The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

However, after a moment, the monk Wu Jue, who should have been bloodied on the spot, was fine.

Looking again, it turned out that the Wan Gui Dao was actually held in the hands of a young man.

"Huh~ Ghost weapon? Or a ghost weapon that is about to become a god, this matter is getting more and more interesting."

This young man is none other than Ye Cangtian, who just came out of the Tianxu Realm.

At this time, he pinched the Wan Gui Dao with two fingers and looked at it curiously.

"It's the senior, the senior is not dead!"

"The senior is so awesome, how could he die!"

"We are saved~"

When Xue Lu and Xue Xingjian saw Ye Cangtian, they showed excited expressions on their faces.

"You're not dead!"

Seeing Ye Cangtian suddenly appear, Gui Tong was also surprised, but he had already put the arrow on the string and had to shoot.

"Oh? Do you want me to die?"

Ye Cangtian asked with his head tilted, and then threw the Ten Thousand Ghosts Knife to Gui Tong.

"Hmph~ Even if you don't die, what's the matter? Become a sacrifice of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Knife like them~ Go, Ten Thousand Ghosts Knife."

At this time, the knife spirit not only did not rush to Ye Cangtian, but instead slapped Gui Tong's head with the back of the knife.

[You miss, go ahead, I don't want to die yet. ]

"Tsk tsk tsk... It seems that your knife doesn't listen to you."

Speaking of this, Ye Cangtian gently hooked his finger;

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Knife came to Ye Cangtian obediently with a whoosh.

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Knife, which was still showing off its might just now, was now like a little chicken, trembling, as if it was very afraid of the boy in front of it.

Seeing this scene, Gui Tong's heart instantly sank;

This Wan Gui Dao is a ghost weapon that is about to become a god. It has always been the treasure of the Ghost Sword Sect. This time, he was able to invite Wan Gui Dao, but he spent a lot of effort;

However, before he could warm up to it, Wan Gui Dao actually betrayed...

"Wan Gui Dao, come here quickly~ That's the enemy..."

However, Wan Gui Dao ignored Gui Tong;

"Wan Gui Dao, this is your favorite soul crystal, come back quickly!"

The ghost boy took out a few soul crystals shining with black light and shook them in front of Wan Gui Dao.

But Wan Gui Dao seemed to be determined to leave Gui Tong and was not moved at all.

"It seems that your ghost weapon has abandoned the dark and joined the light!"

Ye Cangtian hugged his shoulders and smiled at the ghost boy opposite him who was as white as yellow earth.

For this ambitious guy, Ye Cangtian did not have much good feelings.

Then Ye Cangtian looked at Wan Gui Dao and said.

"Although you have turned from evil to good, you have committed too many murders before, and you still have to be punished."

Hearing the punishment, the Ten Thousand Ghost Sword made a humming sound in fear.

The blade bent and pointed at the ghost boy and then at himself, as if saying that he was forced to do it, and it was all done by the ghost boy.

Ye Cangtian shook his head and said;

"Although you were forced, you sucked those souls, and you have an unshirkable responsibility;"

"But don't worry, I won't erase your spiritual consciousness, but I will make a new body for you, and you have to become a guardian artifact to protect this continent."

Ye Cangtian continued.

"Hmph~ As for your Ghost Sword Sect..."

Ye Cangtian's face turned cold;

"Then there is no need for it to exist."

As soon as the voice fell, the ghost boy felt as if the energy in his body was drained, and the whole person collapsed directly.

"Come here!"

With a light shout from Ye Cangtian, the ghost boy's body flew towards Ye Cangtian uncontrollably.

The ghost boy was terrified at this moment. He did not expect that this young man was really as strong as the legend said.

"Senior, spare me, senior, spare me!"

The ghost boy had long lost his previous glory and domineering attitude. His body collapsed to the ground and began to tremble;

However, Ye Cangtian did not give him a chance to explain.

With just a light touch of his finger, the ghost boy's body began to decompose and dissipate.

People were completely shocked by Ye Cangtian's unpredictable means.

Then, Ye Cangtian flicked the Wan Gui Sword with the same finger, and the black blade instantly turned into dust;

However, the sword spirit of the Wan Gui Sword was taken out by Ye Cangtian.

It is extremely difficult for a sword to have a sword spirit, especially a sword spirit like the Wan Gui Sword that has already gained spiritual intelligence, which is even more rare, so Ye Cangtian did not directly erase it, but prepared to replace it with a new container.

After returning to Xuannv Peak, Ye Cangtian plunged into the secret room.

A few days later, Ye Cangtian walked out of the secret room;

He was holding several exquisite


"Qingcheng, call Han'er and the others."

When Tu Han'er and Ye Mo Yingzi and the others came to the main hall, the two sides of the main hall were already full of people from the Snow Fox Hall and Xuannv Peak.

"Tu Han'er, these two rings, one for you and one for Xuanrong;"

Said Ye Cangtian and put a ring engraved with the word Xuan and a ring engraved with the word Tu on the two people's fingers respectively.

Then Ye Cangtian picked up the emerald green lotus beside him and said to the two of them.

"This is a super defensive artifact, called the Void Snow Lotus. There is a formation I engraved in its center, which can protect the Tianma Continent and prevent thieves from invading."

Everyone looked at the Void Snow Lotus in surprise.

Then, Ye Cangtian opened his palm, and the emerald green lotus bloomed instantly. Each illusory petal was like a big hand, holding up a piece of heaven and earth.

Just when everyone was stunned,

In the center of the lotus, a young boy stretched and stood up.

"This guy is called Xuwu, he was the sword spirit of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sword, and now I have transformed him into the weapon spirit of this Xuwu Snow Lotus. He will always guard the Tianma Continent. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

Ye Cangtian waved his hand, and the Xuwu Snow Lotus, with the weapon spirit Xuwu, slowly flew to the hand of the goddess statue.

"As long as this petal does not fall apart, the Tianma Continent will be protected forever;"

"In addition, there are these two rings..."

Ye Cangtian pointed to the rings on Xuanrong and Tuhaner's hands and said.

"Not only do these two rings have a huge space, but they are also the keys to open the Void Snow Lotus."

"Remember, only in the moment of life and death crisis can the two rings be combined into one and its master protection function can be activated."

"This is also the biggest trump card I left for you;"

In fact, in the past few days, in order to restore the former glory of Xuannv Peak, Ye Qingcheng not only sent out the secret manual of the mind, but also took out countless immortal tools and countless rare treasures to thoroughly arm the disciples of Xuannv Peak.

It's time to leave Tianma Continent. During this trip to Tianma Continent, Ye Qingcheng also completely broke through to the realm of the emperor, successfully found the successor of the Five Elements Divine Art, and the Tianxu Realm was also evolved, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

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