【With your realm and understanding, you will soon master the “Great Destiny Art”. 】

【The difficulty of practicing the “Great Destiny Art” is not high. It is difficult for ordinary people to master it because they lack the recognition of the most critical “Gate of Eternal Life”. 】

【After mastering it, you realize that there is a clear connection between you and the “Gate of Eternal Life”. As long as you are willing, you can use the power of the “Gate of Eternal Life” by performing the “Great Destiny Art”. 】

【Even with your “Half-Step Mixed Origin Realm” cultivation that is comparable to the Supreme Broken, you can even summon the body of the “Gate of Eternal Life” with all your strength. 】

【Unfortunately, there is no enemy in the “Great World of Eternal Life” that requires you to fight so hard. If a strong man in the Mixed Origin Realm appears, you really dare to summon the “Gate of Eternal Life” and fight with the opponent. 】

【After mastering the “Great Destiny Art”, you have the ability to enter the space contained in the “Gate of Eternal Life” to find out. ]

[According to your memory of your previous life, at the end of the Three Thousand Era, the Heavenly Lord of Lightning Mother used the “Great Destiny Art” to enter the “Gate of Eternal Life”, brought out the spirit of the weapon, and reincarnated. ]

[That’s why Fang Hanfang, the old demon, completely controlled the “Gate of Eternal Life” and cultivated to the “Eternal Life Realm” at the end of the Three Thousand Era. ]

[However, you did not choose to enter the “Gate of Eternal Life” immediately. ]

[Nowadays, the Three Thousand and One Realms have not been completely repaired, and it is estimated that there will be dozens or hundreds of years before the “Gate of Eternal Life” disappears. ]

[The unexpected “Great Destiny Art” makes you a little confused, which conflicts with your previous guess that the “Gate of Eternal Life Spirit” may not have been conceived yet. ]

[You decide to find the reason. ]


[With the help of the orange talent of “The Great Way Returns to Oneness”, your mental power is infinitely elevated, as if it has merged with the “Great World of Eternal Life”. ]

[10.16296 million 1025 years old: More than ten years have passed, and you have felt the operation and changes of the world rules. In the dark, you have some enlightenment, and combined with the slight changes in the talent in the talent position, you roughly know the reason. ]

[“I didn’t expect that the orange-level talent of “Good Luck” would play a role at this time.”]

[You can’t help but sigh. ]

[The orange talent of “Good Luck” is an upgraded version of the red talent of “World Favor”. ]

[Although it is not clearly stated in the brief description of the talent provided by the system, the talent of “Good Luck” still retains the effect of being favored by the world will, and even greatly enhances it. ]

[Before in the “Hongmeng Universe Space”, because that big world was still in its infancy and the world will was not perfect, so this effect could not be seen. ]

[And the “Honghuang Great World” is more special. The world will is likely not to completely follow the basic rules, but is under the intervention of the Taoist ancestors. ]

[So, you have never discovered that the orange talent of “Good Luck” has this effect. ]

[In the “Eternal World”, the world will has long been mature and operates according to basic rules. ]

[The “Gate of Eternal Life” is the condensation of the original power of this colorful world, and it is also the manifestation of the world will in the dark. ]

[Under the influence of the talent of “Good Luck”, the basic rules of the “Eternal World” are affected, and you are regarded as a “son of the world”. ]

[So you naturally gained the recognition of the “Gate of Eternal Life”, obtained the inheritance of the “Great Destiny Art”, and are qualified to refine this great art. ]


[After coming into contact with the main body of the “Xianwu Simulation System”, you think it is likely to be a treasure born in the endless chaos. ]

[So, in your opinion, the talents in your talent position, especially those of orange grade and above, are blessed by the Chaos Avenue. ]

[As the place where everything is born, it is normal for the Chaos Avenue of “Endless Chaos” to affect the basic rules of the “Colorful World”. ]

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

[After figuring this out, you heaved a sigh of relief and gained a deeper understanding of the “Great Fortune” talent that is usually inconspicuous and has little presence. ]

[“It’s time to explore the ‘Gate of Eternal Life’. Some things need to be verified.” ]

[Looking at the “Gate of Eternal Life” in front of you, which is still repairing many realms, you thought to yourself. ]

[However, you did not choose to act immediately. ]

[With the mastery of the “Great Destiny Art”, even if the “Gate of Eternal Life” is hidden in another dimension of time and space, you can enter it at any time. ]

[There are still many strong people who survived the “Era Catastrophe” around. If you enter the “Gate of Eternal Life” in public, they may notice something. ]

[Anyway, it won’t be long before the new era begins.It officially begins. When the “Gate of Eternal Life” disappears and no strong person pays attention to this place for a short time, it will not be too late to enter. 】


【10.162962100 years old: In a blink of an eye, more than a thousand years have passed, and all 3001 realms have been repaired, and life has begun to grow in them. 】

【A new era has begun. 】

【With a loud bang, the “Gate of Eternal Life” soared into the sky and disappeared into the void. 】

【Without staying in the “Upper Realm” for too long, you sat on the “Nine Dragons Pulling Carriage” and left this place in a mighty manner and returned to the Heavenly Realm Dojo. 】

【After experiencing a great calamity of the era, the formation around the Immortal Venerable Dojo was severely worn out. With a wave of your sleeves, a large amount of resources flew out and repaired the formation. 】

【Then, you entered the Dojo and began to sort out the harvest this time. ]

[More than 10,000 new “ancient characters”, world tree seedlings, and the complete “Three Thousand Rules Art” are your biggest gains on this trip. ]

[As for the vast amount of divine objects, you decided to use them as resources to cultivate “world tree seedlings”. ]

[10.162962113 years old: After resting in the dojo, you got up and left, heading for the “Xuanhuang Great World” in the three thousand realms of the lower world. ]

[As the lower realm closest to the “heaven”, the “Xuanhuang Great World” can be said to be the best place to cultivate the “world tree”. ]

[The “world tree” of the previous era also grew in the “Xuanhuang Great World”, connecting the heaven and the three thousand lower realms. ]

[In the process of the “era catastrophe” when the gate of immortality spewed out endless divine objects, the mature “world tree” had a unique advantage in plundering divine objects, which was somewhat similar to your world of mind and power. ]

[Of course, the effect is far inferior to your “heart power world”, which can only account for 20% to 30% at most. ]

[This led to the fact that when the “world tree” existed, the “Xuanhuang Great World” was the most powerful realm in the three thousand lower realms. Even in the heyday of the world tree, there were immortal kings and a group of heavenly monarchs. ]

[After you came to the “Xuanhuang Great World”, you planted the “world tree seedling” in a treasure land, arranged a large formation around it, left a large number of divine objects, and then returned to the immortal dojo. ]

[As long as there is sufficient energy supply, the “world tree” can mature in a very short time. ]


[10.162962260 years old: You did not alarm anyone, quietly left the immortal dojo, hid your identity, and secretly came to the “world upper world”. ]

[Now, the new era has just begun, and the strong men who survived the previous era have basically left the “world upper world” and returned to repair or rebuild their old nests. 】

【No one is paying attention to this place. 】

【You cast the “Great Destiny Spell” and instantly transcend the infinite void and reach the end of destiny. 】

【There, you see the “Gate of Eternal Life” standing tall, rippling with the breath of eternal immortality. 】

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