Monsters that would only be active on the movie screen appeared.

right in front of you.

"Mr. Raiden, you must know that this is a deal between me and classmate Yayi. Once the deal is done, it cannot be modified."

"Don't you think it's a bit unreasonable to just modify the transaction content like this?"

The boy whose canine teeth gradually broke through his upper lip smiled at the man whose whole body was almost stolen by him.

The tone is steady and pleasant like a pan flute, but in the soft words, it carries the peculiar smell of hunters walking in the jungle.

This guy is very dangerous!

Almost instinctively, Raiden Ryoma determined this.

If society is transformed into a jungle, and human beings are transformed into beasts, the guy in front of him is definitely a predator!

Perhaps, he is not the strongest, nor the most valiant, but he is definitely the deadliest kind.

To be honest, it would undoubtedly be a very bad thing to be an enemy of him.

Even if he himself is the past owner of the Thunderbolt family, he will definitely be difficult to deal with.

- The holders of natural stigmata often have extremely outrageous Houkai energy adaptability, coupled with the special ability inherited from stigmata, if they are determined to be hostile to someone, then if the person being targeted is not Its kind is definitely always stepping on the edge of death.

Unfortunately, Thunderbolt Ryoma is not a natural stigmata holder.

He is different from his nemesis Siegfried. His ancestors did not leave him the power to surpass the gods when he broke out, but only one-handed swordsmanship.

In front of those monsters in human skins, he had no power to fight at all.

And now, a monster is standing in front of him.


You must not step back!

Feeling the **** aura, Thunderbolt Longma raised his head, his eyes calm.

In the plot, in 2014, Destiny will launch a secret research program, hoping to develop an armament that can rival the Herrscher through the desire for gems. The future fourth Herrscher Wendy is recommended by Theresa to participate in the experiment.

In this experiment, the Oceania branch transplanted the desire gem into Wendy's leg, trying to combine the Honkai Energy Crystal with Wendy's calf bone to gain the same level of power as the Herrscher.

But Wendy didn't control the power to desire the gem, and the crystal also caused Wendy's legs to be paralyzed.

However, because of the desire for the gem to be stabilized in Wendy's body, in order to preserve the crystal, the Oceania branch used Wendy's body as a container for the gem.

Today, Raiden Mei's condition is the same as Wendy's.

Once the Gem of Conquest is taken out of her body, the Gem of Conquest will go berserk.

Then, it's a big crash.

At that time, the results are nothing more than two.

The Great Collapse killed Raiden Mei, and then destroyed the entire Sky City.

The Great Honour did not kill Raiden Mei. As the Herrscher adaptability holder, she became the mortal enemy of mankind, the Herrscher, and then destroyed the Sky City and declared war on mankind.

No matter which one it is, it is unacceptable to Thunderbolt Ryoma.

Raiden Mei is his last blood relative.

Watching civilization is the promise he and his companions made together.

If Su Han is allowed to take away the gem of conquest, then even if he is still alive, it is no different from being dead.

"My request may be very unreasonable to you."

Feeling the oncoming pressure, Raiden Ryoma remained calm, opened his mouth, and said.

"After all, from your point of view, you have already done your best with benevolence and righteousness."

His own power has been dispersed by Cocolia.

Mei's stigmata has been sealed long ago, and she has no fighting power.

If there is no moral bottom line, it is estimated that you have directly chosen to kill Raiden Meiyi remotely, sit and watch the collapse, and then recover the gems after the collapse.

However, the young man in front of him, thankfully, chose to trade in the absolutely disadvantaged Raiden Meiyi.

This quality is quite good.

In exchange for the undeserved goods like Cocolia, the long sky market is estimated to be gone.

"Since you know that I have done my best, then you shouldn't stop me."

Someone in his comrade who could go back to the target time shrugged and said.

Conquering gems is a real killer.

In theory, as long as you can resist its erosion, you can obtain the power of the corresponding Herrscher with a certain probability.

For Su Han, who has an undead body and extremely strong resistance to collapse, as long as it can be adapted, then he can use this as a back-up for the bottom of the press box.

The power to decompose matter from the atomic level, as long as some bugs are not encountered, it will be taken away in one wave.

This is why he insisted on forcing the whereabouts of Dr. Markey to be asked before Cocolia was put on trial.

- Conquer gems are not suitable, you can also try quiet gems.

The power of the law of death, which can cause the disordered decomposition of matter, is also a good player at first sight.

"Although, you can't stop me either."

In the unwilling look of Thunder and Lightning Longma, the boy has quietly appeared behind the bewildered Thunder and Lightning Yayi.

That rapid speed completely exceeded the visual capture of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

The gap is too big.

After all, he is not his friend Siegfried, he is just a swordsman, and he has no ability to stop the holder of the natural stigmata.

