Chapter 470 The third condition

Zhang San snorted, "Lihuo uses a synthetic poison made from more than a dozen toxins, which can quickly reduce the content of the element in the blood and increase the content of the element in the blood. After you are poisoned, you use a stimulating liquid to burn the element in the body. If It’s not because you are an advanced evolver and the content of the element in your body is higher than the normal level, and you are now showing symptoms of evolution.”

Xia Qing expected that using the Yi element stimulating liquid would reduce the Yi element content in her body, but she did not expect that the Yi element content would actually increase so much. She was a little scared and didn't understand it. If she hadn't been wearing Yishi, she would have developed symptoms of evolution by now.

“Third brother, Liehuo is for catching animals, not killing them. Why does it use such a tyrannical synthetic poison? Are animals still valuable to them after they go crazy?”

“For advanced evolved animals with higher IQs, it is easier to capture them only if they are allowed to evolve and lose their minds and only know how to attack madly. After capture, antidotes are injected, and the animals have already suffered physical damage due to excessive amounts of toxins and poisonous elements..."

Zhang San shook a tube of colorless and transparent liquid, his voice was cold, "The purpose of single breeding is to use wolf hunting to breed young wolves, and then domesticate the young wolves. Therefore, as long as the toxin does not damage the uterus of the evolved wolf, damage to other parts will be fine." , is not within her consideration at all.”

Xia Qing's anger rose, completely covering up the pain in his body. "It turns out that their poison can increase the content of killing elements in animals. No wonder so many animals in No. 50 Mountain lose control and die. Third brother, I recorded the conversation with Can the whole process of the trapping team's battle, including the scenes of them firing poison gas bombs and the animals running, be used as evidence to get Agni to be punished?"

 Zhang San’s brows relaxed slightly, “Where is the video?”

 “In my territory.”

“I asked Yanlong to take you back and bring back the video and the blood sample of the sick wolf.”

"Okay, thank you third brother." Xia Qing carefully put forward the conditions, "Third brother, can you just hand over the part where the animal trapping team first provoked me and attacked me, and used poison gas bombs to deal with the wolves, triggering the beast tide? By the way, Shan Ying His younger brother Shan Xiang is also in the hunting team."

Zhang San glanced at Xia Qing with disgust, as if he thought she was stupid, "You think I'm stupider than you? You didn't even think of this?"

that is!

What your idol can’t think of is something you can think of? !

Xia Qing immediately apologized, and then carefully proposed a material exchange, "I'm too talkative. Third brother, what do you think I should do with the excessive amount of killing elements in my body? There are still three poisoned wolves lying in my territory. Their condition is probably worse than I'm more serious, especially the wolf infected with parasites..."

Xia Qing paused for a few seconds, and bravely proposed the materials he wanted to trade, "Look, can I use advanced evolved python meat in exchange for eight antidote pills, and pay for the four antidote pills you gave me?"

 One pill can reduce the level of chlorine by ten thousandths. If Xia Qing wants to reduce the chlorine content in his body to the original level of nine thousandths, he will need two pills. The three wolves were in more serious condition than her, and each of them needed at least two.

Advanced evolved green light python meat is the most precious and expensive material in Xia Qing's hands. If the third brother disagrees, Xia Qing will have no choice but to reveal his trump card.

Zhang San raised his eyes to look at Xia Qing. Xia Qing also understood that what he wanted was just a little bit more, so he could only smile shamelessly.

The element phosphorus is a very unstable new element. If the content of phosphorus is too high and it is considered a disease, it would be like coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases before the natural disaster year. The phosphorus element can only be controlled by taking medicine. The content increased and worsened again.

If you want to reduce the content of chlorine elements, you can only eat a lot of green light foods. The length of this process is difficult to control. People with strong body resistance may be able to reduce it in a year and a half, while those with poor resistance may take several years or even ten years. Year.

 The physical fitness of advanced evolvers is stronger than that of ordinary people and ordinary evolvers, but it also takes at least half a year. During this process, the content of the element Yi in the body of the advanced evolver is insufficient, and the combat power will be greatly reduced.

Xia Qing is not short of green light food, but she does not have time to treat slowly, and must lower her elemental level as soon as possible. Otherwise, if something happens in the territory, she may evolve, and there is one imminent one: killing snow.

