Chapter 98 Mung Bean Cultivation Guide

Before Qi Fu could answer, Zhao Ze started to scream, "Xia Qing, can you pick all the mung beans?!"

Xia Qing calmly replied, "I can pick none of them. I only blackened a few that bloomed early. I read in the "Planting Encyclopedia" that they can be harvested when they are black."

 The level of the person who wrote "Planting Encyclopedia" is far inferior to that of Li Si. The "Planting Encyclopedia" only states that mung beans can be harvested after they turn black, and then dried and stored in a sealed container. But it did not say how to dry, how to calculate drying, and what the conditions for sealed storage are.

Qi Fu replied, "In the past, we took the pods with us to dry them, and they were considered dry until the pods burst. This should be the same for evolved mung beans, right, Fourth Sister?"

 Li Si is not online and has not spoken.

Shi Zhong replied, "Xia Qing, you'd better take the pods to dry them first. When the fourth sister comes online and says she wants to peel them off to dry them, it won't be too late for you to peel them off."

What Shi Zhong said made sense. If Xia Qing peeled out the mung beans now, she would not be able to stuff the mung beans back into the pods if they were dried in the pods. "I understand, thank you Uncle Shi and Brother Qi."

Zhang San spoke lazily, "Xia Qing, give me two kilograms of mung beans. It's hot, drink two bowls of mung bean paste to relieve the heat."

Xia Qing immediately replied, "Third brother, the ones that are ripe are yellow light mung beans."

Xia Qing’s two acres of mung bean field has only twenty-seven green trees, and the rest are all yellow. She was reluctant to eat the green light and wanted to save seeds.

Of course the idol should eat mung beans, but that will have to wait until she has enough green beans.

Hearing that it was a yellow light, Zhang San lost interest and asked, "Which one of you has a green light?"

 The other lords remained silent, and Li Si spoke, "I have it. I will send it to Third Brother later."

 Zhang San said lazily, “I only eat this year’s new beans.”

Li Si immediately replied, "We don't have it in the territory now. I'll send it to Third Brother in five days."

 Zhang San didn’t say anything, obviously agreeing to the deal.

Through this transaction, Xia Qing confirmed that Zhang San's dislike of Li Si was much lower than that of Tang Huai. Another point is that when Qi Fu called Li Si just now, she didn't say anything, but she arrived as soon as Zhang San spoke. If it wasn't a coincidence, she set Zhang San to pay special attention.

 Does the walkie-talkie have this function?

Or maybe she sent someone to monitor the walkie-talkie 24 hours a day and notify her immediately as soon as Zhang San comes online?

Xia Qing picked a few more mung bean pods and stuffed them into the bag, repeating the question just now, "Fourth sister, I am Xia Qing. Can I buy a mung bean cultivation guide from you?"

“You don’t need to emphasize who you are, I can tell the difference between male and female timbres.” Li Si replied coldly, “One guide, two green cucumbers.”

"Okay, thank you Fourth Sister." Xia Qing agreed happily. No need to ask, Li Si asked for the cucumber because he wanted to taste the cucumber that Zhang San liked to eat. Xia Qing made a fortune by trading two cucumbers for a detailed guide to growing mung beans.

Qi Fu quickly followed, "Fourth sister, I am Qi Fu from land No. 5. I also want to trade a mung bean planting guide. Can I use two green light eggplants?"

 Zhang San has also eaten the Green Lantern Eggplant from No. 5.

Li Si did not answer. About fifteen seconds later, a gentle female voice replied, "Hello everyone, I am Xiao Liu, the assistant of Territory No. 9. I will be responsible for the next transaction."

 A new person appeared. Xia Qing stood up straight and listened carefully.

