Chapter 90 Digging for insects steadily

“Boss, press the button on the intercom for me.” Xia Qing, who was holding a heavy object in his hand, would certainly not interrupt his training just because he wanted to talk to Tang Huai.

 The sheep boss lying next to Xia Qing stretched out his front hooves and pressed the button of the intercom accurately. It had seen Xia Qing do this action countless times and had already learned it.

"Here." Xia Qing said one word and then fell silent. The sheep boss relaxed his hooves and narrowed his sheep's eyes to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing immediately typed out quickly, "Boss is so smart. He deserves to be the sheep standing at the top of Blue Star's pyramid, the sheep who created the history of Blue Star's evolutionary sheep. I will prepare something delicious for me tomorrow morning."

 The sheep boss, who thought he would get a delicious reward tomorrow, was satisfied and continued to chew the cud.

Tang Huai asked angrily, "What are you busy with in the territory today? You have been running around with the sheep all day long."

 The plan she discussed with Luo Pei can now take the first step. Xia Qing narrowed her eyes, "Boss, press the intercom button."

The sheep boss used his hoof and held it down. Xia Qing yelled angrily, "Is Captain Tan here? No. 2 is spying on my territory. Please ask Captain Tan for justice."

Tang Huai…


Tan Junjie replied solemnly, "Received, will deal with it immediately."


Tang Huai cursed, "Xia Qing, you've gone too far! I just want to ask, why are you so anxious, or have you done something shameful and feel guilty?"

"You fart!" Xia Qing was too lazy to argue with Tang Huai, so Huo Feng immediately spoke up, "You eavesdropped on me all day long, and in the end you slapped him down and said he was guilty and did shameful things. I couldn't see it. It’s you who owns it!”

Tang Huai was choked, "I didn't listen all day."

Hushi Feng sneered, "Why, you don't dare to admit what you said? Everyone has ears, and Captain Tan also heard it."

Tang Huai was a little panicked, "Team Tan, please listen to my explanation. I just exaggerated a little. I didn't eavesdrop."

Tan Junjie replied seriously, "See you at the No. 2 road sign in ten minutes."

Tang Huai…

Li Si from Land No. 9 spoke coldly, "You from Land No. 2, if you dare to squat by the edge of Land No. 9 and eavesdrop, I will immediately put poison in and shut up everyone in Land No. 2 who can breathe."

Tang Huai…

“Fourth sister, I am Xu Pin, the vice-captain of the Sufeng team. I apologize to you for the people at No. 2 who made you unhappy. I will deal with the relevant people seriously. Please rest assured.”

As expected of Xu Pin, he had such an official accent and even his voice was so annoying, Xia Qing frowned.

Li Si is very much like a scientific researcher, "Team Sufeng? Never heard of it. How you want to deal with your people is your business and has nothing to do with me. I only arrange the best action plan based on the actual situation." "

Xia Qing, who was holding a stone in her hand, nodded. Although her idol disliked Li Si, Xia Qing felt that Li Si was quite to her liking.

 In Territory No. 2, Xu Pin, who had lost face in public, said with a sullen face, "You should deal with the trouble you caused yourself."

Tang Huai went out of the house, using spray to drive away the evolved insects attracted by the light of the protective mask, while cursing and walking towards the stop sign, "Xia Qing, wait for me, I will kill you sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, Tang Huai couldn't hear his brother Tang Heng's persuasion, and then he realized that his brother had not followed him out. If he listened carefully, he found that his brother was actually busy in the room making Xu Pin happy. Tang Huai's anger was suddenly replaced by an indescribable complex emotion.

At the stop sign, before Tan Junjie could ask, Tang Huai took the initiative to confess, "Team Tan, I didn't intentionally eavesdrop on what was going on in Territory No. 3. I was digging for worms and looking for mice in the north of Territory No. 2. What was going on in Territory No. 3?" It’s very big, so that’s why I heard it. If you don’t believe me, I’ll take you to see. There are many holes for digging insects on that land.” Tan Junjie, wearing a protective mask, asked, “From the location you pointed to, the activity of Lord No. 3. The distance is at least 500 meters. Why can you clearly hear the sound in Territory 3?"

Since he didn’t want to be regarded as a criminal who trespassed on other people’s territory, Tang Huai had to prove his innocence. “I am a level five auditory evolver. Xia Qing’s movements were very loud, so I can hear him.”

Tan Junjie nodded, "Why did you fill in the data as ordinary people when reporting statistical data?"

Tang Huai, who was surrounded by evolved flying insects, waved his arms to chase them away impatiently, "Of course I conceal my abilities to protect myself, Team Tan, isn't this illegal?"

"It's not illegal. However, the patrol team has spotted you dozens of times in areas close to Territory No. 1, No. 3 and No. 7 in the past three months. Therefore, there is reason to suspect your motive of concealing your abilities. Please come back and cooperate with us. Investigate." Tan Junjie asked the team members to take Tang Huai back to the investigation team dormitory for questioning.