Thunderbolt Ryoma was silent.

No matter how profound and righteous he is and how eloquent he is, if the target doesn't listen at all, all his actions will be in vain.

Unprecedented frustration hit his heart.

"However, I don't mind giving you a chance to replace the gem with something else."

Looking at the man who was originally on the list of people who needed to win over, the young man who would never give up on conquering the gems turned slightly.

Like a prisoner whose death penalty was suddenly cancelled, great joy struck the heart of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

Things, there is a turnaround.

"The condition you want is—"

Thunderbolt Ryoma stared at the boy stubbornly.

"Help me take care of a few people, and, help me find some information."

The young man smiled, and the shadow under his feet engulfed the girl beside him without warning.

"Before that, I'll button up the Lightning Buds."

Chapter 34 Shizaki Kuangsan thinks Su Han is strange

"This round of games is over."

After leaving the rooftop of the me club, the teenager sat in a milk tea shop and stretched, sighing with emotion.

Negotiations were successful.

In other words, after Leidian Yayi was detained by him, Leidian Longma could only agree to Su Han's request.

Collect experimental data about the Quantum Sea, contact Dr. Maki of the Imperial Laboratory on behalf of Cocolia, and regularly provide Su Han with some Honkai Energy crystals.

Without a sense of responsibility, Su Han chose to leave everything to Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

Although doing this, it is very likely that anti-entropy will detect something, but that is also indifferent.

"So, Su Jun, have you finished the matter?"

Opposite him, a girl with delicate facial features that makes people feel dreamy, sits there very ladylike, sips a drink, and there is anticipation in her eyes.

"Well, including Cocolia's final commission, everything is settled."

The boy who didn't even bother to go to Siberia spoke up.

The solution is still the same, let Thunder and Lightning Longma take care of it.

Most of the people in the Cocolia Orphanage did not follow Cocolia to do immoral things and did not deal with them.

Bronya and Xing, who directly followed Cocolia, should have gone to Titan Assembly Line 715 like other Cocolia followers, but Su Han took Cocolia's money after all, and will probably throw it to Siberia next. The branch shovels snow until adulthood.

"There are really good people."

Seeing the young man in front of him with his own eyes, the Time Elf sighed softly, after only a few days to make up a bunch of things.

When he first joined the group, this guy's performance was different from ordinary people, and he started by killing a group owner whose surname is still unknown.

Although there is an element of luck, this operation really shocked the group friends at the time.

After that guy became the group owner, he took advantage of his strength to defeat the anti-entropy enforcer who threatened the safety of Changkong City, and he was even able to benefit the entire group while protecting the city.

Truly, an enviable talent.

Tokisaki Kuangsan's eyes flashed with a little surprise.

When will I be able to protect my comrades?

I once had a close friend, but there was a little confusion in the eyes of the girl who killed her in the bewitchment of the primordial elf.

But soon, the confusion disappeared.

If you want to save a dear friend who has passed away, you must turn back time.

Let Kekedi's "Twelve Bullets" be activated, go back to the appearance of the Origin Spirit thirty years ago and solve her personally, the cost of changing the world line is huge.

Unless she slaughtered humans or devoured her compatriots, it was basically impossible to accumulate enough spiritual power.

However, that doesn't seem to be the case now.

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at the young man in front of him, and a bit of intoxication flashed in his wine-red eyes.

In her worldview, spiritual power is a power closely related to vitality.

The origin of the elves is the magical life created by the magician Westcott who brought together the power that would take the earth hundreds or even thousands of years to recover.

The spirits created by it also possess the spiritual power that manifests the life force of the world.

Humans also have spiritual powers.

But compared to elves, poor people want to laugh.

After all, the power of elves comes from the planet under their feet, and human beings are just a speck of dust to the planet.


In this world, after all, there are some exceptions.

For example-

The young man in front of him.

If an ordinary person's spiritual power is compared to a drop of water, then he is an endless river.

He is just sitting there, and the power of the whole world is rushing towards him. If this trend does not change and can continue, one day, he will turn into an endless sea!

Tokisaki Kurumi, who could clearly feel how amazing the growth rate of the youth's strength in front of him, felt that his throat was a little dry.

If you can get this power, you can get enough spiritual power even if you don't kill people.

The first time he saw Su Han, he was "infatuated" with his girl's face, and a blush of joy rose to the extreme.

The chance to reverse the misfortune of the elf is just around the corner.

"Su Jun...Remember my previous request-"

The girl's words stopped abruptly before she finished speaking.

For no other reason, the boy had already stretched out his hand and cut his wrist.

There is a lot of blood that can be called "magic power" or "spiritual power" trickling out, falling into the shadow of the girl's feet, and being absorbed by it.

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