Chapter 494 Is two acres of land a lot?

 Hill No. 50 at Huisan Base is very big.

"No. 50 Mountain is 16 kilometers long from east to west and 12 kilometers wide from north to south. It has a plane area of ​​about 192 square kilometers. It has four peaks. The third highest peak is indeed higher than the highest peak of No. 49 Mountain." Xia Qing reason The reason I can answer accurately is because the idol signed an employment document with her yesterday, and she is now the manager of this mountain.

Not only that, she also has the right of first refusal to purchase the mountain.

"192 square kilometers is..." Kuang Qingwei was shocked and couldn't think straight for a while. He took out his old mobile phone and started to calculate how many acres it was.

Zhao Ze, who is engaged in engineering, has already calculated, "That's 288,000 acres. This is just the plane area. If calculated based on the surface area of ​​​​the mountain, it will be at least doubled!"

 Good guy…

 Kuang Qingwei and Zhao Ze were dumbfounded, while Yue Haiying was thoughtful.

 Because Tang Huai kept talking about it on the Lord Channel every day, how much responsibility would the Qinglong Team bear if they failed to guard No. 49 and allowed large evolved animals to enter human territory. As a result, when Shi Zhong heard about such a large area of ​​​​mountain, the first thing he felt was pressure, "Qing, if a beast comes from Mountain No. 50 to the territory and hurts someone, the management department won't let you take responsibility, right?"

Xia Qing explained, "As long as the evolved animals from No. 50 Mountain are not artificially driven to attack the territory, I don't have to take responsibility."

 Shi Zhong felt relieved, "That's good. Third brother is different from those in Territory No. 9, so he shouldn't do anything detrimental to the territory."

Yue Haiying also nodded. Zhang San was a technical expert who was invited by the director of Hui San Base after several visits to Hui Yi Base. Zhang San wanted to use No. 50 Mountain as the experimental area, and the base would definitely agree, but he did not expect that Zhang San would hand over the management of the experimental area to Xia Qing.

It seems that the relationship between Xia Qing and Territory No. 7 is closer than he guessed. This is a good thing, it shows that the strength of the Lords Alliance is getting stronger and stronger.

Xia Qing continued, "Six large machines will be transported to No. 50 Mountain tomorrow to start digging trees and building fire extinguishing isolation belts. This task requires recruiting fifty people to participate, and it will take 15-20 days. The task will be carried out by Qinglong Captain Yang is responsible, and the security protection is provided by the Qinglong Team and the investigation team. The requirements for those participating in the mission are..."

 After Xia Qing finished explaining the task content, participation requirements and rewards, the members of the Lords Alliance were all excited.

Zhao Ze was very excited and asked first, "Isn't the beast tide coming soon? Captain Yang doesn't need to return to the safe zone?"

"The danger level of the No. 50 Mountain disaster relief mission is higher than that of the medium-sized beast tide. Yang Jin has been recruited by Zhang San, so the commander who resists the beast tide needs Zhang San's consent if he wants to recruit Yang Jin. Xie from the Qinglong Team Some of Yuhe's main forces are still in the safe zone, so in principle, the commander of the safe zone will not recruit Yang Jin. "

After the experienced Yue Haiying answered Zhao Ze’s question, he asked the alliance leader Xia Qing:

"The animals in the disaster area of ​​No. 50 Mountain have been cleared by poison gas bombs. The danger level of the mission to clear the fire-extinguishing isolation zone should be level C. How could the base give such a high reward? The participants in this mission are infected with the super evolution Possibility of bacteria?”

 After hearing Yue Haiying's words, everyone's hearts skipped a beat, and they all turned to look at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing explained, "The cost of this mission was all paid by the Fire Team that caused the disaster, so it is higher than missions of the same level. I have already communicated with Captain Yang to recruit people from several of our territories first, and we will go back to discuss Collect the number of people you want to report in each territory, and then report it to Brother Qi. After the total number is gathered at 12 noon today, I will report it to Team Yang.” After talking about your engineering command ability, Captain Yang said that if you participate in this mission, the points will be calculated at 50 per day. You should discuss with my aunt whether you want to go. "

Zhao Ze was overjoyed when he heard that his salary was more than three times higher than that of other ordinary people, "I will participate, I will definitely participate, thank you sister."

Qi Fu and Yuan Yan looked at each other, with smiles in their eyes. They must participate, not only for points, but also to accumulate experience in the evolutionary forest.

 The next step is the highlight.

Xia Qing used her mobile phone to show everyone photos of the hidden valley. "This valley is in No. 50 Mountain, covering an area of ​​about two acres, and there are hot springs in it. When I went there the day before the snow, the temperature on the mountain was -15°C, and in the valley it was 25°C. . This place was originally a crack in the mountain, but a group of people blew up the mountain in the second year of the natural disaster..."

After Xia Qing finished the introduction, everyone looked at the five tombstones in the photo and sighed.

Kuang Qingwei cheered up, "Their luck is not too bad. At least the whole family has their bodies buried together. Sister, did you just say that you want to use the valley to raise seedlings?"

“Team Yang has already had preliminary negotiations with Team Agni. The compensation that Agni will pay us will definitely include yellow light rice seeds that are stable for two generations. The specific amount of compensation has not yet been determined.”

After Xia Qing introduced the seeds, he began to explain why we should raise seedlings in hidden valleys. "Grow seedlings in constant-temperature valleys. After the first rain next year, we can plant rice seedlings in the territory. When the second rain comes, "The rice we planted has passed the seedling stage and early growth stage, and the evolution rate should be reduced a lot."

 The lords were excited when they heard that they could get rice seeds.

Yue Haiying, who had little knowledge about farming, humbly asked for advice, “Two acres of land is not a big amount of land. How many seedlings can it grow?”

Everyone looked at Qi Fu and his wife, and Yuan Yan replied, "Before the natural disaster, we grew rice here. The ratio of rice fields to rice fields was 1:80-100. That is, the rice seedlings grown on one acre of land can be planted on 80 to 100 acres of land." . If we have a lot of rice seedlings, we can adopt a three-dimensional planting method and put up shelves to raise seedlings in layers. We can only add a few more fill lights. I can’t guarantee that it will be fine within 600.”

"I didn't expect that two acres of land could be used to grow so many seedlings. That valley will definitely be enough for us in the next two years." Yue Haiying, who has led troops to fight against natural disasters for many years, has considered the problem very comprehensively and now starts farming. He asked even if he didn't understand, trying to become a qualified farmer, "I still don't understand something: we have built greenhouses in our territory, why don't we grow seedlings in the greenhouses?"

Qi Fu explained in detail, “The seedling period of evolutionary rice is very long, taking 25-35 days, so we want to transplant the rice in mid-March and start preparing the seedlings in early February. It is still winter at that time.”

"After the natural disaster, the winter temperature here dropped by more than ten degrees or even twenty degrees. By late February, the temperature would rise to about 10 degrees within two or three days. The temperature control conditions in our greenhouse were not enough, and the rice seeds started to germinate. When it comes to seedling emergence and seedling emergence, the temperature and humidity requirements are relatively high. If the temperature and humidity are not controlled well, the rice seedlings grown will be weak, so the Territory Management Department does not sell us rice seeds, but only sells rice seedlings in July.”

Yue Haiying suddenly understood and thanked sincerely, "I understand, thank you so much, Brother Qi. Putting it this way, this valley that can cultivate seedlings is of great significance to our alliance."

 Only when you have good seedlings can you grow good crops.

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