Tang Huai was not released until noon the next day. He returned to Territory No. 2 in vain and was interrogated by Xu Pin. His whole body was about to collapse.

"What, you're still not convinced?" Xu Pin said with a sullen face, "I think you are digging for bugs and fools! Xia Qing from No. 3 was a non-staff member of Luo Pei's team when he was in the safe zone, and now he is with Hu Feng . You exposed your crime publicly on the lord channel, it would be strange if she didn’t take the opportunity to flatter you."

"Tang Heng will be responsible for the daily affairs in Territory No. 2, and the walkie-talkie will be handed over to Tang Heng. You and Zhou will monitor Territory No. 1 24 hours a day. If you can't even do this well, go back to the safe zone and guard it." Door!" Xu Pin didn't want to waste too much time on a fool, so he waved his hand to get out.

Tang Heng chased Tang Huai out of the house, comforting him in a low voice as he walked, "I left lunch in the kitchen. I'm going to take a rest after eating. Let Zhou Xun keep an eye on him first."

Although Tan Junjie interrogated him for more than ten hours, the meal was still taken care of. Tang Huai walked straight to the grass that separated Territory No. 2 from Territory No. 1, lay on the grass, and stared at the sky in trance.

Zhou Xun knew that the boss was angry, so he lowered his voice and cursed, "It's all that bitch's fault. We'll find a chance to deal with her sooner or later."

"Be honest, I can't protect you if something happens." After saying that, Tang Huai closed his eyes and snored.

After Hearing Evolution Man Da Jiang returned to the small building to report the situation, Hu Huifeng smiled and gloated, "Tang Huai must have been scolded by Xu Pin."

Luo Pei called Xie Yu, "Xu Pin released evolved rats in Territory No. 2, causing Tang Huai to lose two ordinary members of his team, which escalated Tang Huai's dissatisfaction with Xu Pin. Another point is that Tang Huai gradually became more and more dissatisfied with Xu Pin. He had a strong interest in farming and digging for insects, but did not seriously carry out the surveillance mission assigned by the Sufeng team. I think we can take advantage of this to let Tang Zhengbo leave the safe zone and come to the territory, develop and grow here, and disintegrate the Tang family from within. "

Xie Yu, the second leader of the Qinglong team on the other end of the phone, smiled and said, "Brother Luo, this is a good strategy. Let the team doctor test you later. I feel that your poisoning this time seems to have stimulated the evolution of your brain."

screw you! Luo Pei smiled, "It wasn't my idea, it was a friend."

"Xia Qing? I'm really getting more and more curious about her." Brain Evolver Xie Yu quickly gave a timetable for the implementation of the plan, "I will arrange that Xu Pin will return to the safe zone within the first three days, and within five days Let Tang Zhengbo farm the land so that Tang Huai can dig insects with peace of mind."

Tang Zhengbo is the father of Tang Huai and Tang Heng. As you can tell from his name, he is a cousin to Tang Zhengrong, the deputy director of Huisan base, and Tang Zhengsu, the captain of Sufeng team. Before the natural disaster, Tang Zhengbo was a well-known entrepreneur and did much better than Tang Zhengsu.

After the natural disaster, neither he nor his youngest son could evolve and become ordinary people. Although the eldest son Tang Huai evolved into a high-level ability user, his hearing ability was of little practical use. Therefore, their group gradually declined and was suppressed by Tang Zhengsu. Although Tang Huai joined the Sufeng team, he failed to get into the top ranks.

"Tang Zhengbo is a powerful figure in the Tang family. Isn't five days too late?" Luo Pei asked.

Xie Yu on the other end of the phone smiled like a fox, "Because Tang Zhengrong took Tang Zheng to Huiyi Base to explain the evolution of potato seeds, and will be back in five days."

Luo Pei also smiled, "Well, we really need to do it quickly. Territory No. 2 belongs to Tang Lu, and Tang Zhengbo will be suppressed when he comes. Territory No. 12 happens to be empty, so it is more appropriate for him to become Lord No. 12. ”

Tang Zhengsu did not get along with Tang Zhengbo, so he suppressed him everywhere and did not let him have a chance to stand up again. This time, the two brothers Tang Huai and Tang Heng were expelled to Territory No. 2 to perform their tasks, which must have been Tang Zhengsu's intention.

In this case, then move Tang Zhengbo over and let the Tang family stand up again to fight with Tang Zhengsu. In this way, the nail that the Tang family drove to the side of the old regiment headquarters and the Qinglong team became a knife that tore the Tang family apart.

I have to say that Luo Pei felt that this idea was really not something that Xia Qing, who only focused on farming, could come up with.

 (End of this chapter)

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