What kind of aggression can a weak, innocent and pitiful **** seedling explode into after evolution?

Like potato vines, dancing in groups and whipping people?

Like a sunflower, exploding seeds as if you were a biological machine gun?

Based on ten years of experience in surviving natural disasters, Xia Qing believes that rapeseed seedlings are more likely to evolve chemical attack methods than physical attack methods.

 She slowly raised her arm and checked the air toxin detector she was wearing. The dial of the instrument showed a green light, indicating that there were no toxins in the air or the toxin content was very low and would not pose a threat to the human body.

 Xia Qing waited quietly.

Half an hour later, the **** plant did not quickly bolt, bloom and release poisonous gas. Instead, rows of spikes of the same color as the leaves protruded from the side veins of the weak leaves. If Xia Qing's visual evolution ability had not been restored, Some, she may not even see the change.

The appearance of thorns growing on rapeseed leaves is very strange, as if this is not a purebred rapeseed, but a new variety bred from the cross between rapeseed and Acanthus japonica.

Seeing the spikes getting longer and darker, Xia Qing's sense of danger became even stronger. She called Xiao Jiang, who was nearest to her, "Xiao Jiang, come here quickly. There is an abnormally lethal plant here. Use it." Shovel to the edge.”

Given Xia Qing's current physical condition, if she shoveled by herself, she would probably hurt the normal rapeseed seedlings on both sides.

  "Received." Xiao Jiang ran over with a shovel and looked around, but found nothing unusual. "Sister, which tree?"

Xia Qing showed Xiao Jiang with her finger, "This one. Be careful, the thorns are probably poisonous."

"It must be poisonous." Xiao Jiang, who often performs tasks in the evolutionary forest, has rich experience. After shoveling this unique evolved rapeseed aside with a shovel, he immediately covered it with a small cover made of double-layered rainproof cloth and was ready.

About five minutes later, something surprising happened to Xia Qing and Xiao Jiang: the small cover made of double-layer rainproof cloth was actually corroded by the spikes growing from the rapeseed! Small holes!

"This...this..." Xiaojiang's tongue was almost tied, "This is the evolution of aggressive attack. Its corrosive ability is at least a moderately dangerous level. This sting can even corrode protective clothing!"

Very likely. Xia Qing nodded, "Send a danger announcement in the Lord's channel."

"Okay." Xiao Jiang switched the headset-type intercom to the lord channel and issued an announcement: "Lords, please note that a medium-dangerous aggressive plant has appeared in the rapeseed field in Territory No. 3. The plant does not grow taller, but the leaves on the A large number of highly corrosive spikes will grow. The spikes are more than two centimeters long and can rot through the double-layer rainproof cloth. Lords, please pay attention..."

After Xiaojiang broadcast three times, Tan Junjie replied that he had received it, and each territory also responded in order.

Zhao Ze's voice was hoarse, "More than half of the rapeseed has been pulled out, and now it is dangerous to evolve again. This will leave us with no harvest."

Kuang Qingwei is quite optimistic, "Fortunately, the problem is rapeseed. If it were wheat, it would be troublesome."

  Rapeseed is sold by the lord’s management department. Each territory can buy up to half a catty and plant half an acre. Wheat was the seed selected by the lords when they planted the first crop of wheat. Kuang Qingwei planted twenty acres of wheat, and other lords also planted a lot.

Shi Du quickly reminded, "Brother Qing, please take back what you said. You can't help but talk about this kind of thing."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Kuang Qingwei immediately changed his tune, "I didn't say anything. Everyone is fine. The crops in the fields are all fine. We will all have a good harvest next year." Qi Fu also became hoarse from staying up late and reminded, "I'm here The same dangerous evolution of the same species in Territory 3 has also appeared in the rapeseed field. It is best for everyone to turn on the headlights. My eyes are almost blurred. I can't see any rapeseed with thorns without turning on the headlights. Rapeseed seedlings must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise the nearby rapeseed leaves will be pricked and turn into water soon.”

Xiaojiang used the intercom to contact Peng Jian, a level 5 visual evolver who was clearing the snow outside the shed, and asked him to come to the rapeseed field to search for thorny rapeseed.

With Peng Jian here, the dangerous plants in the **** field could not be affected, so Xia Qing said hello to them and went to the adjacent yellow-light wheat shed.

 The condition of the yellow-light wheat fields is visibly better than that of the yellow-light **** fields. There is not even a single bald spot. This shows how important the quality of seeds is to crop cultivation.

Xia Qing walked around the shed and found no plants that felt wrong, so she felt relieved. Chen Cheng came over and asked curiously, "Sister Qing, what are the side effects of the Yi element stimulating solution?"

 What does it feel like? Xia Qing described it very specifically, "It's as if the blood vessels and nerves all over the body were almost burst by the stimulating liquid. Not to mention moving, talking and breathing are painful, but today is much better than yesterday."

 Chen Cheng thought about the feeling for a moment and felt that it was really awesome that Xia Qing insisted on joining the third echelon to catch fugitives yesterday. "No wonder Sister Qing couldn't wake up when she returned to the territory yesterday."

Before Xia Qing could say anything, Chen Cheng chuckled and shared yesterday's interesting story with Xia Qing, "Sister Qing, don't you know yet? Er Yong was brought back by Brother Huo. When he came back, he felt dizzy and vomited, and was shaking when he walked. ”

Er Yong is a level five speed evolver. Although he is faster than Xia Qing, he certainly cannot keep up with the speed of the wolves and Huo Zhun. The effectiveness of the Yi element stimulating liquid was limited, and Huo Zhun had to rush back to the territory before it expired. He couldn't leave Er Yong alone in the evolutionary forest in the snow, so he could only take him with him on the journey.

Xia Qing was carried up and down on a special stretcher by Huo Zhun, making him feel dizzy and uncomfortable, not to mention Er Yong who was being carried. "How is he now?"

"It'll be fine after a good sleep. He just changed his shift and went back to rest before Sister Qing came over. But..." Chen Cheng gloated, "The boss said that he has lost his abilities this year and asked him to practice for an hour and a half in the morning and evening every day. During the ability test at the end of the year, his speed could not reach level 5 and a half, so he was demoted from the main team to the reserve team.”

It's only one month before the end of the year, and it's quite difficult to increase the speed by half a level. Xia Qing silently lit three candles for Er Yong.

The Iron Rooster is not only cruel to outsiders, but also to his own people. However, this kind of ruthlessness is deserved. After Xia Qing recovers her physical strength, she will train hard to improve her strength as soon as possible.

In case Er Yong can't survive in the Qinglong team, Xia Qing can hire him to farm and cook in the third territory. It's just that by then, he will definitely not get as many points as he does now.

After looking at the safe green wheat field again, Xia Qing went to the tiller and found that the sick wolf was actually sitting in its exclusive seat, smiling happily at herself.

Xia Qing immediately felt distressed. He walked over as quickly as possible, opened the rain cover of the micro-tiller, sat on the driver's seat, and touched the sick wolf's fur, "Why is my second brother still here? It's so cold outside. I Didn’t I ask you to go home first?”

Sick Wolf is still laughing and looking very happy. Xia Qing scratched its neck, started the machine, and shoveled the snow all the way back home. (End of chapter)

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