[This bow is the “Sun-shooting Bow”. ]

[You brought almost all your wealth with you for this “real body simulation”, and the “Sun-shooting Bow” is naturally included. ]

[Feeling that the “Sun-shooting Bow” has completed most of the adaptation progress of the new world rules, you understand it in your heart. ]

[The “Sun-shooting Bow” is a treasure formed by the fusion of a tendon and blood of the great god Pangu, and it also contains the attribute of chaos. ]

[“It seems that my guess is right. Having the root of the chaotic attribute is the key to whether the treasure can quickly adapt to the power of rules in other worlds and can be used normally.” ]

[“The ‘Nine Nine Scattering Soul Gourd’ was born in the prehistoric world after the opening up, and it is not contaminated with the chaotic attribute. Although it is the same as the ‘Central Wu Ji Xinghuang Flag’ as a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, it cannot adapt to the rules of the new world.” ]

[After thinking it through, you told these to the three treasures in the sea of ​​consciousness. ]

[“Chi Zun” was silent for a long time after hearing this, and it was obviously hit hard. ]

[This is the first time since its birth that it has been troubled by its roots and origins. ]

[The “Ultimate Innate Spiritual Treasure” is already among the top treasures in the prehistoric world. “Chi Zun” has never had such troubles before. ]


[“Don’t be sad. There is a solution to everything.” ]

[“At worst, I will wait for this deity to enter the realm of primordial chaos and take you into the endless chaos to refine it again.” ]

[You feel the emotions of “Chi Zun” and comfort him. ]

[“Nine-nine Soul-scattering Gourd” is the first treasure to follow you. After such a long time, you and it have a deep bond. ]

[It has its own intelligence and is not a dead object. With your personality and character, you naturally can’t bear to ignore it. ]

[Hearing this, “Nine-nine Soul-scattering Gourd” felt much better. ]

[After following you for so many years, it knows that you never talk big. Since it promised to find a solution, it will definitely not break its promise. ]

[“It seems that the master has no intention of letting me look after the house.”]

[“Chi Zun” muttered to himself. ]


[After dealing with several treasures in the sea of ​​consciousness, you looked at the resources you brought with you and found that most of them could not play their own role. ]

[Only those treasures that can be exchanged for chaos simulation points can play their normal role, such as “Golden Lotus Seeds of Merit”. ]

[However, these treasure resources can be converted into pure energy for the practice of “Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art”. ]

[“It is worthy of being the top physical art passed down by the great god Pangu. Apart from other aspects, this adaptability is absolutely top enough.”]

[“It seems that this art is a rare treasure even in the endless chaos.”]

[You can’t help but sigh in your heart. ]

[So far, you have not encountered a situation where you cannot practice the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art. ]

[“After figuring out this rule, I won’t need to bring so many treasures that are difficult to use in the new world when I simulate my real body in the future.”]

[Then, you no longer think about this and prepare to start exploring the specific situation of this big world in detail. ]

[The message sent does not describe in detail which gods are in the “Hall of Gods” and which major forces are among the billions of tribes in the outside world. ]

[You need to understand this yourself. ]


[Before that, you still need to verify one thing, that is, whether you can simulate again through the system during the “real body simulation”. ]

[It sounds like nesting dolls, but based on your understanding of “real body simulation”, this process is equivalent to your entire person entering a new world. ]

[If this is the case, the system should be able to be used normally, and it is not impossible to simulate again during the “real body simulation”. ]

[After a moment, you are slightly disappointed. ]

[You find that although you can connect to the system and even consciously enter the mysterious world where the system is located, you cannot perform normal simulation. ]

[Neither “normal simulation” nor “real body simulation” works. ]

[Moreover, the resources in the “Gods’ Universe” cannot be exchanged for simulation points in the system. ]

[“It seems that the truth about simulation is not as simple as I thought. There are still many rules waiting for me to explore.” ]

[With a sigh in your heart, you stand up, change your body shape, cover your face, and leave the hall where you are with a thought. ]


[The next moment, you appear on a huge square. ]

[Looking around, you feelThis square looks very strange, as if it has integrated various styles, with technology and practice coexisting, but they are perfectly combined with each other without any sense of disobedience. ]

[The square is quite lively, with beings of different shapes and sizes, some revealing their true appearance and breath, and some wrapped in fog, and it is impossible to see the depth. ]

[These are the gods who have awakened at this stage, and this square is also called the “God Square”. ]

[From the basic information sent by the “Hall of the Gods”, you know that although the “Hall of the Gods” imprisoned the gods and prevented them from taking action at will in the outside world, it did not completely restrict their freedom. ]

[This “God Square” is the place where gods communicate with each other. ]

[Here, all fighting is prohibited, even the “Supreme God King” cannot take action. ]

[Therefore, this place has also become a place for gods to trade resources and meet to discuss matters. ]

[Some gods who don’t like fighting and are good at business even opened shops on this “God Square” to sell some resources and information, earn the difference and make a profit. ]

[You stood quietly in a corner and found that most gods used the power of the “Hall of the Gods” to conceal their true identities. ]

[If you want to force it, it’s not difficult, but it is likely to cause some unnecessary trouble. ]

[And a very small number of gods who exposed their true bodies and auras are almost all the operators of those shops. After all, if an exchange wants to have credibility and last for a long time, the operators can’t hide their heads and show their faces. ]

[After a while, you condensed a few golden crystals and walked towards a shop. ]

[Because of the hidden identity and aura, plus the small body, no god will pay too much attention to you. ]

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