Double compensation?

Yang Jin replied simply, "Of course."

It feels so good to be on the same team as Iron Rooster. Xia Qing smiled brightly, "Captain Yang, does Liehuo have rice and wheat seeds with higher stability? If there is really no green light, a yellow light with an element content of less than 8‰ will do."

 Qi Fu was very efficient in doing things. Shortly after Xia Qing came out of the greenhouse, she received a message from Qi Fu. Numbers 4, 6, 10 and 15, that is, all alliance members want the seeds of these two major food crops.

 Food is the basic guarantee for survival and is more valuable than points. Because during the years of natural disasters, with the channels within reach of the lords, even if they have points, they cannot buy high-quality food.

The wheat grown in our fields is six kilograms of yellow-light wheat seeds distributed to each person by the Lord's Management Department when they received the land in the spring. The variety is M-11. During the nearly three-month growth period of wheat, everyone tested and screened again and again to save the high-quality seeds.

For example, Xia Qing, who was lucky, selected 5.5 pounds of green light M-11 wheat seeds from the first crop of wheat.

 In addition to selecting green-light cultivable and optimized seeds, other lords also left yellow-light seeds with less than 10‰ of chlorine elements in wheat. They paid to store them in the food storage warehouse in the safe area and retrieved them in early November for autumn sowing of wheat.

 The reason why sowing is done in autumn is because although the growth period of evolved wheat has been shortened, it can be sown in spring in March and mature in late June. However, the radio repeatedly stated that overwintering wheat sown in autumn has better taste and nutrition than the wheat sown in spring, and the price is also more expensive.

In order to harvest more high-quality grain, the lords also exchanged some wheat seeds with the territorial management department.

However, nearly half of the wheat seedlings grown from the seeds that the members of the Lords Alliance worked hard to collect have been destroyed by the red-level snow artificially created by the fire in this area.

Xia Qing’s yellow-light wheat losses were less because she sown wheat seeds exchanged with idols and had lower nutrient content. Even so, her loss amounted to a quarter.

 So the lords urgently needed high-quality wheat seeds to plant spring wheat next spring.

Last year, each territory received 400 H-12 yellow rice seeds from the Territory Management Department. Under the careful care of the lords, the number of plants that survived to bloom and set seeds was between 200 and 250, but most of them The content of the chemical element in most rice has reached 9‰-14‰, so it can only be eaten and cannot be used to save seeds.

This shows that the H-2 rice seeds exchanged by Huisan Base are only stable for two generations. If the lords want to plant rice again, they need to trade grain or vegetables with the lord management department.

Xia Qing has 40 kilograms of high-quality J-2 yellow light rice seeds in her hand, but according to the exchange terms she reached with Zhang San, she will not be able to exchange J-2 seeds with other lords until after the harvest in June next year at the earliest.

Members of the Territory Alliance firstly have no purchasing channels, and secondly do not have enough points. If they want to plant one or two acres of high-quality rice next spring, Liehuo's compensation this time is the only opportunity they can seize at present.

"I will talk to Li Huo and try my best to fight for it. But even if we can negotiate, the compensation will be at a discount based on the loss of farmland and casualties. You grow the least food, so you will get the least compensation." After introducing the possible situation, Yang Jin comforted Xia Qing, "But this is not entirely a bad thing for you."

"I understand, this is what it should be. Thank you for your hard work." Xia Qing replied sincerely.

As far as she knows, the number of acres of wheat grown in the nearby territories, in descending order, is: Territory No. 1, 150 acres, Territory No. 12, 100 acres, Territory No. 8, 50 acres, Territory Nos. 5 and 6, 20 acres, Territory No. 15, 20 acres. Territory No. 18 acres, Territory No. 10 10 acres, Territory No. 4 eight acres. Then there are her two and a half acres.

 The seeds in Territory No. 1 and No. 12 were purchased from other places, and the content of the element is 7.5‰, so the evolution rate of the wheat seedlings is definitely lower than that of Qi Fu and others.

Xia Qing had never heard Xin Yu and Zhou Zhaoping mention the quality of the seeds in Territory No. 8, so they must be of good quality. Territory No. 2? Not sure.

