In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 93: Crab shell fertilizer shipped from Guicheng base

Chapter 93 Crab shell fertilizer shipped from Guicheng base

Zheng Kui didn't speak much, but he was very organized when he spoke, "The territory suffered huge losses in this rainstorm. Some people gave up the territory and ran back, spreading the territory to be more dangerous than the evolutionary forest. The base was afraid that the territory plan would fail, so it planned to let the lord We take the vegetables and grains we grow back and hold a public fair so that people in the safety zone can see with their own eyes the benefits of farming and actively come out to farm.”

Before Xia Qing could speak, Zhong Tao shook his head, "This is impossible!"

Zheng Kui holds a different view, "As long as the benefits are sufficient and the safety of the lords can be ensured, there will always be lords interested."

Zheng Kui was right. When Xia Qing returned to her territory carrying vermicomposts, she thought that if the safety zone held an agricultural products fair, she would really like to go back and exchange edible plants and animals that were not available in her territory.

 In addition, after these few months of consumption, her farm tools, carpentry and electrical tools should all be replenished and replaced. Xia Qing didn't want to rely too much on the Qinglong Team, so he exchanged all important supplies with them.

 Another very important reason is the person who sent her a message last year to tell her about the territory. If she could go back, Xia Qing planned to give others some of the grain and vegetables she grew to express her gratitude.

"Indeed, it depends on how the base arranges it." Xia Qing asked again, "Brother Tao, Brother Kui, have you heard where I can buy phosphate fertilizer? The cotton in my field has bloomed, and I need to apply phosphate fertilizer."

 After the great evolution of Blue Star organisms, the application of organic fertilizers became the only option to promote the growth of evolved crops. Xia Qing heard from Qi Fu and Shi Zhong that phosphorus-rich organic fertilizers mainly include fermented soybean cake fertilizer and bone meal. They lack raw materials in their territory and it is impossible to make large quantities of organic phosphate fertilizers.

After making eye contact with Zheng Kui, Zhong Tao's voice was so low that even Tang Huai, who was eavesdropping in Territory No. 2, couldn't hear him, "I'm really asking. Someone smuggled a batch of crab shells from the Guicheng base." "Fat, but this is a shameful thing, and it's not cheap either, girl..."

News broadcasts have continued to report that the Guicheng base in the south was attacked by marine creatures for several months. Xia Qing paid attention to it every day. He knew that there was an army of crabs attacking the marine creatures in the safe zone of the Guicheng base.

 Crab shells are also considered bones, and crab shell fertilizer is of course phosphate fertilizer. Xia Qing also lowered his voice, "Is it reliable? There must be a lot of pollutants and parasites on the crab shells. Can the ones shipped directly be used?"

Zhong Tao was already close to Xia Qing's ear, his voice was low and inaudible, "It's absolutely reliable. We can't trick anyone but you, girl. Guicheng uses crab shell fertilizer for farming. We don't know how it is processed. This batch of fertilizer The origin is not right, and the price has been suppressed too much by the cultivation center in the safe area of ​​our base, so I plan to trade with the lords. Sister, what do you think, can the cultivation center set a price for unqualified things? "

 So that's it, Xia Qing asked in a low voice, "How do they sell it?"

“Four points per pound, if it’s less than that, it will be given directly to the safety zone.”

At this price, Xia Qing would have refused to buy it three months ago, but it is different now. The crops in her territory need phosphate fertilizer, and the crab shell fertilizer invested can bring her more food. "Okay. But I don't have points. Does the other party need supplies? "

Zhong Tao nodded, "There are wars at Guicheng base every day, and the most lacking thing is medicine. Do you still have the white-haired chicken vine in the girl's territory?"

The content of the two elements of the white-haired chicken vine is within the normal range and can be traded. "Yes, but there has been a lot of activity in the fields recently, and I haven't had time to dry it yet. It will take a few days before it can be shipped."

“I can’t wait a few more days, I’m in a hurry to go back. I’ll give you 20 points for a pound of wet food. Do you think it’s okay, girl?”

Xia Qing nodded.

"Sister, prepare it tomorrow. I will transport it to you the day after tomorrow. Your brother Kui and I are taking the risk on this matter. You don't want to tell others, otherwise we will be ruined. Of course, we are also sure about the change of fat for the sister. Don’t tell anyone. How many pounds can you ask for?”