Assistant Xiao Liu's voice was gentle, but his words were not gentle at all, "Our lords' "Evolutionary Mung Bean Cultivation Guide" contains five patented planting technologies that have not been disclosed in the safe zone, and the transaction price is 800 points. All lords have obtained the "Guide" Afterwards, you must strictly follow the instructions on the homepage of the Guide to use the cultivation technology. If the technology is leaked due to improper use, Territory Nine will hold you responsible for patent infringement and put you on the blacklist for never trading. Points will not be accepted for this transaction. Lords who are interested in trading, please report your territory number and the type and quantity of the transaction materials.”

Xia Qing immediately pressed the button, "Sister Liu, does the deal Fourth Sister just made with Land No. 3 still count?"

“It counts.” Xiao Liu reminded gently, “Miss Xia, please call me Assistant Liu from now on.”

Xia Qing immediately changed her words, "Okay, thank you, Assistant Liu." Eight hundred points, eighty kilograms of yellow light vegetables or sixteen kilograms of green light vegetables. Such a valuable thing was taken away by Xia Qing in exchange for two cucumbers regardless of the weight. Everyone didn't know what to say for a moment.

Qi Fu weighed it again and again, and chose to trade, "Assistant Liu, I am Qi Fu from Land No. 5. Can I trade sixteen kilograms of green light eggplants for the "Guide"? But I only have two green light eggplants. I can't give them enough at one time, so I can divide them. Three times?”

 Assistant Xiao Liu replied softly, "Yes, Mr. Liu, the deal is done."

Luo Peiwen said, "Assistant Liu, can we exchange building materials for the "Guide" in Territory No. 1?"

Assistant Xiao Liu’s voice became gentler, “May I ask what building materials are available in your territory that can be exchanged?”

Luo Pei replied, "Insect-proof putty powder, wall paint, and roof rain-proof paint."

Assistant Xiao Liu immediately replied, "Can forty pounds of roof rain-proof paint be used?"

“Okay, thank you, Assistant Liu.” Luo Pei agreed.

Then, Tang Zhengbo from Territory No. 12 spoke, "Hello Assistant Liu, can Territory No. 12 be exchanged for four portions of barbecue ingredients? The barbecue ingredients are my exclusive secret recipe and are sold for two hundred points in the Huisan Safe Zone. One serving.”

 Xiao Liu's voice was gentle, "Yes, Director Tang, the deal is done."

 Zhang San spoke lazily, "Trading for a piece of barbecue ingredients and medicine on the 7th."

Tang Zhengbo’s tone of voice when talking to Zhang San was no different from when communicating with other people, “Brother San, can I have a bottle of non-toxic insect repellent spray?”

 Zhang San replied lazily, "Okay."

Hearing that their father and Zhang San had reached a deal, Tang Huai and Tang Heng from No. 2 almost cried.

As expected, Li Si went online to get the same product as his idol, "Third brother, I also want a bottle of non-toxic insect repellent spray."

 Zhang San refused directly, "If you don't want to change, I will match it myself."

 “Hahaha—” Xia Qing, who was in the mung bean field, couldn’t help laughing. The sheep boss, who was lying under the green shade not far away, glanced at Xia Qing, who was blowing horns in the mung bean shed, and turned his head away in disgust.

Xia Qing picked two of the most promising green cucumbers from her vegetable garden, and exchanged them for a four-page "Mung Bean Cultivation Guide" printed front and back.

 After carefully reading the instructions on the home page, and confirming that as long as you don’t teach the patented technology to others, there will be no taboos, start studying seriously.

From beginning to end, the guide did not indicate which technologies were Li Si’s exclusive patents. However, after reading the entire guide, Xia Qing suddenly became enlightened and knew how to correctly plant evolved mung beans.

It turns out that evolved mung beans have no dormant period and can be sown immediately after being dried.

It turns out that evolved mung beans are deep-rooted plants and require deep plowing and raking of the soil.

It turns out that evolutionary mung beans should be pruned, and the mung beans should be shaded in the afternoon when the sun is too strong, or the mung beans should be hydrated after being exposed to the sun.

turn out to be…

With this "Guide", the content on mung bean planting in the "Planting Encyclopedia" issued by Huisan Base can be completely deleted.

 (End of this chapter)

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