In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 460: The dream of a remote world is shattered

Chapter 460: The dream of a remote world is shattered

Xia Qing didn't know how the other people who built this canyon died, but he could see the cause of death of the woman lying on the grave - poisoning.

 Her bones appear light black, a typical symptom of poisoning.

The family of eight hid in this rock crevice, avoiding the waves of beasts caused by large beasts getting out of control, but they could not avoid the attacks of poisonous insects.

Perhaps she did not die from a poisonous insect attack. But because she was the only one left in the family, she lost her desire to live and committed suicide by taking poison.

Xia Qing's eyes turned from the skull to the grassy grave. A few seconds later, a rabbit carefully poked its head out of the hole to look outside. After discovering that Xia Qing was still standing outside the hole, it quickly retreated into the hole in fright. .

The soil in the valley is for growing crops. The thickness should be about 30 centimeters. It is not enough for rabbits to dig holes to live in, so the rabbits built their holes in the piled graves.

Xia Qing turned around and walked towards the three stone houses not far away that were engulfed by plants.

The tombstones in the valley are beautifully carved, and the stones used to build the stone houses are also cut regularly, indicating that this family not only had the tools to cut and carve stones, but also mastered the art of stone carving. They may have made a living from this before the natural disaster.

However, the family’s craftsmanship in building wooden furniture was mediocre, and their vision in selecting wood was not good.


Xia Qing swung his knife to cut off the vines and grass blocking the door, and pushed open the deformed wooden door.

The broken-backed wolf who was resting on the fallen rocks immediately raised his ears and stood up to look in the direction of the sound.

Tables, chairs and benches, pots and pans, electric stone carving machines, large and small hammers, generators, oil drums, radios, children's wooden horses... The family has more supplies than Xia Qing expected.

Xia Qing's eyes stayed on the family portrait hanging on the wall. Four elderly people in their fifties and sixties were sitting on chairs. The grandmother and grandmother sitting in the middle each held a child. Behind them stood a young couple and a family. With a peaceful and happy smile on his face.

  The date left in the lower right corner of the photo is three months before the natural disaster.

Xia Qing stared at the beautiful smiling woman in the photo for a few seconds before lifting the lid of a stone jar placed against the wall, which weighed several dozen kilograms. Inside the jar were more than half of the moldy wheat and corn.

 The bedroom on the left has a wooden bed and a wardrobe. The roof is leaking. The bedding on the bed and the clothes in the wardrobe have become moldy and have become a nest for insects.

There is a relatively complete waterproof bag on the middle layer of the cabinet, with the words of a certain quarry printed on it. The mobile phones, notebooks, kindergarten textbooks and homework books sealed in the thick plastic bags of the briefcase are well preserved.

Xia Qing put the sealed bag into his backpack, walked into another bedroom to search, put all the valuable supplies into the backpack, walked out of the stone house, closed the door, and came to the tomb again.

There is food, salt, and clothing in the stone house, but there are no protective clothing, medicines or other necessities developed and produced after the natural disaster. This shows that the family has been living here since the natural disaster and has been cut off from the outside world.

Xia Qing dug a shallow pit with a shovel and buried the light black bones lying on the grave in it. It's not that she doesn't want to dig deeper, it's just that the soil here is only thirty centimeters thick, and digging further down will turn into gravel.

After burying the last builder of the valley, Xia Qing picked up a shovel, kicked away a snake, and took out a chlorine element detector to detect the chlorine element content in the hot springs.

 Red light is not pollution-free spring water. Xia Qing didn't feel disappointed either, and turned around and headed straight to the two peanut growing areas.

Although the leaves of the peanuts have turned yellow and started to fall off, the peanut stems are still alive. Xia Qing picked up a palm-long millipede and threw it over. The millipede hit the peanut stem but was not attacked by the leaf vein needles, indicating that the peanut was not a green light plant.

Xia Qing dug out the peanut plant with a shovel, squeezed out the juice and tested it. The light turned yellow.

The first plant was the yellow lantern, which quite surprised her. When Xia Qing picked down the ripe peanuts and put them in the bag, an evolved sharp-nosed viper lifted half of its body from the peanut bush and opened its mouth to scare Xia Qing.

This snake stood up and was almost as tall as Xia Qing. It was perfect for testing the quality of this piece of peanut.

Xia Qing quickly stretched out his hand to pinch the viper's neck, and turned it around in the peanut bushes. He found that there were at least thirty or forty green peanuts in this patch of peanuts!

Xia Qing happily put the Evolved Viper in his pocket. He first dug out the attacking Green Lantern peanut and shook off the soil. Then he soaked the peanut seedling in high-concentration salt water made from the salt found in the stone house. After inactivating it, the seedling was reconnected. Put them into large bags together.

 Then, Xia Qing carried the Evolved Viper to inspect the second peanut bush, accurately identified all the green peanuts, and put them into packaging bags.

 After harvesting the green-light peanuts, Xia Qing began to inspect the remaining peanuts one by one, distinguish the red-light peanuts from the yellow-light peanuts, and store them in categories.

This trip to Xia Qing harvested a total of 138 green-light peanuts, 246 yellow-light peanuts and more than 400 red-light peanuts. The harvest was very gratifying.

After harvesting the peanuts, Xia Qing did not rush to test other crops. Instead, she ran to the big stone where the three wolves were, took out the pollution-free spring water in her bag and let them drink. She also sat on the stone to rest.

It was one o'clock at noon, and it gets dark early in winter. In two hours, she had to set off back to her territory. It was also time for the alpha wolf and the broken-back wolf to return to their territory.

This valley is more than 20 meters wide and 700 meters long, but the only areas covered with soil are the farmland area more than 300 meters long to the west of the spring and the human living area more than 50 meters long to the east of the spring. The remaining 300 meters to the east are the future. Clear the gravel area. In other words, the planting area is less than one acre.

Xia Qing can take advantage of these two hours to test the quality of the plants in the valley and select the varieties that can continue to be planted.

After testing for more than an hour, Xia Qing only found three yellow vegetables: shallots, garlic sprouts and ginger, and one green vegetable: leeks. This result did not disappoint her.

There are hot springs here but there is no pollution-free water source, so it can only maintain a temperature suitable for plant growth. There is no high-quality soil to maintain plant stability, so most crops have turned into red lights. This is normal.

This is the Blue Star Natural Disaster Year when the living environment changes drastically.

If humans want to build a paradise, the first prerequisite is to have pollution-free water sources, technology or stone to repel poisonous elements, protective clothing and medicine to resist super-evolved bacteria or poisonous insects, and then a solid barrier that can defend against ferocious beasts and is suitable for human survival. temperature.

Without the former, humans who are not resistant to advanced evolution will not be able to continue to survive on the evolved blue star.

 Obviously, this family is not an advanced evolution of resistance.

 It’s almost three o’clock in the afternoon and it’s time to return to the territory. Xia Qing sent a message to Beard Feng, and after confirming the location of the ten-man team in Territory No. 9, he carried a backpack as high as one person and left the hidden valley with the wolves, exiting the bear cave and walking down the mountain.

After advancing more than 300 meters, the alpha wolf who was leading the way stopped, leaning down and exposing its fangs. The broken waist wolf and the sick wolf immediately stepped forward and stood on both sides of the alpha wolf, forming an attack formation of the wolf pack.

Thanks to the book friend Rouroujiang for the large reward, thank you all for your subscription support, good morning.

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