 During their regular work, they help private individuals transport trading materials, which must be risky. Xia Qing used the white-haired chicken vines that had been traded long ago to trade fertilizer for farming. For her, the risk was basically zero.

Xia Qing nodded and asked, "How many pounds can they give out?"

“I haven’t really asked about this, but there must be tens of thousands of kilograms.”

"It's rare that I can catch up. I want a thousand catties." Xia Qing lowered her voice. No matter how much, she couldn't afford it. "If the white chicken dung vine is not enough, I will use yellow bamboo shoots to make up for it." Xia Qing carried five bags of vermicompost home and carried three bags directly to the fields.

Last time there was not enough fertilizer, Xia Qing failed to top-dress the cotton that had entered the flowering stage. If phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were not applied in time, even if the cotton buds opened, they would not have enough nutrients to set fruit, and the cotton bolls would fall off.

 After more than three months of hard work, the crops in Territory No. 3 are growing well. Not to mention the fruits and vegetables in the hillside planting zone, wheat seedlings more than one meter high in the cultivated land south of the reservoir have already sprouted ears. The first batch of flowering mung beans have grown into beans and are almost ready to be picked. At the bottom of the cotton plant The flower buds on the fruit branches have bloomed.

Xia Qing’s favorite place in the territory now is not the vegetable garden where you can pick melons to eat, but the cotton field, because the cotton flowers are so beautiful.

 The color of evolved cotton petals will actually change continuously.

 The petals are white when they open in the morning on the first day, gradually turn red when exposed to sunlight, and turn beautiful pink in the afternoon of the first day. When it bloomed again the next day, the petals turned purple again. Xia Qing took photos of cotton one after another to record the changes in the color of the petals.

Not only cotton, but every crop in the territory, Xia Qing will carefully take photos and record their cultivation process to accumulate experience for next year's planting.

 After moving out of the insect-proof net shed, the two-meter-high Zhencheng cotton flower also bloomed. If it were not for the purpose of recording, Xia Qing would not want to take pictures of those purple and black monster flowers. Xia Qing wouldn't be surprised if cotton bolls grow after the fairy flower fades, and when the cotton bolls explode and several little goblins pop out.

“Cotton is beautiful, but it attracts insects too much.” Zhao Ze complained on the Lord Channel, “The insect-proof net is crawling with insects.”

 Qi Fu wondered, "You didn't spray?"

The losses in the second rainstorm were too great. Now Zhao Ze's attitude towards farming has become much more correct. He humbly asked Qi Fu for advice, "I sprayed it, but it didn't work. What kind of medicine did Brother Qi spray? How many days should he spray it?"

“I spray aconite juice and insecticide, once in the morning and once in the evening. Although the effect is not as good as before, it is still effective.” Qi Fu replied.

Shi Quan from the No. 10 place asked Qi Fu for advice, "Brother Qi, how do you mix the juice of evolved aconitum with water?"

“One to twenty, the higher the concentration, the more the leaves will burn.” Qi Fu shared his experience and asked Shi Chong, “How does Brother Shi get rid of the insects?”

 Shi Qiang shared his experience, “I also found that insecticides were not very effective, so I hung sticky insect panels and the effect was pretty good.”

 A sticky worm board? Xia Qing, who was digging ditches in the cotton field to apply fertilizer, raised his ears and listened.

Shi Zhong explained in detail how to make the sticky insect board, "It is the pumpkin vine that evolved when it rained last time. After crushing it, smear the juice on the cardboard. Apply it thickly. The sticky insect effect will be particularly good."

  Being stuck to the evolved pumpkin vines will corrode a shovel, not to mention small bugs. Xia Qing was taught a lesson and regretted selling all the evolved pumpkin vines to his idol third brother.

Qi Fu also regretted it, "Brother Shi, do you have a lot of pumpkin vines in your evolution? I want to try exchanging some."

Fortunately, when it rained for the second time, there was no intercom in Land 10. I didn’t know that Zhang San harvested the evolved pumpkin seedlings. Otherwise, they would definitely sell it to Zhang San. They didn’t find out that the evolved sticky pumpkin seedlings could also be used to make sticky insect boards. .

 (End of this chapter)

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