In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 48: Does the Iron Rooster have feathers?

Chapter 48 Does the Iron Rooster have feathers?

 Put the bamboo rat meat into the dryer, adjust the time and temperature and press the switch. Xia Qing hums a tune and turns on the radio, listening to the evening news broadcast, and continues to read the instructions for the dryer and vacuum packaging machine.

None of the news broadcasts contained any valuable information. The weather forecast at the base stated that there would be no rain or large-scale insect infestation in the next five days, but today’s farming broadcast at the base was actually about how to eliminate evolved rats. Xia Qing raised an eyebrow, closed the manual, and turned on the intercom.

The one who spoke first today was Zhao Ze. He was asking Qi Fu for advice on accumulating farmland.

As we all know, inorganic fertilizers are fertilizers made by chemical or physical methods that contain one or several nutrients needed for crop growth. They are also called chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizers refer to fertilizers that are made from animal excrement or animal and plant residues and other by-product resources rich in organic matter as the main raw materials, and are fermented and decomposed.

 Before the great evolution of Blue Star biology, chemical fertilizers were the main fertilizer for growing crops. However, after the great evolution of biology, the application of chemical fertilizers that quickly replenish the elements required by various plants has actually become the culprit of crop damage. The application of organic fertilizers has become the only option to promote the growth of evolved crops.

Speaking of farming knowledge, Qi Fu began to talk eloquently, "We don't raise livestock or poultry. We can't save much manure just by relying on the few people in the territory. Organic fertilizers are not sold in the safety zone. You know the ones to the north of No. 4 and No. 5 How many pigs are raised in the wild boar breeding center? I wonder if they sell pig manure..."

 This topic affected appetite too much. Xia Qing was glad that she had eaten early today.

Xia Qing is not the only one who will be affected. Qi Fu's words were interrupted by Zhang San, "Stop, don't affect my aftertaste of the wonderful dinner."

Qi Fu immediately shut up, and Kuang Qingwei asked cheerfully, "What did third brother eat tonight?"

 Zhang San replied sincerely, "Of course it's an extremely delicious green light vegetable. If you can still find it, I'm willing to exchange any number of points for it."

Xia Qing knew that Zhang San meant this to her.

Not only she, Huo Feng, who was eating fried meat with bamboo shoots, also knew about it, and Tang Huai, who was eating fried insects, also knew. But Tang Huai couldn't say that he knew, otherwise he would be self-incriminating; Hui Feng gave the choice to Xia Qing, because Xia Qing discovered the bamboo forest first.

Xia Qing did not answer Zhang San's words, but waited until the small talk was over before dialing Zhang San's phone number and announcing his home address, "Third brother, I am Xia Qing from No. 3."

 Zhang San’s voice should be more serious and serious, more direct and direct, “How many green bamboo shoots does Miss Xia Qing have? Please give me a price.”

Xia Qing is also very frank, "I still have ten kilograms, which I have to keep for myself. I still have thirty kilograms of yellow bamboo shoots that can be exchanged. What do you want, third brother?"

“No.” Zhang Sanguo refused, “If you can’t trade the green bamboo shoots, can you trade the location where you found the bamboo shoots?”

Xia Qing directly offered the conditions, "Yes. The bamboo forest is at least a hundred acres. We only searched about ten acres today and found a green light evolved bamboo. I want to exchange the location for two solar panels and matching wires. Batteries, okay?”

 The Evolutionary Forest is not owned by anyone, and such a large bamboo forest cannot be hidden at all. Even if Xia Qing doesn't tell Zhang San now, he can still deduce the general direction and scope, and he can find it by sending people into the evolutionary forest to search for it in two days. Therefore, Xia Qing wanted to use this location in exchange for something affordable.

If it were other people, they would definitely not agree, but Zhang San, who is so delicious and has no shortage of supplies, is not an ordinary person.

Xia Qing was ready to bargain with Zhang San, but he didn't expect him to agree immediately, "Of course, I'll give you a brand new solar equipment, where are the bamboos?" Xia Qing accurately described, "No. 1 In the evolutionary forest to the north of the territory, you can see it by walking fifteen miles north along the creek in the ravine at the junction of Territory 1 and Territory 3.”

 Zhang San thanked her sincerely, "Thank you very much. I will ask the inspection team to move your things over tomorrow. When my cat gives birth to puppies, I will take pictures to show you."

 The next day, just as Huzi installed the solar panels for Xia Qing, Zhong Tao arrived.

Xia Qing handed him four sealed red lantern mice and exchanged them for Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui with ten kilograms of yellow lantern bamboo shoots each according to the market price. Xia Qing exchanged the points earned by Red Lantern Mouse for some thickened vacuum food packaging bags, and replaced all the remaining points with rainproof cloth.

Zhong Tao couldn't help but wonder, "Why do you want so many rainproof cloths?"

Xia Qing explained, "I plan to build a rainproof shelter for the vegetable garden, otherwise there won't be many seedlings left after a heavy rain."

"Sister, I'm really willing to do this. But you're right, the seedlings we finally planted were ruined by Zang Yu." Zhong Tao chatted with Xia Qing about new things. "We live together in the North District, not far from the safe zone." In the territory, the night before yesterday, all the vegetable seedlings that had been served for more than a month were destroyed by rats. There were also two plots in the West District. A lord ran away to steal the seedlings in the neighboring territory and was beaten to death..."

 Zhong Tao drove back and forth between the safe zone and the territory and mastered a lot of information. After listening to his words, Xia Qing understood why the farming knowledge last night was about rodent control.

 The mice were discovered in the inner territories one month later than in their peripheral territories. Xia Qing remembered this time difference and went home with the packaging bag.

With enough power reserves and food packaging bags, Xia Qing soaked the green and yellow bamboo shoots in mountain spring water, cleaned them, then sliced ​​them and dried them.

The mountain spring water used to clean the bamboo shoots cannot be wasted. Xia Qing carried the water to the hillside to water the saplings. She planted apples and jujube trees in the high-slope planting zone, not far from the toon trees.

 A few days ago, the apple trees began to sprout. Xia Qing held a copy of "Apple Cultivation Technology" and carefully compared the buds on the branches to confirm that the two trees had a total of thirteen flower buds, which meant that she might be able to eat apples this year.

But the book says that it is best not to bear fruit on newly transplanted seedlings in the second year. After the tree has grown for one year, it will bear fruit in the third year. However, I haven’t eaten fresh apples for ten years and am reluctant to cut off the flower buds.

 The book talks about the apple tree before evolution. After evolution, the fruit tree should become stronger and there will be no problem in bearing fruit in the second year...right?

Even if you don’t let it bear fruit, you can just keep the buds and look at the apple blossoms for two days and then pinch them, right?

Xia Qing's tangled gaze shifted from the apple tree to the bare jujube tree, and her beautiful eyebrows were almost knitted together.

It’s been half a month, and the two jujube trees are still the same as they were when they were planted. They have no signs of sprouting at all. If the jujube tree dies, can she ask Yang Jin to compensate for two more jujube trees?

 Does the iron rooster have feathers that can be plucked?

After watering the tree, Xia Qing walked down with the bucket and came to the spring. In a small terraced field five meters down from the spring, two grape vines and two strawberries were planted. The strawberries have bloomed, and the grape vines have grown delightful little leaves. When they grow a few more leaves, Xia Qing is willing to pinch one to test the element content.

 (End of this chapter)

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