbongzi and Sanbengzi?

For a while, Su Han also fell into confusion.

"You... know each other?"

Tentatively, Su Han asked the two white-haired dumplings who were hugging each other.

"Just met... But, blood is thicker than water, I believe she is my relative."

Kiana, whose intuition seemed outrageous, explained to Su Han. Beside her, Teresa, who didn't know that someone was the culprit who tricked herself into coming to Changkong City, also nodded.

Kiana looks like Cecilia and looks like her eldest niece.

It seemed that she was in a hurry to prove that she had relatives. The girl seemed to show off, holding Teresa's little hand and shaking it at Su Han.

"If nothing else, she's my sister."

"Look, it's cute."




As the words fell, a strange silence filled the surroundings.

As if gel had been injected into the air just now, the heavy atmosphere made it difficult for the people on the side to speak.

"What's up?"

Kiana, who felt that something was wrong, looked at her "sister" and asked.

The white-haired ball, whose seniority had dropped a lot in an instant, stood there stiffly, like a goose.

"...that's your aunt."

In Qiyana's unbelievable look, Su Han said.

Chapter 46 Can you give me some of your blood?

Big aunt is a kind of kinship appellation. Big aunt refers specifically to mother and sister. "Aunt" is used to address a mother's sister.

There is no doubt that this is a title for elders.

Looking at the girl in her arms, with those blank eyes, Kiana felt that her brain was shaking.


Is this how your great aunt is?


More terrifying thoughts rose in Kiana's mind.

My aunt is undoubtedly my mother's sister. If my aunt looks like this, then my mother who I never knew...

In his mind, the image of the mother he had never seen before, the complexion of Kiana, who changed from a gentle and beautiful woman to a white-haired loli, became unprecedentedly terrifying.


Run away.

If this matter is discovered by the FBI, it will be thrown into the prison to pick up soap!

The Kaslana family will be disgraced! !

And if Mei Yi knew that her father was a master of copper smelting, it would also be a headache.

If she thinks that there is a problem with the Kaslana family's reputation, and it will affect the reputation of her father-in-law, she will definitely re-examine her relationship with herself.

Thinking of this, Kiana's delicate little face suddenly became distorted.

That tower is over! !

"Okay, although it's a bit disturbing to meet you, I think Ms. Teresa has a lot of questions she wants to ask my kidnapper."

At the moment when Qiyana's face was gray and she felt that she was going to be finished next, the young man's clear voice rang out.

The guy who let himself take a very strange photo all day not long ago, swiped the card of Raiden Miyi, relying on the banknote ability to make a cup of bitter gourd juice for the employees of Mak Kee on the spot, and then sat at the table, right. He waved at the guy who was tricked by him.


Listening to this self-proclaimed, Teresa's little face that was green with being regarded as Siegfried's illegitimate daughter gradually became solemn.

Judging from the communication between Kiana and this guy who claimed to be the kidnapper, the two of them should have a good relationship, even if they are not friends, they should be acquainted.

He can get along well with the Kaslana children, so he must have done nothing too bad...

However, this did not affect her feeling that Su Han was dangerous.

Not long ago, he broke into the system of the Destiny Extreme East Branch, sent the letter to himself, and fooled himself to get here.

There is no doubt that he has a certain purpose.

A person with outstanding ability and a purpose for himself, there is no doubt that he needs to be treated with caution.

"Kiana, Yayi is drinking milk tea across the street, won't you go have a drink with her?"

Not long ago, there was a boy who asked Kurumi Tokisaki to bring Raiden Mei with a smile, and said to a guy who was just easing the atmosphere between him and Theresa.

I want to hang out with my aunt.

In fact, he wasn't in a hurry to see Mei's girl thinking so.

Although she likes Ya Yi very much, she can't wait to be tired of being with her every day, but Ya Yi can see it every day, but not her aunt.

Love is important, but family is also very important.

That look naturally fell into Su Han's eyes, and then the young man smiled and stretched out a finger.

"Remember our agreement."

Looking at the raised fingers, Kiana's expression suddenly collapsed.

Su Han had an agreement with her.

He helped himself find his father, and in return she had to obey him to a certain extent, and come to see him when she wanted to die.


Kiana complained, and then smiled apologetically at Teresa, who was mistaken for her younger sister.

"Auntie, I'm going to see my friend first."

"Well, you go play first, and after a while, I'll take you to drink the bitter gourd juice I treasure."

It can be clearly felt that Su Han is deliberately supporting "Kiana" Theresa without any obstruction.

She immediately sat next to Su Han and watched the lively girl leave Mai Ji with him.

After confirming that "Kiana" had completely left, Teresa raised her head slightly and looked at a guy who claimed to be a robber with her slightly cold blue eyes.

"So, what are you looking for from me?"

"I said I liked Qiyana and wanted to find an elder to help me get engaged to her, do you believe it?"

Probably out of curiosity, the young man who also ordered a cup of bitter gourd juice for himself took a sip of bitter gourd juice, and then his whole face contorted.

Is this guy stupid?

Looking at the expression of the person in front of her, as if she had seen her phone fall into the toilet, Teresa's expression, who felt that her judgment on someone might be wrong, was a little subtle.

"Can you...can you make up a nice speech?"

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