In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 477: The third echelon of disaster relief

Chapter 477 The third echelon of disaster relief

 The disaster relief was commanded by Zhang San, which gave the lords of the Lords Alliance half of their peace of mind.

"The three investigation captains immediately summoned the speed evolvers above level 5 in the investigation team. They put on outdoor level 4 or above protective clothing or air-tight protective clothing for ten minutes, gathered under the road sign of No. 7 Territory, and then rushed to the fifth level with the medicine I prepared. The third peak of No. 10 Mountain prevents the growth of weeds and the spread of microorganisms.”

 After receiving replies from the three team leaders including Tan Junjie, Yang Jin went online.

“Yang Jin, a level 10 speed evolver and captain of Huisan Qinglong Team, has applied to lead the team’s level 5 and above speed evolvers to participate in disaster relief.”

"Very good. The first echelon of the disaster relief team is led by Yang Jin of the Qinglong Team. Ten minutes later, at 8:35, we will set off on time and rush to the third peak of No. 50 Mountain at full speed."


Yang Jin's voice was calm, as if this task was no challenge to him. This made the lords feel half at ease again, and they devoted themselves wholeheartedly to dealing with Zhanxue.

“Commander Zhang, there are five speed evolvers who meet the requirements in Territory No. 12. They have begun to change protective clothing and apply to join the first disaster relief echelon.” Tang Zhengbo from Territory No. 12 said.

“Okay, I agree to Territory No. 12 joining.” Zhang San agreed, “Territory No. 2, please report the number of people who meet the requirements.”

 An unfamiliar voice in Territory No. 2 replied, "Report to Commander Zhang that there are no personnel who meet the requirements in Territory No. 2."

Oh shit! Tang Huai scolded offline, "It's already here, and they're still hiding it. What do they want to do? Sufeng is the **** number one team in our base!"

Tang Zhengbo taught his son, "According to the number of ability users reported in Territory No. 2, there are indeed no people with abilities above level five in Territory No. 2. Territory No. 1 must also have hidden some of its strength."

In the Lord Channel, Zhang San continued to issue orders, "To extinguish the disaster, we need to requisition the chemicals collected in Territory No. 9 and prepare sterilizing drugs. Tan Junjie, immediately send the supplies to Territory No. 7 and hand them over to Zhang He."

 “Received.” Tan Junjie responded.

"Release the twelve arrested scientific researchers from Territory 9, including Li Si. Li Si rushed to the disaster site with the first echelon to test the grass and microbial risk levels, and other scientific researchers went with the second echelon. During the disaster relief process, if the criminals in Territory 9 escape or disobey the captain’s command, they can be killed directly.”

 “Received.” Tan Junjie replied again.

 Zhang San asked, "The place where the sedge grows is densely wooded. We need to requisition the reconnaissance birds from Territory No. 8 and go with the first echelon. Lord Xin Yu, No. 8, do you agree to the requisition of tame birds?"

Xin Yu went online and said, "Agreed. Four speed evolvers above level 5 in Territory 8 have changed their clothes and applied to join the first disaster relief echelon."

“Okay. The Speed ​​Evolvers of Territory No. 8 and Lord No. 8 shall immediately bring the reconnaissance equipment and gather at Territory No. 7.”

  "Received. We will set off in three minutes and arrive before 8:35."

Zhang Sanyi issued orders one after another, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

For Tan Junjie, Yang Jin and others, this is the normal state of disaster relief, but for the lords and employees in this territory who have been fighting with Jianxue all night, it is the first time they hear how the higher-ups commanded when a natural disaster broke out. To eliminate disasters.

 This is the first time that they intuitively feel the importance of the disaster commander.

Xia Qing, who had already arrived home, immediately contacted Hu Feng, "Captain Hu, I have a set of outdoor level four protective clothing and a set of special protective clothing here. Please ask Er Yong to come and pick them up, and let them put on protective clothing before setting off." Jing Kuan and Er Yong of the Feng team are both level five speed evolvers, and are within the recruitment range of the first echelon of disaster relief.

Xia Qing is 1.77 meters tall, Er Yong is about the same height as her, and although Jing Kuan is more than ten centimeters taller than her, the three of them are all between 1.75 and 1.95 meters tall, and they wear the same type of protective clothing. .

"Okay." In the face of a natural disaster, Huo Feng didn't bother to be polite to Xia Qing and immediately sent Er Yong over to get clothes. The Bearded Peak team is the main team of Qinglong, but they wear level three outdoor protective clothing and do not meet the first echelon dress requirements.

When Er Yong rushed to Xia Qing's yard, Xia Qing handed him the protective clothing he had just changed into and a set of unopened special protective clothing, "There are also ten bottles of super nutrient solution here, you must come back safely. "

"Thank you, Sister Qing. We will work with the boss and we will definitely come back safely. Sister Qing, please don't leave the territory." Er Yong took the supplies, turned around and ran away.

“Lord No. 3 Xia Qing, we now need you to join the third echelon of disaster relief. Do you agree to participate?” Disaster relief commander Zhang San asked Xia Qing in the lord channel.

Xia Qing turned around, gritted her teeth and walked quickly to the table. She was in so much pain that she couldn't control her fingers accurately and could only press the intercom button with her palm.

“Agreed, No. 3 Lord Xia Qing applies to join the third echelon of disaster relief.”

Hearing Xia Qing's voice sounded a few seconds later, the members of the Lords Alliance who were holding their breath finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then became worried about Xia Qing's physical condition.

Especially Qi Fu and his wife, they were all heartbroken. Xia Qing fainted last night and was carried back to her territory. It had only been a few hours and she was called to put out a disaster again. Can she hold on?

Zhang San ordered, "No. 3 Lord Xia Qing will put on air-tight protective clothing within ten minutes. At 8:40, the third disaster relief echelon will gather at the north gate of No. 3 Territory."

 The reason why Xia Qing was given five more minutes was because Zhang San knew that Xia Qing's current physical condition was that she couldn't get up quickly.


Xia Qing released the button, drank a bottle of special nutrient solution, gritted his teeth and quickly went upstairs, putting on air-tight protective clothing.

Husband Feng called her on the headset walkie-talkie, "Xia Qing, should I pick you up now?"

"No, I'll ask Boss Yang to send me there. There's enough time." As soon as Xia Qing finished speaking, he received a call from Huo Zhun.

"Xia Qing, third brother asked you to lead the wolf pack and form a third echelon with me to chase the last two people who escaped from Territory 9. They flew out of Territory 9 last night using individual aircraft. Third brother said they were carrying disaster-fighting weapons with them. The important supplies you need must be recovered. You don’t need to carry heavy weapons.”

"Understood." Xia Qing was struggling to move now. Her role in going out with the team was to direct the wolves to search for fugitives, without the use of weapons.

   Third brother, you really used all the combat power available in this territory.

Xia Qing was putting on protective clothing while telling his three evolved animal companions, "Your Majesty Queen, the boss, and the second child. A natural disaster broke out on Mount No. 50. If we cannot control it in time, we will have to abandon our territory and escape."

“Boss, you are the most reliable evolutionary sheep in our territory and the hope of Blue Star’s evolutionary sheep. Now we need you to protect our home and second child. I know you can definitely do it, right?”

 The sheep boss raised his big head with spiral horns, looking like he was the most reliable evolved animal in Blue Star.

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