  While Xia Qing was extremely uneasy, the idol slowly spoke, "Xia Qing."

"Here."    "I didn't expect that the trapping team would use poison gas bombs, so I will compensate you for the four antidotes at no charge. The antidote is a new drug that I developed not long ago, and now There are only ten left, I can give you eight, but I have three conditions in exchange."

Xia Qing immediately nodded vigorously, even if it made her neck hurt as if it was about to break, she didn't care.

It doesn't matter if it hurts, the most important thing now is to make the idol believe in her sincerity, "Third brother, tell me, if it can be done, I will do it right away. If it can't be done, I will find a way to do it. I will definitely guarantee your satisfaction."

“First, half of the green-light black-skinned peanuts you harvest next year belongs to me.”

Xia Qing nodded, "Okay."

“Second, raise fifty more chickens next year to meet my chicken and egg needs.”

Xia Qing nodded again, "Of course. Is fifty enough? If not, I will raise more."

“Third, if one day in the future, the group of wolves you have close contact with becomes opposed to human interests, you will be responsible for wiping them all out without leaving a single one behind.”

Xia Qing smiled and made a solemn promise, "I have already said this to the wolves. Don't worry, third brother, if that day comes, I will never show mercy."

Zhang San looked at Xia Qing indifferently. Just when Xia Qing began to think hard about how to make her idol believe in her, Zhang San lazily leaned on the chair and told Xia Qing that she had heard from her idol in the past year. The longest and most profound thing I said.

“You are one of the few humans in the country who has been recognized by the leader of the brain-evolved beast. The powerful force you now possess is no less powerful than the first and second ranked teams in Huisan Base.”

"You suffered a lot and struggled to survive in the ten years before the natural disaster, and now you suddenly have powerful power. After you taste the pleasure brought by power, it is easy to become intoxicated and lose yourself. Over time, your mentality will change When things change, you will want people around you who are not as powerful as you to act according to the rules you set. If someone does not follow them, you will crush them with force and kill them like an insect. They will think that they are at fault, but that it is them who are at fault, so they should be erased.”

"To put it bluntly, after you gain great power, you no longer think of yourself as an individual, but think that you are above human beings, at least ordinary human beings, and have become the maker of the rules of survival and a god. In Among the people you know, Deng Yufeng, Shan Ying, and Tang Zhengsu all have this mentality to a greater or lesser extent."

"Don't tell me that you are different from them. When you led the Evolution Wolf and decided to wipe out all ten members of the Fire Trappers, you had already begun to swell with the power you had, and your mentality changed."

Xia Qing was stunned. She wanted to refute but couldn't because she knew what her idol said was correct.

"Now is the year of natural disasters, and the law has lost its binding force on mankind. The desires of the strong are infinitely magnified, and they naturally believe that they have power and should be satisfied. However, there are only three types of factors that can resist the temptation of power: Strength. "

"For the first type of factors, there are countless powerful forces in China that can compete with you. But you don't want to expose your power now. With the help of the people around you, including me, it will be difficult for external forces to discover your power. Existence. This gives you room to grow further in this territory and make your power stronger and stronger.”

“For the second type of factor, you have no family or even friends you really care about. In your eyes, no one is even more important than the power-evolved sheep in your territory. Therefore, no human being can become your weakness.”

"The supplies you got from me are the most among all the lords in this territory. I like you not only because you have green light food, but also because after losing your family, you insisted on your own morals and chose a path. The hardest way to survive and persist until now.”

"After mastering the high-yi element and highly stable plant seeds, you also adhered to your own principles and took the initiative to take out the seeds and promote planting. So I believe that you are a person with a reasonable conscience and a moral bottom line. ”

Xia Qing looked seriously at the pale man in front of him, who was almost skinny, and listened carefully to what he said about conscience and morality. These two words have become derogatory and mocking terms during the years of natural disasters.

"But it's not enough to restrict a person's behavior based on morality and conscience." Zhang San changed the topic and said in a stern tone, "That's why I put forward this condition and asked you to make a promise. I'm most annoyed by people who don't mean what they say. , If you can’t do what you promised me, you will never get any supplies or help in any form from me, and I will no longer keep any secrets for you.”

 Thanks to the book friend Dayu'er for the reward, and everyone's subscription support. Here is the second update today.

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