In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 466: I element stimulating solution

Chapter 466: Yi element stimulating liquid

 Before the battle, the three evolved wolves all took the narcotic defense agent exchanged with Zhang San. But I didn't expect that the trapping team would use poisonous gas bombs frantically. Now the sick wolf and the alpha wolf have laid down, and the broken-backed wolf has also become weak. This situation may be due to two reasons: First, the amount of anesthetic exceeds The defensive agent can dissolve the amount, and secondly, other toxic components in the gas bomb begin to take effect.

 So, rescue must be called immediately.

Xia Qing turned off the jammer, and before she could take out her phone to ask her idol to send someone to help, she felt the phone in her pocket start to vibrate. She took out her mobile phone and found that it was Yang Jin who was looking for her, so she answered the call immediately.

After finally getting through to Xia Qing, Yang Jin's first question was: "Xia Qing, how are you?"

 “I’m fine, I’ve killed all the trappers.”

After learning from Beard Peak that the Trappers had entered Mountain No. 50, Xia Qing contacted Yang Jin directly, hoping that he could help stop the reinforcement team in Territory No. 9 so that Xia Qing and the wolves had enough time to extinguish the Fire Trappers. Beast Team.

Yang Jin quickly informed Xia Qing of the current situation in the territory, "The purple mist rising from the explosion at No. 50 Mountain triggered a small-scale animal tide. The first echelon of animals has arrived at the eastern isolation zone of the territory. Where are you now? Why are the wolves Howl?"

Xia Qing had long discovered that the gas bombs caused the animals on the third peak of Mount No. 50 to flee, but he did not expect that it would trigger a tide of animals, and his mood became even heavier.

"I was still on the third peak of No. 50 Mountain. The Raging Fire Animal Trapping Team used poison gas bombs. All the animals that had no time to escape lost their ability to move, and some of them were dead. The alpha wolf, the broken waist wolf, and the sick wolf were all poisoned. ”

 In fact, not only the three wolves showed symptoms of poisoning, but Xia Qing also clearly felt that his physical strength was slowly losing. She drank a bottle of super nutrient solution and a bottle of anesthesia defense agent before the battle, and now she has symptoms of dehydration, indicating that the poison gas also affects her.

However, there is no need to say this.

Listening to the howl of the wolf, looking at the struggling sick wolf and the plucked weasel standing shivering in the cold wind, Xia Qing continued, "The howling of the alpha wolf and the wolf is to summon its companions, and the purpose is unknown. I don’t need help here.”

 The territory is attacked by a tide of beasts, and everyone must stay to protect the territory and resist the tide of beasts. So Xia Qing changed her plan and decided not to ask anyone for help. She would take the three wolves alone and return to the territory to find her idol.

Yang Jin's response was far beyond Xia Qing's expectations, "It's just a small beast wave that can be blocked. Send the coordinates, light a fire and wait there. I will lead people to meet you before the wolves arrive. This "We cannot allow a large number of evolved wolves to enter the territory at this time, otherwise conflicts are likely to intensify."

Xia Qing understood that Yang Jin had good intentions, but she refused directly, "Captain Yang, thank you very much. But now the alpha wolf and the broken waist wolf are poisoned. If the wolves see you and the members of the Qinglong team, it is likely to cause a conflict. . You concentrate on dealing with the beast tide. I will first ask for permission from the investigation team, and then return to the territory from the valley between Mountain 49 and Mountain 50, and ask Third Brother to detoxify them."

Xia Qing is indeed losing strength now, but she has two Yi element stimulating fluids in her bag.

 Elemental stimulation solution can quickly replenish physical strength, repair damage, and stimulate the user's ability to more than double the normal level in a short period of time. A bottle of Yi element stimulating liquid was enough for Xia Qing to bring the three wolves back to his territory.

 As for the side effects after the burst of ability, there is no need to consider it in this case. Because if she doesn't take it, she and the three wolves may die.

 After returning to the territory and placing the three poisoned wolves in territory No. 7, Xia Qing can also rely on the double combat power of the Yi element stimulating liquid to join the first line of defense against the beast tide and protect this territory. Because no matter what, the occurrence of this beast tide is directly related to her.

The evolved wolf is a ferocious beast. Xia Qing cannot and should not ask Yang Jin to let her go through the 49th Mountain with the ferocious beast. This incident will definitely be investigated by the base. When the time comes, the Sufeng Team will definitely seize the reason why the Qinglong Team released her and make a big fuss.

Yang Jin replied in a tone that could not be refused, "I will communicate with the investigation team. You contact the third brother directly, then go down from the third peak, cross the valley and enter the 49th mountain to return to the territory. This is the fastest way. Count you. Let me help you stop the mission of reinforcing the team in Territory 9. You will pay me a total of 40 kilograms of green light pecans and refuse to bargain."

 For this reason, Xia Qing no longer insisted. After hanging up the phone, she directly drank a bottle of Yi element stimulating liquid, and while waiting for the medicine to take effect, she dialed her idol's phone number.

Before she could speak, Zhang San spoke, "Xia Qing, have you ever been in direct contact with poisonous gas?"

Xia Qing replied, "I took off the mask twice when changing my glasses. I didn't inhale it. The contact time was no more than one minute, but the three wolves were poisoned. Can you help them detoxify? Any exchange conditions are fine. I have taken After receiving the Yi element stimulating liquid you gave me, I will take them back to the territory immediately."

"How dare you drink the stimulant liquid after being exposed to poisonous gas and seek death?" Zhang San was in a bad mood and said in an aggressive tone, "Don't let the wolf around you howl. Just stay calm after being poisoned. Vigorous exercise will speed up the spread of the toxin. Ask What kind of poison is it?”

Xia Qing hugged the neck of the broken-waisted wolf, pinched its mouth, and then responded, "The situation is more complicated. The trapping team members are all dead. I didn't have time to ask, and I didn't find the antidote from them. But I took When we get to their thick-barreled guns that fire gas bombs, take them back together.”

After explaining the situation, Xia Qing explained with a smile why he drank the Yi element stimulating liquid, "I finally lived to the tenth year of the natural disaster, how could I seek death on my own? I dare to drink the Yi element stimulating liquid because I believe that no matter what kind of poison it is, With your ability, Third Brother, detoxification is a matter of minutes."

 Zhang San snorted, "The stimulating liquid will take effect ten minutes after you drink it, and it will be effective for four hours. When you come back, you can directly enter my territory."

"Okay, thank you, Third Brother." Xia Qing thanked him and asked, "It's the north wind now. The trapping team has fired a total of six poison gas bombs. At this time, the poison gas is being carried by the north wind towards the territory. Can you think of it? Is there any way to stop the poisonous gas from spreading in the territory? "

Zhang San was in a bad mood and her tone was also very bad, "This is not something you should worry about. Come back quickly."

"Yes." Xia Qing hung up the phone before letting go of the wolf's mouth and gave a stern warning, "Stop howling unless you want to die."

 The broken-waisted wolf lowered his head and touched the head wolf and the sick wolf with his nose, and let out a low howl.

Xia Qing sat among a group of poisoned wolves, listening to the whistling wind and looking up at the moon in the sky. At this moment, she thought of her dead parents and the skeleton lying on the grave in the hidden valley behind her, looking up at the sky.

 Stay alive, she must live, and she must live with her companions. "With a broken waist, the queen and the second son will be fine, and neither will you. I will take you back to the territory to detoxify immediately."

 Thanks to book friends Chen Xixiao, Sang Yao, and Yueyue Ah for their tips. Thank you all for your subscription support. Today’s second update is sent.

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