After cleaning the gun and completing accuracy training, Xia Qing began training on body reaction speed. After practicing until 10:30 in the evening, Xia Qing washed up on time, said good night to Yang Laodao who was lying on the special seat in the living room on the first floor, and went to the room at the rear right of the second floor, which is the room in the northwest corner, to rest.

The small building where Xia Qing lives is located to the north of the center of the cultivated land at the foot of the mountain. Through the window of the bedroom on the rear right side of the second floor of the small building that opens to the north, you can see all the farmland, planting areas and springs in Territory No. 3.

Although Luo Pei led people to leave Territory No. 3, the people in Territory No. 2 were still monitoring her territory, so Xia Qing decided to move to this bedroom so that she could protect the most important resources in her territory—springs and crops—at night.

Xia Qing set up a dozen simple and imperceptible traps near farmland and springs. When people or large animals pass by, the sounds made by trees and stones will be picked up by the ears of advanced evolution, and then the intruders can be killed directly with guns.

Xia Qing put on night vision goggles and checked through the glass window that there was nothing unusual in the territory. As soon as he spread out the warm blanket, he heard the sound of the sheep boss clattering upstairs.

After the sheep have evolved, their night vision is still very weak. In order to make it easier for the sheep to open the door and enter the yard, the night light on the first floor is always on.

With this glimmer of light, Mr. Yang successfully climbed to the second floor and appeared in front of Xia Qing, staring at her with narrowed eyes.

Xia Qing explained thoughtfully, "Boss, didn't I tell you just now? I have to sleep in this room and guard our water source and food. You have to sleep on the first floor and guard our door and yard. ”

The sheep boss stood still, and Xia Qing sighed happily and helplessly, "You can sleep in the same room with me, come in."

Xia Qing spread a bamboo mat on the bedroom floor, and placed a flat straw mat on the bamboo mat. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow we have to take down the rainproof cloth and clean up the grass. The third rain will take two days at the fastest." It will arrive in a month. Our wheat, mung beans, and potatoes will be harvested within two months. After harvesting, I will eat the grain and you will eat the seedlings.”

After Xia Qing finished speaking, he yawned, covered himself with the quilt and closed his eyes.

The sheep boss lay on the straw mat for a while and felt that this mat was not as comfortable as the one in the living room on the first floor. It stared at Xia Qing unhappily for a while, then stood up and stepped on the wooden floor back to the first floor.

Xia Qing was lying on the bed, with the corners of her mouth raised.

 The next day, Xia Qing's pain from being beaten by the Dancing Potato Rice was even lower, and it no longer affected her normal movements.

 After breakfast, Xia Qing turned on the radio and listened to the broadcast while wandering around killing a large bag full of various evolved pests, still feeding half to fish and half to snakes.

When the small fry that have grown to five centimeters long rush to the surface to grab food, the egrets pacing in the shallow water quickly grab the fry and raise their necks to swallow them.

 Why is there only one egret down to eat fish today?

Xia Qing looked at the bird's nest on the metasequoia tree by the water and found another egret squatting in the nest.

This is it, eggs are being laid and hatching has begun?

 After eating her fish for so long, it was finally time for the egret to reward her. Xia Qing thinks about eating eggs no longer every day or two.

  Are egret eggs edible? Take it back and test it and you will know.

steal? nonexistent.

 All resources in Territory No. 3 belong to her. How can it be called stealing if she takes her own things?

 Xia Qinghehe.

After returning home, Xia Qing attached the bucket to the mini-tiller and drove it to the edge of the farmland. Three times, five times and two times, the rainproof cloth on the rainproof shed was removed, and the sheep boss was directed to help fold the rainproof cloth and put it into the truck bed. Xia Qing then took out the insect-proof net, cut it to a suitable size, covered it on the bracket of the rainproof shed and fixed it. The base’s farming radio broadcast strongly promotes this cover cultivation technology that is insect-proof, light-transmitting, ventilated and moderately shading.

As for how the base promotes this technology, Kuang Qingwei from Site 6 asked Qi Fu from Site 5.

Qi Fu gave an affirmative answer: it was because he purchased a large amount of insect-proof nets used to cover windows in the safe area. After Zhong Tao learned about the use, he took videos and photos of his insect-proof vegetable shed and reported it to the base. Qi Fu also received There are some very affordable rewards.

As for what the reward will be, Qi Fu didn't say anything, and everyone else didn't ask.

Xia Qing also experienced the benefits of insect-proof net covering cultivation in vegetable cultivation. She had long planned to cover all crops with cultivation, so she exchanged sufficient insect-proof netting with Zhong Tao.

 Fortunately, she replaced it early. Kuang Qingwei said that the price of insect-proof nets has increased now.

 Xia Qing was busy cleaning up the house some time ago and did not have time to cover all the crops. Now that the rainproof shed has been erected, it is time to remove the rainproof cloth and replace it with insect-proof netting.

 After replacing the insect-proof net, she and her bird helpers removed all kinds of insects that were trapped outside the net.

Now there are many kinds of birds in Xia Qing's territory, such as magpies, crows, sparrows, tits, and red-billed blue magpies. Before, these guys were planning to steal the fruits and vegetables, but after being beaten to death by Xia Qing, they taught them to be honest. , got rid of bad habits and became a standard beneficial bird.

An egret that only steals fish to eat is not a beneficial bird.

It took Xia Qing a whole day to remove the rainproof cloth and replace it with insect-proof netting. After finishing the work, of course he had to treat himself to something good.

Xia Qing walked to the reservoir with the dozen or so live snakes she caught today, and found two egrets squatting in their nest and making out.

 Damn it, I and the sheep boss who have been working hard are single, but these two thieving birds are actually showing off their affection in pairs, they must be taught a lesson.

With another reason to teach the egret a lesson, Xia Qing first drove the mini-tiller home filled with rainproof cloth, detected edible snakes and stuffed them into the snake box, and stuffed the snakes with some evolved insects for food. After Tianca's black and white heron's eyesight declined, he returned to the metasequoia forest, took out the snakes from the bag while avoiding the egret's sight, and threw them near the egret's nest.

 Egrets have poor eyesight and hunt during the day. Most snakes hunt in the morning, dusk and night. When the egret starts fighting with the snake, she can go out and reap the benefits.

Xia Qing squatted in the corner and soon waited for the battle between the egret and the snake. After the two egrets flew away from the nest, Xia Qing quickly climbed over and found that there were indeed five light blue eggs in the nest.

Xia Qing only grabbed three and stuffed them into his bag. When he fled the scene of the crime, he heard the sound of the egret's wings flapping. She immediately took out a fierce evolutionary snake more than one meter long and pressed it against the bird's nest, shouting, "Egret, come back quickly, there is a snake stealing the eggs!"

The egret that landed on the nest protected the eggs and pecked the evolved snake with its long golden beak.

With a "click" sound, the snake's head and trunk were pecked through.

I didn’t expect that the egret, which walks around the waterside and steals fish like a yuppie every day, has such a strong fighting ability. No wonder they became the boss birds in their territory after they arrived.

Xia Qing helped Egret kill all the remaining evolved snakes before going home with the loot.

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