 Because Xia Qing grows the least wheat and has the best seed quality, the losses are also the least. The compensation that can be obtained is definitely the minimum.

The Liehuo Trappers provoked and attacked Xia Qing at No. 50 Mountain, causing Xia Qing to be poisoned and almost have an accident. Logically speaking, Liehuo should compensate Xia Qing, but Liehuo probably used Xia Qing and the wolves to kill all the Trappers as an excuse. Not agreeing to compensation.

Xia Qing, the trigger of this incident, cannot get compensation. If she pretends to be more angry, Lihuo's anger towards her will be reduced, which will be beneficial to Xia Qing's safety.

Xia Qing, in fact, did not suffer. Because of this incident, not only did she clear out the No. 9 territory that had been staring at her, she also got a brand new set of individual aircraft.

 Being aware of the disadvantages and taking advantage secretly is the way to survive for the weak during the years of natural disasters. That's why Yang Jin reminded Xia Qing that the small compensation she received was not entirely a bad thing.

Of course Xia Qing also understood this. After thanking Yang Jin, he moved on to the next topic, "Team Yang, can I talk to the lords through private channels about the excavation task of the fire-fighting isolation zone at No. 50 Mountain? Four Zhao Ze in the territory was engaged in engineering before the natural disaster, and he was responsible for the command and dispatch of personnel and vehicles when we were digging thornwood, and the arrangement was very smooth. "

Yang Jin agreed happily, "You should clearly explain to them the risks and rewards of participating in the evolutionary forest mission. If you can't gather 50 people, I will openly recruit from other territories."

"Okay, thank you Captain Yang." After Xia Qing finished talking about the mission, he asked Yang Jin about the conditions and how many points he needed to buy No. 50 Mountain. After that, he called his idol's phone number and told him about the Hidden Valley. The inner hot spring thing.

 Hot springs are not pollution-free and are not uncommon. The boss Zhang San is not very interested. "If you have something to say, just tell me. Don't make any detours and delay me from doing experiments."


Xia Qing immediately told her purpose, "If the reason is that the third peak of Mount Fifty and the first and second peaks south of the third peak need to be cleaned after this gas bomb contamination, you can report it to the management of Huisan Base The department has applied to list No. 50 Mountain as an experimental area for evolutionary forest ecological balance research and pollution control. No one is allowed to enter No. 50 Mountain for hunting or gathering without your consent. Can the base agree? "

Zhang San understood this time, "The territory of more than 7,000 acres is not enough for you to farm? Do you still want No. 50 Mountain?"

"Yes." Xia Qing did not hide his intentions in front of his idol. He looked at the content written in the small notebook and clearly explained to his idol the reasons why he wanted to take over the No. 50 mountain. "There are five reasons for me to do this." Considerations. The first is that Mount No. 50 is too close to us, and anyone can go there. It is easy to create disasters and affect the security of our territory. "

"The second is that our Lords Alliance can use the constant-temperature valley in No. 50 Mountain to raise rice seedlings and plant green peanuts and leeks at low cost. Third, our alliance members need to have a relatively safe evolutionary forest area to improve their performance in the evolutionary forest. The survival, gathering, and hunting skills in the game are another way to earn points." The idol has already joined the Territory Alliance, so Xia Qing used the word "we" with him.

"Fourth, out of intuition, I feel that the hot spring in No. 50 Mountain must be of great value, and maybe it can improve the stability of crops. Fifth, I want to fight for a relatively safe mountain area, as humans and wolves , bears and other beasts deep in the evolutionary forest.”

After stating the five reasons, Xia Qing made a summary, with a sincere attitude and full of expectations, "The soil quality in our territory is relatively good, and the soil is rich in trace elements that are beneficial to plant growth. If possible, I would like to use this place as a place for future survival." and a base for development, so I want to manage it well and make it safer and safer, do you think it can be done?”

 In Territory No. 7, Zhang San, who was pale and thin, understood that Xia Qing made this request after careful consideration. (End of chapter)

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